Cocos Creator 通用框架设计 —— 网络

  • 2019 年 10 月 16 日
  • 笔记



在实现这个网络框架之前,我们先了解一下websocket,websocket是一种基于tcp的全双工网络协议,可以让网页创建持久性的连接,进行双向的通讯。在Cocos Creator中使用websocket既可以用于h5网页游戏上,同样支持原生平台Android和iOS。




  • 协议:必选项,默认是ws协议,如果需要安全加密则使用wss。
  • 地址:必选项,可以是ip或域名,当然建议使用域名。
  • 端口:可选项,在不指定的情况下,ws的默认端口为80,wss的默认端口为443。
  • 资源:可选性,一般是跟在域名后某资源路径,我们基本不需要它。



  • 0 CONNECTING 尚未建立连接。
  • 1 OPEN WebSocket连接已建立,可以进行通信。
  • 2 CLOSING 连接正在进行关闭握手,或者该close()方法已被调用。
  • 3 CLOSED 连接已关闭。


websocket只有2个API,void send( data ) 发送数据和void close( code, reason ) 关闭连接。

send方法只接收一个参数——即要发送的数据,类型可以是以下4个类型的任意一种string | ArrayBufferLike | Blob | ArrayBufferView



  • 检测websocket对象的readyState是否为OPEN,是才进行send。
  • 检测websocket对象的bufferedAmount是否为0,是才进行send(为了避免消息堆积,该属性表示调用send后堆积在websocket缓冲区的还未真正发送出去的数据长度)。




  • onopen:连接成功后调用。
  • onmessage:有消息过来时调用:传入的对象有data属性,可能是字符串、blob或arraybuffer。
  • onerror:出现网络错误时调用:传入的对象有data属性,通常是错误描述的字符串。
  • onclose:连接关闭时调用:传入的对象有code、reason、wasClean等属性。



下面websocket官网的echo demo的代码,可以将其写入一个html文件中并用浏览器打开,打开后会自动创建websocket连接,在连接上时主动发送了一条消息“WebSocket rocks”,服务器会将该消息返回,触发onMessage,将信息打印到屏幕上,然后关闭连接。具体可以参考 。


  <!DOCTYPE html>    <meta charset="utf-8" />    <title>WebSocket Test</title>    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">      var wsUri = "ws://";    var output;      function init() {      output = document.getElementById("output");      testWebSocket();    }      function testWebSocket() {      // 初始化websocket,绑定回调      websocket = new WebSocket(wsUri);      websocket.onopen = onOpen;      websocket.onclose = onClose;      websocket.onmessage = onMessage;      websocket.onerror = onError;    }      function onOpen(evt) {      writeToScreen("CONNECTED");      doSend("WebSocket rocks");    }      function onClose(evt) {      writeToScreen("DISCONNECTED");    }      function onMessage(evt) {      writeToScreen('<span style="color: blue;">RESPONSE: ' +'</span>');      websocket.close();    }      function onError(evt) {      writeToScreen('<span style="color: red;">ERROR:</span> ' +;    }      function doSend(message) {      writeToScreen("SENT: " + message);      websocket.send(message);    }      function writeToScreen(message) {      var pre = document.createElement("p"); = "break-word";      pre.innerHTML = message;      output.appendChild(pre);    }      // 加载时调用init方法,初始化websocket    window.addEventListener("load", init, false);    </script>      <h2>WebSocket Test</h2>    <div id="output"></div>





  • 用户协议差异,游戏可能传输json、protobuf、flatbuffer或者自定义的二进制协议
  • 底层协议差异,我们可能使用websocket、或者微信小游戏的wx.websocket、甚至在原生平台我们希望使用tcp/udp/kcp等协议
  • 登陆认证流程,在使用长连接之前我们理应进行登陆认证,而不同游戏登陆认证的方式不同
  • 网络异常处理,比如超时时间是多久,超时后的表现是怎样的,请求时是否应该屏蔽UI等待服务器响应,网络断开后表现如何,自动重连还是由玩家点击重连按钮进行重连,重连之后是否重发断网期间的消息?等等这些。
  • 多连接的处理,某些游戏可能需要支持多个不同的连接,一般不会超过2个,比如一个主连接负责处理大厅等业务消息,一个战斗连接直接连战斗服务器,或者连接聊天服务器。



