
  • 2019 年 12 月 23 日
  • 笔记

第六章 一次编程实践






  1. 计分数据

record { uint32 id primary auto_increase, uint8 round0_0, uint8 round0_1, uint8 round1_0, uint8 round1_1, … uint8 round9_0, uint8 round9_1, uint8 round10_0, uint8 round10_1, uint8 round10_2, }


record {    uint32 id primary auto_increase,    uint8 round0_0,    uint8 round0_1,    uint8 round1_0,    uint8 round1_1,    …    uint8 round9_0,    uint8 round9_1,    uint8 round10_0,    uint8 round10_1,    uint8 round10_2,}


  1. 团队数据

team { uint32 id primary auto_increase, string name, string religin, uint32 level }


team {    uint32 id primary auto_increase,    string name,    string religin,    uint32 level}

  1. 比赛数据

match { uint32 id primary auto_increase, uint64 time, uint32 team_a, uint32 team_b, uint32 record_a_id, uint32 record_b_id, uint32 winner_id, }


match {    uint32 id primary auto_increase,    uint64 time,    uint32 team_a,    uint32 team_b,    uint32 record_a_id,    uint32 record_b_id,    uint32 winner_id,}

winner_id 稍微考虑了一下 2 队比赛和多队比赛的可能性(不熟悉规则),以及后期搜索数据的效率。所以不使用 bool 类型。

通过比赛 id 可以构建比赛的三角形淘汰图。



public class Score { public static final int ROUNDS = 10; public static final int FULL_HITS = 10; public static final int TEN_ROUNDS_THROWS = 20; public static final int TOTAL_THROWS = TEN_ROUNDS_THROWS + 1; // 10 轮计分 private int[] scores = new int[ROUNDS]; // 如果是全中轮,则第二轮直接赋值 0,将特殊情况普通化。第十轮可能扔 3 次,所以一共 21 次。 private int[] throws = new int[TOTAL_THROWS]; public void currentRound = 0; public void currentThrowIndex = 0; // 用于友好标记不再变化的分数 public void determinedScoreRound = -1; public void throw(int hits) { if (!isPlaying()) { throw new IllegalStateException("it is ended"); } if (hits < 0 || hits > FULL_HITS) { throw new IllegalStateException("illegal throws score"); } boolean isRoundEnd = updateThrowsAndRounds(); if (isRoundEnd) { updateScores(); } } private boolean updateThrowsAndRounds() { throws[currentThrowIndex++] = throws; if (throws == FULL_HITS) { if (isAllFullHits() || isAllOneShot()) { if (currentThrowIndex == TOTAL_THROWS) { currentRound++; return true; } } else { throws[currentThrowIndex++] = 0; currentRound++; return true; } } return false; } private void updateScores() { if (isOneShot(beforeLastRound)) { final int calculateShots = 2; } while (int i = determinedScoreRound + 1; i < currentRound; i++) { if (updateScore(i)) { determinedScoreRound = i; } } } /** * @return boolean is the score determined **/ private boolean updateScore(int round) { int score = throws[round * 2] + throws[round * 2 + 1]; if (round == 0) { scores[round] = score; return true; } int lastRound = round – 1; score += scores[lastRound]; boolean lastRoundDetermined = determinedScoreRound >= lastRound; int calculateShots = 0; boolean needDeteminedRound = round; if (isOneShot(round)) { int calculateShots = 2; needDeteminedRound = round + 2; } else if (isFullHits(round) { int calculateShots = 1; needDeteminedRound = round + 1; } int nextRound = round + 1; while (calculateShots > 0 && nextRound < currentRound) { score += throws[nextRound * 2]; calculateShots–; if (isOneShot(nextRound)) { nextRound++; continue; } score += throws[nextRound * 2 + 1]; calculateShots–; nextRound++; } scores[round] = score; return lastRoundDetermined && calculateShots = 0; } public void isPlaying() { return currentRound < ROUNDS; } public void getRounds() { return currentRound + 1; } private boolean isOneShot(round) { return throws[round * 2] == FULL_HITS; } private boolean isFullHits(round) { return throws[round * 2] + throws[round * 2 + 1] == FULL_HITS; } // 10 轮补中 private boolean isAllFullHits() { if (currentThrowIndex < TEN_ROUNDS_THROWS) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < currentRound; i++) { if (!isFullHits(i)) { return false; } } return true; } // 10 轮全中 private boolean isAllOneShot() { if (currentThrowIndex < TEN_ROUNDS_THROWS – 1) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < currentRound; i++) { if (!isOneShot(i)) { return false; } } return true; } }


