Python基礎練習100題 ( 71



Question 71:

Please write a program to output a random number, which is divisible by 5 and 7, between 10 and 150 inclusive using random module and list comprehension.


import random  print (random.choice([i for i in range(10,151) if i%5==0 and i%7==0]))


import random  resp = [i for i in range(10,151) if i % 35 == 0 ]  print(random.choice(resp))

Question 72:

Please write a program to generate a list with 5 random numbers between 100 and 200 inclusive.


import random  resp = random.sample(range(100,201),5)  print(resp)

Question 73:

Please write a program to randomly generate a list with 5 even numbers between 100 and 200 inclusive.


import random  numbers = random.sample(range(100,201,2),5)  print(numbers)


import random  print (random.sample([i for i in range(100,201) if i%2==0], 5))

Question 74:

Please write a program to randomly generate a list with 5 numbers, which are divisible by 5 and 7 , between 1 and 1000 inclusive.


import random  lst = [i for i in range(1,1001) if i%35 == 0]  resp = random.sample(lst,5)  print(resp)

Question 75:

Please write a program to randomly print a integer number between 7 and 15 inclusive.


import random  number= random.choice([x for x in range(7,16)])  print(number)


import random  print(random.randrange(7,16))

Question 76:

Please write a program to compress and decompress the string "hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!".


import zlib  s = 'hello world!hello world!hello world!hello world!'.encode()  t = zlib.compress(s)  print(t)  print(zlib.decompress(t))

Question 77:

Please write a program to print the running time of execution of "1+1" for 100 times.


from timeit import Timer  t = Timer("for i in range(100):1+1")  t.timeit()


import time  before = time.time()  for i in range(100):      x = 1 + 1  after = time.time()  execution_time = after - before  print(execution_time)

Question 78:

Please write a program to shuffle and print the list [3,6,7,8].


import  random  lst  =  [3,6,7,8]  random.shuffle(lst)  print(lst) 


import random  lst = [3,6,7,8]  seed = 7  random.Random(seed).shuffle(lst)  print(lst)

Question 79:

Please write a program to generate all sentences where subject is in ["I", "You"] and verb is in ["Play", "Love"] and the object is in ["Hockey","Football"].


subjects=["I", "You"]  verbs=["Play", "Love"]  objects=["Hockey","Football"]    res = [[i, j, k] for i in subjects                   for j in verbs                   for k in objects]  for x in res:      print(" ".join(x))    Out:        I Play Hockey      I Play Football      I Love Hockey      I Love Football      You Play Hockey      You Play Football      You Love Hockey      You Love Football


subjects=["I", "You"]  verbs=["Play", "Love"]  objects=["Hockey","Football"]    for sub in subjects:      for verb in verbs:          for obj in objects:              print("{}  {}  {}".format(sub,verb,obj))  Out:      I Play Hockey      I Play Football      I Love Hockey      I Love Football      You Play Hockey      You Play Football      You Love Hockey      You Love Football


import itertools    subjects=["I", "You"]  verbs=["Play", "Love"]  objects=["Hockey","Football"]  all_list = [subjects,verbs,objects]    res = list(itertools.product(*all_list))  for x in res:      print(" ".join(x))    Out:      I Play Hockey      I Play Football      I Love Hockey      I Love Football      You Play Hockey      You Play Football      You Love Hockey      You Love Football

Question 80:

Please write a program to print the list after removing even numbers in [5,6,77,45,22,12,24].


def isEven(n):      return n%2!=0    li = [5,6,77,45,22,12,24]  lst = list(filter(isEven,li))  print(lst)


li  =  [5,6,77,45,22,12,24]  lst  =  list(filter(lambda  n:n%2!=0,li))  print(lst)



我的運行環境Python 3.6+,如果你用的是Python 2.7版本,絕大多數不同就體現在以下3點:

  • raw_input()在Python3中是input()
  • print需要加括號
  • fstring可以換成.format(),或者%s,%d


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