  • ProtocolHelper协议处理模块——当我们拿到一块buffer时,我们可能需要知道这个buffer对应的协议或者id是多少,比如我们在请求的时候就传入了响应的处理回调,那么常用的做法可能会用一个自增的id来区别每一个请求,或者是用协议号来区分不同的请求,这些是开发者需要实现的。我们还需要从buffer中获取包的长度是多少?包长的合理范围是多少?心跳包长什么样子等等。
  • Socket模块——实现最基础的通讯功能,首先定义Socket的接口类ISocket,定义如连接、关闭、数据接收与发送等接口,然后子类继承并实现这些接口。
  • NetworkTips网络显示模块——实现如连接中、重连中、加载中、网络断开等状态的显示,以及ui的屏蔽。
  • NetNode网络节点——所谓网络节点,其实主要的职责是将上面的功能串联起来,为用户提供一个易用的接口。
  • NetManager管理网络节点的单例——我们可能有多个网络节点(多条连接),所以这里使用单例来进行管理,使用单例来操作网络节点也会更加方便。



export type NetData = (string | ArrayBufferLike | Blob | ArrayBufferView);    // 协议辅助接口  export interface IProtocolHelper {      getHeadlen(): number;                   // 返回包头长度      getHearbeat(): NetData;                 // 返回一个心跳包      getPackageLen(msg: NetData): number;    // 返回整个包的长度      checkPackage(msg: NetData): boolean;    // 检查包数据是否合法      getPackageId(msg: NetData): number;     // 返回包的id或协议类型  }



// Socket接口  export interface ISocket {      onConnected: (event) => void;           // 连接回调      onMessage: (msg: NetData) => void;      // 消息回调      onError: (event) => void;               // 错误回调      onClosed: (event) => void;              // 关闭回调        connect(ip: string, port: number);      // 连接接口      send(buffer: NetData);                  // 数据发送接口      close(code?: number, reason?: string);  // 关闭接口  }


export class WebSock implements ISocket {      private _ws: WebSocket = null;              // websocket对象        onConnected: (event) => void = null;      onMessage: (msg) => void = null;      onError: (event) => void = null;      onClosed: (event) => void = null;        connect(options: any) {          if (this._ws) {              if (this._ws.readyState === WebSocket.CONNECTING) {                  console.log("websocket connecting, wait for a moment...")                  return false;              }          }            let url = null;          if(options.url) {              url = options.url;          } else {              let ip = options.ip;              let port = options.port;              let protocol = options.protocol;              url = `${protocol}://${ip}:${port}`;          }            this._ws = new WebSocket(url);          this._ws.binaryType = options.binaryType ? options.binaryType : "arraybuffer";          this._ws.onmessage = (event) => {              this.onMessage(;          };          this._ws.onopen = this.onConnected;          this._ws.onerror = this.onError;          this._ws.onclose = this.onClosed;          return true;      }        send(buffer: NetData) {          if (this._ws.readyState == WebSocket.OPEN)          {              this._ws.send(buffer);              return true;          }          return false;      }        close(code?: number, reason?: string) {          this._ws.close();      }  }



// 网络提示接口  export interface INetworkTips {      connectTips(isShow: boolean): void;      reconnectTips(isShow: boolean): void;      requestTips(isShow: boolean): void;  }



  • 连接维护
    • 连接的建立与鉴权(是否鉴权、如何鉴权由用户的回调决定)
    • 断线重连后的数据重发处理
    • 心跳机制确保连接有效(心跳包间隔由配置,心跳包的内容由ProtocolHelper定义)
    • 连接的关闭
  • 数据发送
    • 支持断线重传,超时重传
    • 支持唯一发送(避免同一时间重复发送)
  • 数据接收
    • 支持持续监听
    • 支持request-respone模式
  • 界面展示
    • 可自定义网络延迟、短线重连等状态的表现


