客户流失?来看看大厂如何基于spark+机器学习构建千万数据规模上的用户留存模型 ⛵

💡 作者:韩信子@ShowMeAI
📘 大数据技术 ◉ 技能提升系列//www.showmeai.tech/tutorials/84
📘 行业名企应用系列//www.showmeai.tech/tutorials/63
📘 本文地址//www.showmeai.tech/article-detail/296
📢 声明:版权所有,转载请联系平台与作者并注明出处
📢 收藏ShowMeAI查看更多精彩内容

💡 背景

Sparkify 是一个音乐流媒体平台,用户可以获取部分免费音乐资源,也有不少用户开启了会员订阅计划(参考QQ音乐),在Sparkify中享受优质音乐内容。


但现在稍大一些的互联网公司,数据动辄成百上千万,我们要在这么巨大的数据规模下完成挖掘与建模,又要借助各种处理海量数据的大数据平台。在本文中ShowMeAI将结合 Sparkify 的业务场景和海量数据,讲解基于 Spark 的客户流失建模预测案例。


💡 数据

本文用到的 Sparkify 数据有3个大小的数据规格,大家可以根据自己的计算资源情况,选择合适的大小,本文代码都兼容和匹配,对应的数据大家可以通过ShowMeAI的百度网盘地址获取。

🏆 实战数据集下载(百度网盘):公众号‘ShowMeAI研究中心’回复‘实战’,或者点击 这里 获取本文 [9] Spark 海量数据上的用户留存分析挖掘与建模sparkify 用户流失数据集


  • mini_sparkify_event_data.json: 最小的数据子集 (125 MB)
  • medium-sparkify-event-data.json: 中型大小数据子集 (237 MB)
  • sparkify_event_data.json: 全量数据 (12 GB)

💡 探索性数据分析(EDA)


① 导入工具库

# 基础数据处理与绘图
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
from datetime import datetime
# spark相关
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql import Window, Row
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType, StringType, FloatType

② 初步数据探索

Sparkify 数据集中,每一个用户的行为都被记录成了一条带有时间戳的操作记录,包括用户注销、播放歌曲、点赞歌曲和降级订阅计划等。

# 初始化spark session
spark_session = SparkSession.builder \
                .master("local") \
                .appName("sparkify") \

# 加载数据与持久化
src = "data/mini_sparkify_event_data.json"
df = spark_session.read.json(src)
# 构建视图(方便查询)

# 查看前5行数据
df . limit(5) . toPandas()



📌 基础数据维度信息

# 查看数据维度信息
print(f'数据集有 {len(df.columns)} 列')
print(f'数据集有 {df.count()} 行')

结果显示有 18 列 和 286500 行。

实际这份小子集中只有 225 个唯一用户 ID,这意味着平均每个客户与平台有 286500/225≈1200 多个交互操作。

📌 字段信息

# 查看字段信息
df . printSchema()


|-- artist: string (nullable = true)
 |-- auth: string (nullable = true)
 |-- firstName: string (nullable = true)
 |-- gender: string (nullable = true)
 |-- itemInSession: long (nullable = true)
 |-- lastName: string (nullable = true)
 |-- length: double (nullable = true)
 |-- level: string (nullable = true)
 |-- location: string (nullable = true)
 |-- method: string (nullable = true)
 |-- page: string (nullable = true)
 |-- registration: long (nullable = true)
 |-- sessionId: long (nullable = true)
 |-- song: string (nullable = true)
 |-- status: long (nullable = true)
 |-- ts: long (nullable = true)
 |-- userAgent: string (nullable = true)
 |-- userId: string (nullable = true)


  • 字符串类型的字段包括 song, artist, genderlevel
  • 一些时间和ID类的字段特征 ts(时间戳),registration(时间戳),pageuserId
  • 可能作用不太大的一些字段 firstName , lastName , method , status , userAgentauth等(等待进一步挖掘)

📌 时间跨度信息

# 排序
df = df . sort('ts', ascending= False)
# 获取最大最小时间戳
df . select(F . max(df . ts), F . min(df . ts)) . show()
# //www.programiz.com/python-programming/datetime/timestamp-datetime
# 转换为日期
print("Min date =", datetime.fromtimestamp(1538352117000 / 1000))
print("Max date =", datetime.fromtimestamp(1543799476000 / 1000))
# 最早注册时间
print("Min register =", datetime.fromtimestamp(1521380675000 / 1000))

📌 字段分布

# 统计字段的不同取值数量
cols = df.columns
n_unique = []

for col in cols:

pd.DataFrame(data={'col':cols, 'n_unique':n_unique}).sort_values('n_unique', ascending=False)


📌 类别型取值分布


 # method
df . select(['method']) . distinct() . show()
# level
 # status
df . select(['status']) . distinct() . show()
# gender
 # auth
df . select(['auth']) . distinct() . show()


