ESPRESSIF – ESP32-32 SoC,模组和开发板上市

Espressif开始量产其 EPSP32 -S2系列SoC,包括模组和开发板(development boards)。

Espressif选取其ESP32-S2 SoC及相关模组 – ESP32-S2-WROVER, ESP-32-S2-WROOM),和开发板(ESP-S2-Saola-1),已经量产。

ESP32-S2系列,基于具备高度安全性的于2019年发布的Wi-Fi MCU,和分别于2014年发布的ESP8266和ESP32。

最新的发布重点在于芯片的增强的加密特性(enchanced encryption capabilities),支持更大的eFuse存储。

ESP32-S2采用MCU+WiFi设计,具备优秀的WiFi性能,并支持2.4GHz IEEE802.11 b/g/n HT20/HT40协议。结合ESP-WIFI-MESH,可支持大容量高带宽网络链接(high-bandwidth network connections for large deployment scenarios),比如商业照明(commercial lighting),智慧家庭等。

其SDK支持password配置协议,云链接,已经可靠的OTQ(over the air technology)软件升级,帮助客户快速的升级fireware。

ESP32-S2同时支持WiFi数据的TOF(Time of flight),以提升无线覆盖发内内的准确性和稳定性。(accuracy and stability)。


随着系统从封闭走向互联(interconnected),对安全性提出了很高的要求。为此ESP32-S2定制化支持一些列安全机制(unique security mechanism),支持本地和云端加密处理。

  • Secure boot based on the RSA algorithm, which ensures that only trusted software is executed on the chip.
  • Flash encryption based on the AES-XTS algorithm, which ensures that user-sensitive configuration data and application code on the external Flash and PSRAM of ESP32-S2 are always encrypted.
  • The TLS stack can take advantage of the cryptographic accelerator hardware to improve the cloud connectivity performance.
  • The security of ESP32-S2 is especially reinforced, as it resists fault injection attacks from hardware and software, while it also prevents key leakage in voltage failure.

这些安全机制使ESP32-S2更加适用于如小型零售,智慧商业和其他行业,比如更安全的POS机和其他支付终端(payment terminal)。

ESP32-S2支持大量的外设接口HMI(Human Machine Interface) – with 43 programmable GPIOs which can be flexibly configured as USB OTG, SPI, I2S, UART, I2C, LED PWM, LCD interface, camera interface, ADC, DAC, touch buttons, etc.

新的多媒体开发板ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1,支持多样的功能,如LCD Touch Screen,Touch Panel Control, Camea Image Acquisition, Audio Playback等等。可以里干活的组装满足多样的定制化应用,比如 –

  • The LCD interface can be connected to an SPI interface, and/or an 8- /16-/ 24-bit parallel port display, in order to meet the application needs of different display resolutions in many different products.
  • The touch panel of ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 is dustproof, waterproof and has a low false-touch rate. The 14 capacitive touch interfaces that are currently supported can be designed as touch buttons, proximity sensors, sliding touch bars, scroll wheels, etc., which can be used in home touch-switches, smart-device touch panels, dimmers, etc.
  • The ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 development board also has an 8- / 16-bit DVP camera interface, and its DMA transmission bandwidth is optimized to easily transmit high-resolution images. These functions are suitable for smart-home devices, industrial wireless control, wireless monitoring, QR wireless identification, and a wide physical range of wireless coverage.
