

import socket,select,thread;    host=socket.gethostname()  port=5963  addr=(host,port)    inputs=[]  fd_name={}    def who_in_room(w):      name_list=[]      for k in w:          name_list.append(w[k])        return name_list    def conn():      print 'runing'      ss=socket.socket()      ss.bind(addr)      ss.listen(5)        return ss    def new_coming(ss):      client,add=ss.accept()      print 'welcome %s %s' % (client,add)      wel='''welcome into the talking room .      please decide your name.....'''      try:          client.send(wel)          name=client.recv(1024)          inputs.append(client)          fd_name[client]=name            nameList="Some people in talking room, these are %s" % (who_in_room(fd_name))          client.send(nameList)        except Exception,e:          print e    def server_run():        ss=conn()      inputs.append(ss)        while True:          r,w,,[],[])          for temp in r:              if temp is ss:                  new_coming(ss)              else:                  disconnect=False                  try:                      data= temp.recv(1024)                      data=fd_name[temp]+' say : '+data                  except socket.error:                      data=fd_name[temp]+' leave the room'                      disconnect=True                    if disconnect:                      inputs.remove(temp)                      print data                      for other in inputs:                          if other!=ss and other!=temp:                              try:                                  other.send(data)                              except Exception,e:                                  print e                      del fd_name[temp]                    else:                      print data                        for other in inputs:                          if other!=ss and other!=temp:                              try:                                  other.send(data)                              except Exception,e:                                  print e    if __name__=='__main__':      server_run()

import socket,select,threading,sys;    host=socket.gethostname()    addr=(host,5963)    def conn():      s=socket.socket()      s.connect(addr)      return s    def lis(s):      my=[s]      while True:          r,w,,[],[])          if s in r:              try:                  print s.recv(1024)              except socket.error:                  print 'socket is error'                  exit()    def talk(s):      while True:          try:              info=raw_input()          except Exception,e:              print 'can't input'              exit()          try:              s.send(info)          except Exception,e:              print e              exit()    def main():      ss=conn()      t=threading.Thread(target=lis,args=(ss,))      t.start()      t1=threading.Thread(target=talk,args=(ss,))      t1.start()  if __name__=='__main__':      main()