 # page
df . select(['page']) . distinct() . show()
# userAgent
# artist
# song

③ 缺失值分析

我们首先剔除掉userId为空的数据记录,总共删除了 8,346 行。

no_userId = df . where(df . userId == "")
no_userId . count()
no_userId . limit(10) . toPandas()
# 构建无userId缺失数据的视图
df = df . where(df . userId != "")
df . createOrReplaceTempView("sparkify_table")


# 类别型字段
general_string_type = ['auth', 'firstName', 'gender', 'lastName', 'level', 'location', 'method', 'page', 'userAgent', 'userId']
for col in general_string_type:
    null_vals = df.select(col).where(df[col].isNull()).count()
    print(f'{col}: {null_vals}')

# 数值型字段
numerical_cols = ['itemInSession', 'length', 'registration', 'sessionId', 'status', 'ts']
for col in numerical_cols:
    null_vals = df.select(col).where(df[col] == np.nan).count()
    print(f'{col}: {null_vals}')
# 直接统计缺失值并输出信息
# Reference 
# //sparkbyexamples.com/pyspark/pyspark-find-count-of-null-none-nan-values/

def make_missing_bool_index(c):
    Generates boolean index to check missing value/NULL values
    @param c (string) - string of column of dataframe
    returns boolean index created
    # removed checking these 2 since they would flag some incorrect rows, e.g. the song "None More Black" would be flagged
    # col(c).contains('None') | \
    # col(c).contains('NULL') | \

    bool_index = (F.col(c) == "") | \
    F.col(c).isNull() | \
    return bool_index

missing_count = [F.count(F.when(make_missing_bool_index(c), c)).alias(c)
                    for c in df.columns]


④ EDA洞察&结论

由于我们的数据是基于各种有时间戳的交易来组织的,以事件为基础(基于 “页 “列),我们需要执行额外的特征工程来定制我们的数据以适应我们的机器学习模型。

📌 目标&问题

  • 用户流失是什么意思?是指取消订阅吗?

📌 重要字段列

  • ts – 时间戳,在以下场景有用
    • 订阅与取消之间的时间点信息
    • 构建“听歌的平均时间”特征
    • 构建“听歌之间的时间间隔”特征
    • 基于时间戳构建数据样本,比如选定用户流失前的3个月或6个月
  • registration – 时间戳 – 用于识别交易的范围
  • page – 用户正在参与的事件
    • 本身并无用处
    • 需要进一步特征工程,从页面类型中提取信息,或结合时间戳等信息
  • userId
    • 本身并无用处
    • 基于用户分组完成统计特征

📌 配合特征工程有用的字段列

  • song – 歌名,可用于构建类似下述的特征:
    • 用户听的不同歌曲数量
    • 用户听同一首歌的次数
  • artist– 歌手,可用于构建类似下述的特征:
    • 每个用户收听的歌手数量
  • 因为是明文的歌名,我们甚至可以通过外部API补充信息构建特征:
    • 用户收听的音乐类型(并观察类型是否影响流失率)。
  • gender – 性别
    • 不同性别的人可能有不同的音乐偏好。
  • level – 等级
    • 区分用户是免费的还是付费的
  • location – 地区
    • 地域差别

📌 无用字段列(我们会直接删除)

  • firstNamelastName – 名字一般在模型中很难直接给到信息。
  • method – 仅仅有PUT或GET取值,是网络请求类型,作用不大。
  • status– 仅仅是API响应,例如200/404,作用不大。
  • userAgent–指定用户使用的浏览器类型
    • 有可能不同浏览器代表的用户群体有差别,这个可以进一步调研
  • auth – 登入登出等信息,作用不大

💡 数据处理

① 定义流失

我们的 page功能有 22 个独特的标签,代表用户点击或访问的页面,结合上面的数据分析大家可以看到页面包括关于登录注册等。

可以帮助我们定义流失的页面是 Cancellation Confirmation,表示 免费 和 付费 用户均存在流媒体平台。

# 定义流失用户
is_churn = F.udf(lambda x: 1 if x == 'Cancellation Confirmation' else 0, IntegerType())
df = df.withColumn("churn", is_churn(df.page))

user_window = Window \
    .partitionBy('userId') \
    .orderBy(F.desc('ts')) \
    .rangeBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, 0)

# manually define schema
# //stackoverflow.com/questions/40517553/pyspark-valueerror-some-of-types-cannot-be-determined-after-inferring
tmp_row = spark_local.sparkContext.parallelize(Row(second_row)).toDF(schema=df.schema)
df.where(df.userId == 100001).union(tmp_row).withColumn('pre_churn', F.sum('churn').over(user_window)).limit(5).toPandas()

df = df.withColumn('preChurn', F.sum('churn').over(user_window))