export enum NetTipsType {      Connecting,      ReConnecting,      Requesting,  }    export enum NetNodeState {      Closed,                     // 已关闭      Connecting,                 // 连接中      Checking,                   // 验证中      Working,                    // 可传输数据  }    export interface NetConnectOptions {      host?: string,              // 地址      port?: number,              // 端口      url?: string,               // url,与地址+端口二选一      autoReconnect?: number,     // -1 永久重连,0不自动重连,其他正整数为自动重试次数  }    export class NetNode {      protected _connectOptions: NetConnectOptions = null;      protected _autoReconnect: number = 0;      protected _isSocketInit: boolean = false;                               // Socket是否初始化过      protected _isSocketOpen: boolean = false;                               // Socket是否连接成功过      protected _state: NetNodeState = NetNodeState.Closed;                   // 节点当前状态      protected _socket: ISocket = null;                                      // Socket对象(可能是原生socket、websocket、wx.socket...)        protected _networkTips: INetworkTips = null;                            // 网络提示ui对象(请求提示、断线重连提示等)      protected _protocolHelper: IProtocolHelper = null;                      // 包解析对象      protected _connectedCallback: CheckFunc = null;                         // 连接完成回调      protected _disconnectCallback: BoolFunc = null;                         // 断线回调      protected _callbackExecuter: ExecuterFunc = null;                       // 回调执行        protected _keepAliveTimer: any = null;                                  // 心跳定时器      protected _receiveMsgTimer: any = null;                                 // 接收数据定时器      protected _reconnectTimer: any = null;                                  // 重连定时器      protected _heartTime: number = 10000;                                   // 心跳间隔      protected _receiveTime: number = 6000000;                               // 多久没收到数据断开      protected _reconnetTimeOut: number = 8000000;                           // 重连间隔      protected _requests: RequestObject[] = Array<RequestObject>();          // 请求列表      protected _listener: { [key: number]: CallbackObject[] } = {}           // 监听者列表        /********************** 网络相关处理 *********************/      public init(socket: ISocket, protocol: IProtocolHelper, networkTips: any = null, execFunc : ExecuterFunc = null) {          console.log(`NetNode init socket`);          this._socket = socket;          this._protocolHelper = protocol;          this._networkTips = networkTips;          this._callbackExecuter = execFunc ? execFunc : (callback: CallbackObject, buffer: NetData) => {    , 0, buffer);          }      }        public connect(options: NetConnectOptions): boolean {          if (this._socket && this._state == NetNodeState.Closed) {              if (!this._isSocketInit) {                  this.initSocket();              }              this._state = NetNodeState.Connecting;              if (!this._socket.connect(options)) {                  this.updateNetTips(NetTipsType.Connecting, false);                  return false;              }                if (this._connectOptions == null) {                  options.autoReconnect = options.autoReconnect;              }              this._connectOptions = options;              this.updateNetTips(NetTipsType.Connecting, true);              return true;          }          return false;      }        protected initSocket() {          this._socket.onConnected = (event) => { this.onConnected(event) };          this._socket.onMessage = (msg) => { this.onMessage(msg) };          this._socket.onError = (event) => { this.onError(event) };          this._socket.onClosed = (event) => { this.onClosed(event) };          this._isSocketInit = true;      }        protected updateNetTips(tipsType: NetTipsType, isShow: boolean) {          if (this._networkTips) {              if (tipsType == NetTipsType.Requesting) {                  this._networkTips.requestTips(isShow);              } else if (tipsType == NetTipsType.Connecting) {                  this._networkTips.connectTips(isShow);              } else if (tipsType == NetTipsType.ReConnecting) {                  this._networkTips.reconnectTips(isShow);              }          }      }        // 网络连接成功      protected onConnected(event) {          console.log("NetNode onConnected!")          this._isSocketOpen = true;          // 如果设置了鉴权回调,在连接完成后进入鉴权阶段,等待鉴权结束          if (this._connectedCallback !== null) {              this._state = NetNodeState.Checking;              this._connectedCallback(() => { this.onChecked() });          } else {              this.onChecked();          }          console.log("NetNode onConnected! state =" + this._state);      }        // 连接验证成功,进入工作状态      protected onChecked() {          console.log("NetNode onChecked!")          this._state = NetNodeState.Working;          // 关闭连接或重连中的状态显示          this.updateNetTips(NetTipsType.Connecting, false);          this.updateNetTips(NetTipsType.ReConnecting, false);            // 重发待发送信息          console.log(`NetNode flush ${this._requests.length} request`)          if (this._requests.length > 0) {              for (var i = 0; i < this._requests.length;) {                  let req = this._requests[i];                  this._socket.send(req.buffer);                  if (req.rspObject == null || req.rspCmd <= 0) {                      this._requests.splice(i, 1);                  } else {                      ++i;                  }              }              // 如果还有等待返回的请求,启动网络请求层              this.updateNetTips(NetTipsType.Requesting, this.request.length > 0);          }      }        // 接收到一个完整的消息包      protected onMessage(msg): void {          // console.log(`NetNode onMessage status = ` + this._state);          // 进行头部的校验(实际包长与头部长度是否匹配)          if (!this._protocolHelper.check P a c ka ge(msg)) {              console.error(`NetNode checkHead Error`);              return;          }          // 接受到数据,重新定时收数据计时器          this.resetReceiveMsgTimer();          // 重置心跳包发送器          this.resetHearbeatTimer();          // 触发消息执行          let rspCmd = this._protocolHelper.getPackageId(msg);          console.log(`NetNode onMessage rspCmd = ` + rspCmd);          // 优先触发request队列          if (this._requests.length > 0) {              for (let reqIdx in this._requests) {                  let req = this._requests[reqIdx];                  if (req.rspCmd == rspCmd) {                      console.log(`NetNode execute request rspcmd ${rspCmd}`);                      this._callbackExecuter(req.rspObject, msg);                      this._requests.splice(parseInt(reqIdx), 1);                      break;                  }              }              console.log(`NetNode still has ${this._requests.length} request watting`);              if (this._requests.length == 0) {                  this.updateNetTips(NetTipsType.Requesting, false);              }          }            let listeners = this._listener[rspCmd];          if (null != listeners) {              for (const rsp of listeners) {                  console.log(`NetNode execute listener cmd ${rspCmd}`);                  this._callbackExecuter(rsp, msg);              }          }      }        protected onError(event) {          console.error(event);      }        protected onClosed(event) {          this.clearTimer();            // 执行断线回调,返回false表示不进行重连          if (this._disconnectCallback && !this._disconnectCallback()) {              console.log(`disconnect return!