
  • 2019 年 10 月 8 日
  • 筆記







#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <string.h>  #define MAXLEN 1000    void getNext(const char *pat, int *next, const int n) {  /* assume n >= 2 */      int i, j;      for (next[0] = -1, next[1] = 0, i = 1, j = 0; i < n - 1;) {          while (j != -1 && pat[i] != pat[j])              j = next[j];          next[++i] = ++j;      }  }    int KMP(const char *temp, const int m, const char *pat, const int n) {      int i, j;      int *next = (int*) malloc(sizeof(int) * n);      getNext(pat, next, n);      for (i = 0, j = 0; i < m && j < n;) {          if (j == -1 || temp[i] == pat[j]) {              i++;              j++;          } else {              j = next[j];          }      }      free(next);      if (j < n)          return -1;      return i - j;  }    int main(void) {      char t[MAXLEN], p[MAXLEN];      int index;      printf("the temp str: ");      scanf("%s", t);      printf("the pattern str: ");      scanf("%s", p);      if ((index = KMP(t, strlen(t), p, strlen(p))) == -1)          printf("Not found!n");      else          printf("Index is %d.n", index);      return 0;  }  





#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <string.h>  #define N 26  #define MAXLEN 1000    struct Node {      struct Node *a[N];      int is_end;  };  typedef struct Node *tnode;    tnode init() {      tnode p;      int i;      if ((p = (tnode) malloc(sizeof(struct Node))) == NULL) {          fputs("Error: out of space!n", stderr);          exit(1);      }      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)          p->a[i] = NULL;      p->is_end = 0;      return p;  }    void delete(tnode p) {      int i;      for (i = 0; i < N; i++)          if (p->a[i] != NULL)              delete(p->a[i]);      free(p);  }    void insert(const char *s, tnode p) {      int i;      while (*s != 'n' && *s != '') {          i = *s - 'a';          if (p->a[i] == NULL) {              p->a[i] = init();          }          p = p->a[i];          s++;      }      p->is_end = 1;  }    int find(const char *s, tnode p) {      int i;      while (*s != 'n' && *s != '') {          i = *s - 'a';          if (p->a[i] == NULL)              return 0;          p = p->a[i];          s++;      }      if (p->is_end)          return 1;      return 0;  }    void strLower(char *s) {      while (*s != '') {          if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') {              *s += 32;          }          s++;      }  }    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {      FILE *fpp, *fpw;      char buf[MAXLEN];      tnode root = init();      if (argc < 3) {          fputs("Usage: trie.exe <pattern.txt> <words.txt>n", stderr);          exit(2);      }      if ((fpw = fopen(argv[2], "r")) == NULL) {          fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open %sn", argv[2]);          exit(4);      }      while (fgets(buf, MAXLEN, fpw) != NULL) {          strLower(buf);          insert(buf, root);      }      if (! feof(fpw)) {          fprintf(stderr, "Error: error while reading %sn", argv[2]);          exit(8);      }      fclose(fpw);      if ((fpp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {          fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open %sn", argv[1]);          exit(4);      }      while (fgets(buf, MAXLEN, fpp) != NULL) {          strLower(buf);          if (find(buf, root))              printf("%s", buf);      }      if (! feof(fpp)) {          fprintf(stderr, "Error: error while reading %sn", argv[1]);          exit(8);      }      fclose(fpp);      delete(root);  }  



how are you


lily we are friends



  • 預先將多個模式串裝填進Trie樹中。
  • 在進行查找(匹配)之前,對Trie樹中的每個有效節點構建fail指針,該指針的作用類似KMP演算法中next數組的作用:如果到該節點時匹配失敗,就可以利用fail指針跳轉到下一個可利用節點繼續進行匹配,從而避免了模板串的回溯而提升查找效率。




  • 在對Trie樹里所有有效節點構建fail指針的過程中,採用了BFS(廣度優先搜索)的策略,具體的實現是利用了隊列這種數據結構。採用BFS的原因是Trie樹中某一層節點的fail指針指向的節點一定是來自於上面的層(可能是上面第一層,也有可能是上面第二層等等,甚至是根節點)。
  • 無論是Trie樹還是隊列,都是利用一種鏈表實現的,不得不感嘆,對鏈表進行操作真是很容易出錯,經常要填坑。