    SELECT SUM(churn)
        FROM sparkify_table
        GROUP BY userId

在我们采样出来的小数据集中:有225 个用户, 23%(52 个用户)流失 。

② 特征工程



  • ① 歌曲和歌手相关: uniqueSongs, uniqueArtists, uniqueSongArtist.
  • ② 用户服务时长: dayServiceLen(注册到上次与网站互动之间的天数)
  • ③ 用户行为统计: countListen(收听次数), countSession(session数量), lengthListen(听的总时长)
  • ④ 使用②和③的组合 lengthListenPerDay, countListenPerDay, sessionPerDay
  • ⑤ 针对一些统计值(countListen , countSession, 和 lengthListen等)计算的差异度。

📌 清理数据

# 清理数据
def clean_data(df):
    Cleans raw dataframe to:
    i. sort values
    ii. remove null userId rows
    @param df: raw spark dataframe
    returns updated spark dataframe
    # sort values
    df = df.sort('ts', ascending=False)
    # remove null userIds
    df = df.where(df.userId != "")
    return df

📌 定义用户流失标签

# 定义用户流失
def define_churn(df):
    Define churn
    @param df - spark dataframe
    returns updated spark dataframe
    # define churn as cancellation confirmation
    is_churn = F.udf(lambda x: 1 if x == 'Cancellation Confirmation' else 0, IntegerType())
    df = df.withColumn("churn", is_churn(df.page))
    return df

📌 清理脏数据


# 清理脏数据
def remove_post_churn_rows(df, spark, sql_table):
    Remove post-churn rows
    @param df - spark dataframe
    @param spark - SparkSession instance
    @param sql_table - string representing name of sql table
    returns updated spark dataframe
    # define window function to mark non-churn related rows
    user_window = Window \
        .partitionBy('userId') \
        .orderBy(F.desc('ts')) \
        .rangeBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, 0)
    df = df.withColumn('preChurn', F.sum('churn').over(user_window))
    # remove rows for userIds which are marked as churn but have a timestamp after the 'Cancellation Confirmation' page
    # define GROUP BY and merge against larger df
    churn_df = spark.sql(f'''
            userId AS tmpId,
            MAX(churn) AS tmpChurn
        FROM {sql_table}
        GROUP BY userId
    df = df.join(churn_df, df.userId == churn_df.tmpId, "left")
    # remove instances where churned userIds have transctions post Cancellation Confirmation
    df = df.where(~((df.preChurn == 0) & (df.tmpChurn == 1)))
    # remove tmp rows
    df = df.drop('tmpId', 'tmpChurn')
    return df

📌 时间特征

def prelim_feature_eng(df):
    Feature engineer columns:
    i timeSinceRegister
    ii. columns representing time scope of entry
    @param df: raw spark dataframe
    returns updated spark dataframe
    # create new column representing time since registration (ms)
    time_since_register = F.col('ts') - F.col('registration')
    df = df.withColumn("timeSinceRegister", time_since_register)
    # create 3 new columns representing when row data relates to
    mth_3 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 90
    mth_6 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 180
    mth_12 = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365
    mth_3_f = F.udf(lambda x : 1 if x / 1000 <= mth_3 else 0, IntegerType())
    mth_6_f = F.udf(lambda x : 1 if x / 1000 <= mth_6 else 0, IntegerType())
    mth_12_f = F.udf(lambda x : 1 if x / 1000 <= mth_12 else 0, IntegerType())
    df = df.withColumn("month3", mth_3_f(df.timeSinceRegister))\
        .withColumn("month6", mth_6_f(df.timeSinceRegister))\
        .withColumn("month12", mth_12_f(df.timeSinceRegister))
    return df