public class Score {    public static final int ROUNDS = 10;    public static final int FULL_HITS = 10;    public static final int TEN_ROUNDS_THROWS = 20;    public static final int TOTAL_THROWS = TEN_ROUNDS_THROWS + 1;     // 10 轮计分    private int[] scores = new int[ROUNDS];    // 如果是全中轮,则第二轮直接赋值 0,将特殊情况普通化。第十轮可能扔 3 次,所以一共 21 次。    private int[] throws = new int[TOTAL_THROWS];     public void currentRound = 0;    public void currentThrowIndex = 0;    // 用于友好标记不再变化的分数    public void determinedScoreRound = -1;     public void throw(int hits) {        if (!isPlaying()) {            throw new IllegalStateException("it is ended");        }         if (hits < 0 || hits > FULL_HITS) {            throw new IllegalStateException("illegal throws score");        }         boolean isRoundEnd = updateThrowsAndRounds();        if (isRoundEnd) {            updateScores();        }    }     private boolean updateThrowsAndRounds() {        throws[currentThrowIndex++] = throws;        if (throws == FULL_HITS) {            if (isAllFullHits() || isAllOneShot()) {                if (currentThrowIndex == TOTAL_THROWS) {                    currentRound++;                    return true;                }            } else {                throws[currentThrowIndex++] = 0;                currentRound++;                return true;            }        }        return false;    }     private void updateScores() {        if (isOneShot(beforeLastRound)) {            final int calculateShots = 2;        }         while (int i = determinedScoreRound + 1; i < currentRound; i++) {            if (updateScore(i)) {                determinedScoreRound = i;            }        }    }     /**     * @return boolean is the score determined     **/    private boolean updateScore(int round) {        int score = throws[round * 2] + throws[round * 2 + 1];        if (round == 0) {            scores[round] = score;            return true;        }         int lastRound = round – 1;        score += scores[lastRound];        boolean lastRoundDetermined = determinedScoreRound >= lastRound;         int calculateShots = 0;        boolean needDeteminedRound = round;        if (isOneShot(round)) {            int calculateShots = 2;            needDeteminedRound = round + 2;        } else if (isFullHits(round) {            int calculateShots = 1;            needDeteminedRound = round + 1;        }         int nextRound = round + 1;        while (calculateShots > 0 && nextRound < currentRound) {            score += throws[nextRound * 2];            calculateShots–;             if (isOneShot(nextRound)) {                nextRound++;                continue;            }             score += throws[nextRound * 2 + 1];            calculateShots–;            nextRound++;        }         scores[round] = score;        return lastRoundDetermined && calculateShots = 0;    }     public void isPlaying() {        return currentRound < ROUNDS;    }     public void getRounds() {        return currentRound + 1;    }     private boolean isOneShot(round) {        return throws[round * 2] == FULL_HITS;    }     private boolean isFullHits(round) {        return throws[round * 2] + throws[round * 2 + 1] == FULL_HITS;    }     // 10 轮补中    private boolean isAllFullHits() {        if (currentThrowIndex < TEN_ROUNDS_THROWS) {            return false;        }        for (int i = 0; i < currentRound; i++) {            if (!isFullHits(i)) {                return false;            }        }        return true;    }     // 10 轮全中    private boolean isAllOneShot() {        if (currentThrowIndex < TEN_ROUNDS_THROWS – 1) {            return false;        }        for (int i = 0; i < currentRound; i++) {            if (!isOneShot(i)) {                return false;            }        }        return true;    }}



首先发现文章一开始提出了 Frame 和 Throw 的概念,而我的代码跳跃性的直接用 int 和 int[] 作为表示。尽管文中也讨论了是否需要这两个对象,但我觉得确实对象化确实是应对复杂软件的良好解决办法。

到了文章中部,他们也用到了 21 和 currentThrow,currentFrame 这两几概念,但很快被质疑了,因为他们不易理解。而不易理解意味着难读懂,更意味着程序容易出错。

同样文中的 scoreForFrame 和我的 updateScore 功能相似。但他们一开始就想到这样设计,因为他们是测试驱动的,或者说是使用用例驱动的。而我是在编写的最后发现原有办法(每次 throw 更新几个 round 的值)难以编写才想出来的。

文中没有 scores 数组,取值由函数代替。这符合尽量简单的原则,依照他们的思路,确实也不需要这个。我现在觉得我这个 scores 数组也非常累赘。


文中的程序性能较差,因为每次获取分数都要从 0 算起,但也减少了很多没必要的变量,例如我的 determinedScoreRound。再说,这程序需要考虑性能吗?



不太赞同为了独立 handleSecondThrow 把好几个局部变量变成全局变量。不过后面的重构也优化了一些,也许先移出去简化结构也是一种好的办法。但 ball 这个临时状态变量还是存在。

ball 也被移到一个计算分数的类 Scorer 去了。

文中最后否定了 Frame 和 Throw 这两个类,增加了 Scorer 类。文中倡导从 Game 开始设计,即自上而下设计。

文中通过限制轮数最大为 11 来处理多投一次的情况,超过 11 轮还是等于 11 轮。是否允许多投 1 或 2 次取决于输入(裁判)。


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