#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #define ALPHA_NUM 26  #define QUEUE_EMPTY NULL  #define BUFSIZE 64  #define MAXTEMP 10000    /* Data structure for trie */  struct TNode {      struct TNode *a[ALPHA_NUM];      struct TNode *fail;      struct TNode *parent;      int c;      int is_end;  };  typedef struct TNode *tnode;    tnode initTrie(int c, tnode parent) {      tnode p;      int i;      if ((p = (tnode) malloc(sizeof(struct TNode))) == NULL) {          fputs("Error: out of space!n", stderr);          exit(1);      }      for (i = 0; i < ALPHA_NUM; i++)          p->a[i] = NULL;      p->fail = NULL;      p->parent = parent;      p->c = c;      p->is_end = 0;      return p;  }    void deleteTrie(tnode p) {      int i;      for (i = 0; i < ALPHA_NUM; i++)          if (p->a[i] != NULL)              deleteTrie(p->a[i]);      free(p);  }    void insertTrie(const char *s, tnode p) {      int i;      while (*s != 'n' && *s != '') {          i = *s - 'a';          if (p->a[i] == NULL) {              p->a[i] = initTrie(*s, p);          }          p = p->a[i];          s++;      }      p->is_end = 1;  }    /*  void printTrie(tnode p) {      int i;      printf("%c ", p->c);      for (i = 0; i < ALPHA_NUM; i++) {          if (p->a[i] != NULL)              printTrie(p->a[i]);      }  }  */    void backtrack(char *s, const int n, tnode p) {      int i, j, c;      for (i = 0; i < n - 1 && p != NULL && p->parent != NULL; i++) {          s[i] = p->c;          p = p->parent;      }      if (i >= n - 1) {          fputs("Error: pattern word is too long!n", stderr);          exit(2);      }      for (j = 0; j < i / 2; j++) {          c = s[j];          s[j] = s[i - 1 - j];          s[i - 1 - j] = c;      }      s[i] = '';  }    /* Data structure for queue */  typedef tnode QNodeType;    struct QNode {      QNodeType value;      struct QNode *next;  };  typedef struct QNode *qnode;    qnode initQueue(QNodeType v) {      qnode p;      if ((p = (qnode) malloc(sizeof(struct QNode))) == NULL) {          fputs("Error: out of space!n", stderr);          exit(1);      }      p->value = v;      p->next = NULL;      return p;  }    void addQueue(QNodeType v, qnode head) {      qnode p;      for (p = head; p->next != NULL; p = p->next)          ;      p->next = initQueue(v);  }    int isEmptyQueue(qnode head) {      return head->next == NULL ? 1 : 0;  }    QNodeType popQueue(qnode head) {      qnode p;      QNodeType q;      if (isEmptyQueue(head))          return QUEUE_EMPTY;      else {          p = head->next;          head->next = p->next;          q = p->value;          free(p);          return q;      }  }    void destroyQueue(qnode head) {      while (popQueue(head) != QUEUE_EMPTY)          ;      free(head);  }    void strLower(char *s) {      while (*s != '') {          if (*s >= 'A' && *s <= 'Z') {              *s += 32;          }          s++;      }  }    void getFailPointer(tnode root) {      int i;      qnode head = initQueue(NULL);      tnode this, tmp;      addQueue(root, head);      while (! isEmptyQueue(head)) {          this = popQueue(head);          for (i = 0; i < ALPHA_NUM; i++) {              if (this->a[i] != NULL) {                  addQueue(this->a[i], head);                  tmp = this;                  while (tmp->fail != NULL) {                      if (tmp->fail->a[i] != NULL) {                          this->a[i]->fail = tmp->fail->a[i];                          break;                      } else {                          tmp = tmp->fail;                      }                  }                  if (tmp->fail == NULL)                      this->a[i]->fail = root;              }          }      }      destroyQueue(head);  }    void ACauto(char *buf, const int n, char *temp, tnode root) {      char *s = temp;      tnode p, tmp;      int i;      for (p = root; *s != ''; s++) {          i = *s - 'a';          while (p->a[i] == NULL && p->fail != NULL)  /* 這裡必須先判斷p->a[i],否則有可能錯過root->a[i] != NULL的情況 */              p = p->fail;          if ((p = p->a[i]) == NULL)              p = root;          for (tmp = p; tmp->fail != NULL; tmp = tmp->fail)              if (tmp->is_end) {                  backtrack(buf, BUFSIZE, tmp);                  printf("%sn", buf);              }      }  }    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {      FILE *fpp, *fpt;      char buf[BUFSIZE];      char temp[MAXTEMP];      tnode root = initTrie('', NULL);      int n;      if (argc < 3) {          fputs("Usage: trie.exe <pattern.txt> <template.txt>n", stderr);          exit(2);      }      if ((fpp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL) {          fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open %sn", argv[1]);          exit(4);      }      while (fgets(buf, BUFSIZE, fpp) != NULL) {          strLower(buf);          insertTrie(buf, root);      }      if (! feof(fpp)) {          fprintf(stderr, "Error: error while reading %sn", argv[1]);          exit(8);      }      fclose(fpp);      if ((fpt = fopen(argv[2], "r")) == NULL) {          fprintf(stderr, "Error: cannot open %sn", argv[2]);          exit(4);      }      n = fread(temp, 1, MAXTEMP - 1, fpt);      temp[n] = '';      strLower(temp);      if (! feof(fpt)) {          fprintf(stderr, "Error: error while reading %sn", argv[2]);          exit(8);      }      fclose(fpt);      getFailPointer(root);      ACauto(buf, BUFSIZE, temp, root);      deleteTrie(root);  }



how are you