📌 统计&组合特征

def melt_data(df, spark, sql_table):
    Melts data to show entries on a user basis for the following columns:
    - userId
    - gender
    - level
    - location
    - uniqueSongs
    - uniqueArtists
    - dayServiceLen
    - countListen1H,
    - countSession1H,
    - lengthListen1H,
    - countListen2H,
    - countSession2H,
    - lengthListen2H
    - churn
    @param df - spark dataframe
    @param spark - SparkSession instance
    @param sql_table - string representing name of sql table
    returns updated spark datafraem
    melt1 = spark.sql(f'''
    SELECT  userId, 
            MIN(gender) AS gender,
            MIN(level) AS level,
            MAX(location) AS location,
            COUNT(DISTINCT(song)) AS uniqueSongs,
            COUNT(DISTINCT(artist)) AS uniqueArtists,
            COUNT(DISTINCT(song, artist)) AS uniqueSongArtist,
            MAX(Churn) AS churn
        FROM {sql_table}
        GROUP BY userId
    melt2 = spark.sql(f'''
    WITH sparkify_table_upt AS (
        SELECT * FROM {sql_table}
            WHERE page = "NextSong"
    msServiceTable AS (
        SELECT userId, 
            MAX(ts) - MIN(ts) AS msServiceLen,
            MIN(ts) + (MAX(ts) - MIN(ts)) / 2 AS midTs
        FROM sparkify_table_upt
        GROUP BY userId
    earlyHalfTable AS (
        SELECT  a.userId,
                COUNT(1) AS countListen1H,
                COUNT(DISTINCT(a.sessionId)) AS countSession1H,
                SUM(a.length) AS lengthListen1H
            FROM sparkify_table_upt AS a
            LEFT JOIN msServiceTable AS b ON b.userId = a.userId
            WHERE a.ts < b.midTs
            GROUP BY a.userId
    lateHalfTable AS (
        SELECT  a.userId,
                COUNT(1) AS countListen2H,
                COUNT(DISTINCT(a.sessionId)) AS countSession2H,
                SUM(a.length) AS lengthListen2H
            FROM sparkify_table_upt AS a
            LEFT JOIN msServiceTable AS b ON b.userId = a.userId
            WHERE a.ts >= b.midTs
            GROUP BY a.userId
    concatTable AS (
        SELECT m.userId AS tmpUserId,
                milisecToDay(msServiceLen) AS dayServiceLen,
                countListen1H + countListen2H AS countListen,
                countSession1H + countSession2H AS countSession,
                lengthListen1H + lengthListen2H AS lengthListen,
                countListen2H - countListen1H AS countListenDiff,
                countSession2H - countSession1H AS countSessionDiff,
                lengthListen2H - lengthListen1H AS lengthListenDiff
            FROM msServiceTable as m
            LEFT JOIN earlyHalfTable as e ON e.userId = m.userId
            LEFT JOIN lateHalfTable AS l ON l.userId = m.userId
    SELECT *,
        lengthListen / dayServiceLen AS lengthListenPerDay,
        countListen / dayServiceLen AS countListenPerDay,
        countSession / dayServiceLen AS sessionPerDay,
        lengthListen / countListen AS lengthPerListen,
        lengthListen / countSession AS lengthPerSession
        FROM concatTable
    melt_concat = melt1.join(melt2, melt1.userId == melt2.tmpUserId, "Left")
    melt_concat = melt_concat.drop('tmpUserId')
    return melt_concat

📌 位置信息

def location_feature_eng(df, census):
    Create 2 new columns from location -> Region and Division
    @param df: raw spark dataframe
    @param census: csv file containing location mapping based on state code
    returns updated spark dataframe
    # some census data contains two states, for simplicity, selecting last location
    map_region = F.udf(lambda x: census.loc[census['State Code'] == x[-2:], 'Region'].iloc[0], StringType())
    map_division = F.udf(lambda x: census.loc[census['State Code'] == x[-2:], 'Division'].iloc[0], StringType())

    df = df.withColumn("region", map_region(df.location))\
        .withColumn("division", map_division(df.location))
    return df

📌 组织数据&特征流水线

# 读数据
df_train = spark_session.read.json(src)
# 剔除无用字段
df_train = df_train.drop('firstName', 'lastName', 'method', 'status', 'userAgent', 'auth')
# 清理数据
df_train = clean_data(df_train)
df_train = define_churn(df_train)
# 清除脏数据
df_train = remove_post_churn_rows(df_train, spark_local, "table")
# 基础特征
df_train = prelim_feature_eng(df_train)
# 更新表
# 添加更多特征
df_melt = melt_data(df_train, spark_local, "table")
df_melt = location_feature_eng(df_melt, census)

📌 查看数据特征

pd_melt = df_melt . toPandas()
pd_melt . describe()

💡 进一步数据探索

① 流失率

predictor = pd_melt['churn'].value_counts()


plt.title('Churn distribution')

② 数值vs类别型特征

label = 'churn'
categorical = ['gender', 'level' , 'location', 'region', 'division']
numerical = ['uniqueSongs', 'uniqueArtists', 'uniqueSongArtist', 'dayServiceLen', \
               'countListen', 'countSession', 'lengthListen', 'countListenDiff', 'countSessionDiff',\
               'lengthListenDiff', 'lengthListenPerDay', 'countListenPerDay',\
               'sessionPerDay', 'lengthPerListen', 'lengthPerSession']

plt.title('Distribution of numerical/categorical features')
plt.pie([len(categorical), len(numerical)], labels=['categorical', 'numerical'], autopct='%.0f%%')

在我们所有的特征中,25% 是类别型的。

③ 数值型特征分布

📌 数值特征&流失分布

def plot_distribution(df, hue, filter_col=None, bins='auto'):
    Plots distribution of numerical columns
    By default, exclude object, datetime, timedelta and bool types and only consider numerical columns
    @param df (DataFrame) - dataset
    @param hue (str) - column of dataset to apply hue (useful for classification)
    @param filter_col (array) - optional argument, features to be included in plot
    @param bins (int) - defaults to auto for seaborn, sets number of bins of histograms
    if filter_col == None:
        filter_col = df.select_dtypes(exclude=['object', 'datetime', 'timedelta', 'bool']).columns
    num_cols = len(list(filter_col))
    width = 3
    height = num_cols // width if num_cols % width == 0 else num_cols // width + 1
    plt.figure(figsize=(18, height * 3))
    for i, col in zip(range(num_cols), filter_col):
        plt.subplot(height, width, i + 1)
        plt.title(f'Distribution of {col}')
        sns.histplot(df, x=col, hue=hue, element="step", stat="count", common_norm=False, bins=bins)
  # 绘制数值型特征分布图
  plot_distribution(pd_melt, 'churn', filter_col=numerical)


  • 流失与非流失用户都有右偏倾向的分布
  • dayServiceLen字段有最明显的流失客户和非流失客户分布差异。

📌 数值型特征相关度

# 定义数值型特征
numerical_churn = numerical + ['churn']
# 计算相关性
corr_data = pd_melt[numerical_churn].corr()

# 绘制热力图显示相关性
plt.title('Heat map of correlation for all variables')
matrix = np.triu(corr_data)
sns.heatmap(corr_data, cmap='Blues', annot=True, mask=matrix)
  • 我们从热力图上没有看到有数值型特征流失标签列有明显的高相关性。
  • 有几组特征,uniqueArtists、uniqueSongArtist、countListen、countSession和lengthListen,它们之间有非常高的相关性。如果大家使用线性模型,可以考虑做特征选择,我们后续使用非线性模型的话,可以考虑保留。

④ 类别型特征的分布

def plot_cat_distribution(data, colname):
    Plots barplot for categorical columns and piechart showing proportions of churned vs non-churned customers
    @param - data (panas dataframe)
    @param - colname (str) - column of dataframe referenced
    # //www.statology.org/seaborn-stacked-bar-plot/
    ax1 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 1)
    tmp = data.copy()
    tmp['count'] = 1
    x = tmp.groupby([colname, 'churn']).count().reset_index()[[colname, 'churn','count']]
    # churn index 0, 1 doesn't relate to No, Yes, relates to pivoted index only
    x = x.pivot(index='churn', columns=colname).transpose().reset_index().drop('level_0', axis=1)
    x = x.fillna(0)

    plt.title(f'Distribution of {colname}')
    x.plot.bar(x=colname, stacked=True, ax=ax1, color=['green', 'lightgreen'])

    ax2 = plt.subplot(1, 3, 2)
    plt.title(f'Proportion of {colname} for churned customers')
    plt.pie(x['Yes'], labels=x[colname], autopct='%.0f%%')

    plt.subplot(1, 3, 3)
    plt.title(f'Proportion of {colname} for non-churned customers')
    plt.pie(x['No'], labels=x[colname], autopct='%.0f%%')


    x.index.rename('index', inplace=True)
    tmp_sum = x[['No','Yes']].sum(axis=1)
    x['No'] = x['No'] / tmp_sum
    x['Yes'] = x['Yes'] / tmp_sum
    print(tmp_sum / tmp_sum.sum())

tmp_pd_melt = pd_melt.copy()
tmp_pd_melt['churn'] = tmp_pd_melt['churn'].apply(lambda x: 'Yes' if x == 1 else 'No')

📌 性别&流失分布

plot_cat_distribution(tmp_pd_melt, 'gender')


📌 等级&流失分布

plot_cat_distribution(tmp_pd_melt, 'level')


📌 地区&流失分布

plot_cat_distribution(tmp_pd_melt, 'region')



plot_cat_distribution(tmp_pd_melt, 'division')

📌 类别型特征取值数量分布

def cardinality_plot(df, filter_col=None):
    Input list of categorical variables to filter
    Default is None where it would only consider columns which have type 'Object'
    @param df (DataFrame) - dataset
    @param filter_col (array) - optional argument to specify columns we want to filter
    if filter_col == None:
        filter_col = df.select_dtypes(include='object').columns
    num_unique = []
    for col in filter_col:
    plt.bar(list(filter_col), num_unique)
    plt.title('Number of unique categorical variables')
    plt.xlabel('Column name')
    plt.ylabel('Num unique')
    plt.yticks([0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
    return pd.Series(num_unique, index=filter_col).sort_values(ascending=False)

cardinality_plot(pd_melt, categorical)



💡 建模优化


def log_transform(df, columns):
    Log trasform columns in dataframe
    @df - spark dataframe
    @columns - array of string of column names to be log transformed
    returns updated spark dataframe
    log_transform_func = F.udf(lambda x: np.log10(x + 1), FloatType())
    for col in columns:
        df = df.withColumn(col, log_transform_func(df[col]))
    return df

# 数值型特征log变换
df_melt = log_transform(df_melt, numerical)

① 数据切分

接下来我们把数据集拆分为 60:20:20 的3部分,分别用于训练、验证和测试。

df_melt_copy = df_melt . withColumn("label", df_melt . churn)
rest, test = df_melt_copy.randomSplit([0.8, 0.2], seed=42)
train, val = rest.randomSplit([0.75, 0.25], seed=42)

② 建模流水线

# 导入工具库
from pyspark.ml import Pipeline
from pyspark.ml.feature import VectorAssembler, StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler, OneHotEncoder, StringIndexer 
from pyspark.ml.classification import LogisticRegression, RandomForestClassifier, GBTClassifier
from pyspark.ml.tuning import CrossValidator, ParamGridBuilder

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score, precision_score, recall_score, roc_auc_score
from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, precision_recall_curve, confusion_matrix, ConfusionMatrixDisplay

import re

# 数值型特征处理流水线
numerical_assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=numerical, outputCol="numericalFeatures")
standardise = StandardScaler(inputCol="numericalFeatures", outputCol="standardNumFeatures", withStd=True, withMean=True)
minmax = MinMaxScaler(inputCol="standardNumFeatures", outputCol="minmaxNumFeatures")

# 类别型特征处理流水线
inputCols = ['gender', 'level', 'region', 'division']
outputColsIndexer = [x + 'SI' for x in inputCols]
indexer = StringIndexer(inputCols = inputCols, outputCols=outputColsIndexer)
outputColsOH = [x + 'OH' for x in inputCols]
onehot = OneHotEncoder(inputCols=outputColsIndexer, outputCols=outputColsOH)
categorical_assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=outputColsOH, outputCol="categoricalFeatures")

# 组合两类特征
total_assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=['minmaxNumFeatures', 'categoricalFeatures'], outputCol='features')
pipeline = Pipeline(stages=[numerical_assembler, standardise, minmax, indexer, onehot, categorical_assembler, total_assembler])
# 运行流水线对数据进行处理
pipeline . fit(train) . transform(train) . head()


Row(userId='10', gender='M', level='paid', location='Laurel, MS', uniqueSongs=629, uniqueArtists=565, uniqueSongArtist=633, churn=0, dayServiceLen=42.43672561645508, countListen=673, countSession=6, lengthListen=166866.37250999993, countListenDiff=-203, countSessionDiff=2, lengthListenDiff=-48180.54478999992, lengthListenPerDay=3932.121766842835, countListenPerDay=15.858904998528928, sessionPerDay=0.14138696878331883, lengthPerListen=247.94408991084686, lengthPerSession=27811.062084999987, region='South', division='East South Central', label=0, numericalFeatures=DenseVector([629.0, 565.0, 633.0, 42.4367, 673.0, 6.0, 166866.3725, -203.0, 2.0, -48180.5448, 3932.1218, 15.8589, 0.1414, 247.9441, 27811.0621]), standardNumFeatures=DenseVector([-0.3973, -0.331, -0.3968, -0.016, -0.3968, -0.6026, -0.3993, -0.6779, 0.6836, -0.6549, -0.3678, -0.3625, -0.1256, -0.1374, 1.1354]), minmaxNumFeatures=DenseVector([0.1053, 0.1587, 0.1034, 0.6957, 0.0838, 0.0392, 0.0835, 0.5701, 0.5, 0.5692, 0.0264, 0.0245, 0.0002, 0.5344, 0.56]), genderSI=0.0, levelSI=1.0, regionSI=0.0, divisionSI=4.0, genderOH=SparseVector(1, {0: 1.0}), levelOH=SparseVector(1, {}), regionOH=SparseVector(3, {0: 1.0}), divisionOH=SparseVector(8, {4: 1.0}), categoricalFeatures=SparseVector(13, {0: 1.0, 2: 1.0, 9: 1.0}), features=DenseVector([0.1053, 0.1587, 0.1034, 0.6957, 0.0838, 0.0392, 0.0835, 0.5701, 0.5, 0.5692, 0.0264, 0.0245, 0.0002, 0.5344, 0.56, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]))

③ 初步建模&评估


# 模型评估函数
def evaluate_model(y_trueTrain, y_predTrain, y_trueTest, y_predTest, y_testProba):
    Wrapper function for evaluating classification results
    train_acc = accuracy_score(y_trueTrain, y_predTrain)
    test_acc = accuracy_score(y_trueTest, y_predTest)
    fscore = f1_score(y_trueTest, y_predTest, zero_division=0)
    precision = precision_score(y_trueTest, y_predTest, zero_division=0)
    recall = recall_score(y_trueTest, y_predTest, zero_division=0)
    # linear models would not have .predict_proba method so, if fails, append 0 to roc_auc
        roc_auc = roc_auc_score(y_trueTest, y_testProba)
        roc_auc = 0
    return {
        'train_acc': train_acc, 
        'test_acc' : test_acc, 
        'fscore': fscore, 
        'precision': precision, 
        'recall': recall, 
        'roc_auc': roc_auc