`)              return;          }            // 自动重连          if (this.isAutoReconnect()) {              this.updateNetTips(NetTipsType.ReConnecting, true);              this._reconnectTimer = setTimeout(() => {                  this._socket.close();                  this._state = NetNodeState.Closed;                  this.connect(this._connectOptions);                  if (this._autoReconnect > 0) {                      this._autoReconnect -= 1;                  }              }, this._reconnetTimeOut);          } else {              this._state = NetNodeState.Closed;          }      }        public close(code?: number, reason?: string) {          this.clearTimer();          this._listener = {};          this._requests.length = 0;          if (this._networkTips) {              this._networkTips.connectTips(false);              this._networkTips.reconnectTips(false);              this._networkTips.requestTips(false);          }          if (this._socket) {              this._socket.close(code, reason);          } else {              this._state = NetNodeState.Closed;          }      }        // 只是关闭Socket套接字(仍然重用缓存与当前状态)      public closeSocket(code?: number, reason?: string) {          if (this._socket) {              this._socket.close(code, reason);          }      }        // 发起请求,如果当前处于重连中,进入缓存列表等待重连完成后发送      public send(buf: NetData, force: boolean = false): boolean {          if (this._state == NetNodeState.Working || force) {              console.log(`socket send ...`);              return this._socket.send(buf);          } else if (this._state == NetNodeState.Checking ||              this._state == NetNodeState.Connecting) {              this._requests.push({                  buffer: buf,                  rspCmd: 0,                  rspObject: null              });              console.log("NetNode socket is busy, push to send buffer, current state is " + this._state);              return true;          } else {              console.error("NetNode request error! current state is " + this._state);              return false;          }      }        // 发起请求,并进入缓存列表      public request(buf: NetData, rspCmd: number, rspObject: CallbackObject, showTips: boolean = true, force: boolean = false) {          if (this._state == NetNodeState.Working || force) {              this._socket.send(buf);          }          console.log(`NetNode request with timeout for ${rspCmd}`);          // 进入发送缓存列表          this._requests.push({              buffer: buf, rspCmd, rspObject          });          // 启动网络请求层          if (showTips) {              this.updateNetTips(NetTipsType.Requesting, true);          }      }        // 唯一request,确保没有同一响应的请求(避免一个请求重复发送,netTips界面的屏蔽也是一个好的方法)      public requestUnique(buf: NetData, rspCmd: number, rspObject: CallbackObject, showTips: boolean = true, force: boolean = false): boolean {          for (let i = 0; i < this._requests.length; ++i) {              if (this._requests[i].rspCmd == rspCmd) {                  console.log(`NetNode requestUnique faile for ${rspCmd}`);                  return false;              }          }          this.request(buf, rspCmd, rspObject, showTips, force);          return true;      }        /********************** 回调相关处理 *********************/      public setResponeHandler(cmd: number, callback: NetCallFunc, target?: any): boolean {          if (callback == null) {              console.error(`NetNode setResponeHandler error ${cmd}`);              return false;          }          this._listener[cmd] = [{ target, callback }];          return true;      }        public addResponeHandler(cmd: number, callback: NetCallFunc, target?: any): boolean {          if (callback == null) {              console.error(`NetNode addResponeHandler error ${cmd}`);              return false;          }          let rspObject = { target, callback };          if (null == this._listener[cmd]) {              this._listener[cmd] = [rspObject];          } else {              let index = this.getNetListenersIndex(cmd, rspObject);              if (-1 == index) {                  this._listener[cmd].push(rspObject);              }          }          return true;      }        public removeResponeHandler(cmd: number, callback: NetCallFunc, target?: any) {          if (null != this._listener[cmd] && callback != null) {              let index = this.getNetListenersIndex(cmd, { target, callback });              if (-1 != index) {                  this._listener[cmd].splice(index, 1);              }          }      }        public cleanListeners(cmd: number = -1) {          if (cmd == -1) {              this._listener = {}          } else {              this._listener[cmd] = null;          }      }        protected getNetListenersIndex(cmd: number, rspObject: CallbackObject): number {          let index = -1;          for (let i = 0; i < this._listener[cmd].length; i++) {              let iterator = this._listener[cmd][i];              if (iterator.callback == rspObject.callback                  && == {                  index = i;                  break;              }          }          return index;      }        /********************** 心跳、超时相关处理 *********************/      protected resetReceiveMsgTimer() {          if (this._receiveMsgTimer !== null) {              clearTimeout(this._receiveMsgTimer);          }            this._receiveMsgTimer = setTimeout(() => {              console.warn("NetNode recvieMsgTimer close socket!");              this._socket.close();          }, this._receiveTime);      }        protected resetHearbeatTimer() {          if (this._keepAliveTimer !== null) {              clearTimeout(this._keepAliveTimer);          }            this._keepAliveTimer = setTimeout(() => {              console.log("NetNode keepAliveTimer send Hearbeat")              this.send(this._protocolHelper.getHearbeat());          }, this._heartTime);      }        protected clearTimer() {          if (this._receiveMsgTimer !== null) {              clearTimeout(this._receiveMsgTimer);          }          if (this._keepAliveTimer !== null) {              clearTimeout(this._keepAliveTimer);          }          if (this._reconnectTimer !== null) {              clearTimeout(this._reconnectTimer);          }      }        public isAutoReconnect() {          return this._autoReconnect != 0;      }        public rejectReconnect() {          this._autoReconnect = 0;          this.clearTimer();      }  }