📌 逻辑回归

# 定义模型
lr = LogisticRegression(maxIter=10, regParam=0.0, elasticNetParam=0)
pipeline_lr = Pipeline(stages=[numerical_assembler, standardise, minmax, indexer, onehot, categorical_assembler, total_assembler, lr])

# 拟合
lrModel = pipeline_lr.fit(train)
lr_res_test = lrModel.transform(val).select('label', 'prediction', 'probability').toPandas()
lr_res_train = lrModel.transform(train).select('label', 'prediction', 'probability').toPandas()

# 评估
lr_results = evaluate_model(lr_res_train['label'],lr_res_train['prediction'],lr_res_test['label'],lr_res_test['prediction'], lr_res_test['probability'].apply(lambda x: x[1]))


{'train_acc': 0.8456375838926175,
 'test_acc': 0.8780487804878049,
 'fscore': 0.7368421052631579,
 'precision': 0.5833333333333334,
 'recall': 1.0,
 'roc_auc': 0.9579831932773109}

📌 梯度提升树GBT

# 定义模型
gbt = GBTClassifier()
pipeline_gbt = Pipeline(stages=[numerical_assembler, standardise, minmax, indexer, onehot, categorical_assembler, total_assembler, gbt])

# 拟合
gbtModel = pipeline_gbt.fit(train)
gbt_res_test = gbtModel.transform(val).select('label', 'prediction', 'probability').toPandas()
gbt_res_train = gbtModel.transform(train).select('label', 'prediction', 'probability').toPandas()

# 评估
gbt_results = evaluate_model(gbt_res_train['label'],gbt_res_train['prediction'],gbt_res_test['label'],gbt_res_test['prediction'],\
               gbt_res_test['probability'].apply(lambda x: x[1]))


{'train_acc': 1.0,
 'test_acc': 0.8048780487804879,
 'fscore': 0.6,
 'precision': 0.46153846153846156,
 'recall': 0.8571428571428571,
 'roc_auc': 0.8193277310924371}

📌 随机森林

# 定义模型
rf = RandomForestClassifier()
pipeline_rf = Pipeline(stages=[numerical_assembler, standardise, minmax, indexer, onehot, categorical_assembler, total_assembler, rf])

# 拟合
rfModel = pipeline_rf.fit(train)
rf_res_test = rfModel.transform(val).select('label', 'prediction', 'probability').toPandas()
rf_res_train = rfModel.transform(train).select('label', 'prediction', 'probability').toPandas()

# 评估
rf_results = evaluate_model(rf_res_train['label'],rf_res_train['prediction'],rf_res_test['label'],rf_res_test['prediction'], rf_res_test['probability'].apply(lambda x: x[1]))


{'train_acc': 0.959731543624161,
 'test_acc': 0.8780487804878049,
 'fscore': 0.6666666666666666,
 'precision': 0.625,
 'recall': 0.7142857142857143,
 'roc_auc': 0.9243697478991597}

📌 综合对比

cv_results = pd.DataFrame(columns=['accuracy_train','accuracy_cv','fscore_cv','precision_cv','recall_cv', 'roc_auc_cv'])
cv_results.loc['LogisticRegression'] = lr_results.values()
cv_results.loc['GradientBoostingTree'] = gbt_results.values()
cv_results.loc['RandomForest'] = rf_results.values()

cv_results.style.apply(lambda x: ["background: lightgreen" if abs(v) == max(x) else "" for v in x], axis = 0)



  • accuracy通常不是衡量类别非均衡场景下的分类好指标。 极端的情况下,仅预测我们所有的客户“不流失”就达到 77% 的accuracy。
  • recall衡量我们的正样本中有多少被模型预估为正样本,即TP / (TP + FN),我们上述建模过程中,LogisticRegression正确识别所有会流失的客户。
  • recall还需要结合precision一起看,例如,上述LogisticRegression预估的流失客户中,只有 58% 真正流失了。 (这意味着如果我们要开展营销活动来解决客户流失问题,有42% (1 – 0.58) 的成本会浪费在未流失客户身上)。
  • 可以使用 fscore 指标来综合考虑recall和precision。
  • ROC_AUC 衡量我们的真阳性与假阳性率。 我们的 AUC 越高,模型在区分正类和负类方面的性能就越好。

上述指标中,我们优先关注ROC_AUC,其次是 fscore,我们上述指标中LogisticRegression效果良好,下面我们基于它进一步调优。

④ 超参数调优

📌 交叉验证


paramGrid = ParamGridBuilder() \
    .addGrid(lr.regParam,[0.0, 0.1]) \
    .addGrid(lr.maxIter,[50, 100]) \

crossval = CrossValidator(estimator=pipeline_lr,

# 交叉验证调参
cvModel = crossval . fit(rest)
cvModel . avgMetrics




# 交叉验证评估
cv_res_test = cvModel.transform(test).select('label', 'prediction', 'probability').toPandas()
cv_res_train = cvModel.transform(rest).select('label', 'prediction', 'probability').toPandas()
cv_metrics = evaluate_model(cv_res_train['label'],cv_res_train['prediction'],cv_res_test['label'],cv_res_test['prediction'], cv_res_test['probability'].apply(lambda x: x[1]))

{'train_acc': 0.8894736842105263,
 'test_acc': 0.8571428571428571,
 'fscore': 0.7368421052631577,
 'precision': 0.7,
 'recall': 0.7777777777777778,
 'roc_auc': 0.858974358974359}

📌 最优超参数

cvModel . getEstimatorParamMaps()[np . argmax(cvModel . avgMetrics)]
# 输出结果
{Param(parent='LogisticRegression_e765de70ec6a', name='regParam', doc='regularization parameter (>= 0).'): 0.0,
 Param(parent='LogisticRegression_e765de70ec6a', name='maxIter', doc='max number of iterations (>= 0).'): 100}

💡 结果评估

我们的 ROC_AUC 从 95.7 下降到 85.9。 这并不奇怪,因为我怀疑 95.7 的结果是由于过度拟合造成的。

{'train_acc': 0.8894736842105263,
 'test_acc': 0.8571428571428571,
 'fscore': 0.7368421052631577,
 'precision': 0.7,
 'recall': 0.7777777777777778,
 'roc_auc': 0.858974358974359}

最好的参数是 regParam为 0 和 maxIter100 个。

① 混淆矩阵


def plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, title):
    Plots confusion matrix
    @param y_true - array of actual labels
    @param y_pred - array of predictions
    @title title - string of title
    conf_matrix = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
    matrix_display = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=conf_matrix, display_labels=["No Churn", "Churn"])
    # adding title - //github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/discussions/20690

    # Calculating recall (sensitivity), precision and specificity
    tn = conf_matrix[0][0]
    tp = conf_matrix[1][1]
    fn = conf_matrix[1][0]
    fp = conf_matrix[0][1]
    print(f'True Positive Rate/Recall/Sensitivity: {round(tp/(tp+fn), 6)}')
    # basically inverse of TPR
    print(f'False Positive Rate/(1 - Specificity): {round(fp/(tn+fp), 6)}')
    print(f'Precision                            : {round(tp/(tp+fp), 6)}')

# 绘制混淆矩阵
plot_confusion_matrix(cv_res_test['label'], cv_res_test['prediction'], "Confusion matrix at 50% threshold (default)")

查看下面的混淆矩阵,用0.5的默认概率阈值能够正确预测 77.78% 的流失客户 (7/(7+2)),也具有 70% 的不错的precision (7/(7+3))

② ROC_AUC 曲线

# 预测概率
test_proba = cv_res_test['probability'] . apply(lambda x: x[1])

# fpr = false positive rate
# tpr = true positive rate
fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(cv_res_test['label'], test_proba)

# 绘图
plt.title('ROC AUC Curve for customer churn')
plt.xlabel('False Positive Rate (FPR)')
plt.ylabel('True Postive Rate (FPR) / Recall')
plt.plot(fpr, tpr, marker='.', label='LR')
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1])

下面的 ROC AUC 曲线清楚地显示了召回率(真阳性率)和假阳性率之间的权衡。

③ PR 曲线

lr_precision, lr_recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(cv_res_test['label'], test_proba)
# 绘制PR曲线
plt.title('Recall/Precision curve')
plt.plot(lr_recall, lr_precision, marker='.', label='LR')
plt.axhline(y=cv_metrics['precision'], color='r')
plt.axvline(x=cv_metrics['recall'], color='r')



💡 总结&业务思考



def classify_custom_threshold(y_true, y_pred_proba, threshold=0.5):
    Identifies custom threshold and plots confusion matrix
    @y_true - array of actual labels
    @y_pred_proba - array of probabilities of predictions
    @threshold - decision threshold which is defaulted to 50%
    y_pred = y_pred_proba >= threshold
    plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, f'Confusion matrix at {round(threshold * 100, 1)}% decision threshold')
classify_custom_threshold(cv_res_test['label'], test_proba, 0.72)


  • 优先考虑recall意味着我们能判断出大部分实际流失的客户,但这可能会降低精度,就像我们之前提到的,这可能会导致成本增加。
  • 我们当前的结果已经很不错了,如果业务负责人想追求更高的召回率,并愿意为此花费一些成本,我们可以降低决策(概率)门槛。


lr_precision, lr_recall, _ = precision_recall_curve(cv_res_test['label'], test_proba)

plt.title('Recall/Precision curve')
plt.plot(lr_recall, lr_precision, marker='.', label='LR')
plt.axhline(y=cv_metrics['precision'], color='r', alpha=0.3)
plt.axvline(x=cv_metrics['recall'], color='r', alpha=0.3)
plt.axhline(y=0.470588, color='r')
plt.axvline(x=0.888889, color='r')

classify_custom_threshold(cv_res_test['label'], test_proba, 0.25)