export class NetManager {      private static _instance: NetManager = null;      protected _channels: { [key: number]: NetNode } = {};        public static getInstance(): NetManager {          if (this._instance == null) {              this._instance = new NetManager();          }          return this._instance;      }        // 添加Node,返回ChannelID      public setNetNode(newNode: NetNode, channelId: number = 0) {          this._channels[channelId] = newNode;      }        // 移除Node      public removeNetNode(channelId: number) {          delete this._channels[channelId];      }        // 调用Node连接      public connect(options: NetConnectOptions, channelId: number = 0): boolean {          if (this._channels[channelId]) {              return this._channels[channelId].connect(options);          }          return false;      }        // 调用Node发送      public send(buf: NetData, force: boolean = false, channelId: number = 0): boolean {          let node = this._channels[channelId];          if(node) {              return node.send(buf, force);          }          return false;      }        // 发起请求,并在在结果返回时调用指定好的回调函数      public request(buf: NetData, rspCmd: number, rspObject: CallbackObject, showTips: boolean = true, force: boolean = false, channelId: number = 0) {          let node = this._channels[channelId];          if(node) {              node.request(buf, rspCmd, rspObject, showTips, force);          }      }        // 同request,但在request之前会先判断队列中是否已有rspCmd,如有重复的则直接返回      public requestUnique(buf: NetData, rspCmd: number, rspObject: CallbackObject, showTips: boolean = true, force: boolean = false, channelId: number = 0): boolean {          let node = this._channels[channelId];          if(node) {              return node.requestUnique(buf, rspCmd, rspObject, showTips, force);          }          return false;      }        // 调用Node关闭      public close(code?: number, reason?: string, channelId: number = 0) {          if (this._channels[channelId]) {              return this._channels[channelId].closeSocket(code, reason);          }      }






// 不关键的代码省略    @ccclass  export default class NetExample extends cc.Component {      @property(cc.Label)      textLabel: cc.Label = null;      @property(cc.Label)      urlLabel: cc.Label = null;      @property(cc.RichText)      msgLabel: cc.RichText = null;      private lineCount: number = 0;        onLoad() {          let Node = new NetNode();          Node.init(new WebSock(), new DefStringProtocol());          Node.setResponeHandler(0, (cmd: number, data: NetData) => {              if (this.lineCount > 5) {                  let idx ="n");                  this.msgLabel.string = this.msgLabel.string.substr(idx + 1);              }              this.msgLabel.string += `${data}n`;              ++this.lineCount;          });          NetManager.getInstance().setNetNode(Node);      }        onConnectClick() {          NetManager.getInstance().connect({ url: this.urlLabel.string });      }        onSendClick() {          NetManager.getInstance().send(this.textLabel.string);      }        onDisconnectClick() {          NetManager.getInstance().close();      }  }










接下来的一段时间会将之前的一些经验整理为一个开源易用的cocos creator框架: