Linux Workqueue【转】

  • 2019 年 10 月 10 日
  • 筆記


21 August 2016

Workqueue 是内核里面很重要的一个机制,特别是内核驱动,一般的小型任务 (work) 都不会自己起一个线程来处理,而是扔到 Workqueue 中处理。Workqueue 的主要工作就是用进程上下文来处理内核中大量的小任务。

所以 Workqueue 的主要设计思想:一个是并行,多个 work 不要相互阻塞;另外一个是节省资源,多个 work 尽量共享资源 ( 进程、调度、内存 ),不要造成系统过多的资源浪费。

为了实现的设计思想,workqueue 的设计实现也更新了很多版本。最新的 workqueue 实现叫做 CMWQ(Concurrency Managed Workqueue),也就是用更加智能的算法来实现“并行和节省”。新版本的 workqueue 创建函数改成 alloc_workqueue(),旧版本的函数 create_workqueue() 逐渐会被被废弃。

本文的代码分析基于 Linux kernel 3.18.22,最好的学习方法还是 “read the fucking source code”

1.CMWQ 的几个基本概念

关于 workqueue 中几个概念都是 work 相关的数据结构非常容易混淆,大概可以这样来理解:

  • work :工作。
  • workqueue :工作的集合。workqueue 和 work 是一对多的关系。
  • worker :工人。在代码中 worker 对应一个 work_thread() 内核线程。
  • worker_pool:工人的集合。worker_pool 和 worker 是一对多的关系。
  • pwq(pool_workqueue):中间人 / 中介,负责建立起 workqueue 和 worker_pool 之间的关系。workqueue 和 pwq 是一对多的关系,pwq 和 worker_pool 是一对一的关系。

normal wq_topology

最终的目的还是把 work( 工作 ) 传递给 worker( 工人 ) 去执行,中间的数据结构和各种关系目的是把这件事组织的更加清晰高效。

1.1 worker_pool

每个执行 work 的线程叫做 worker,一组 worker 的集合叫做 worker_pool。CMWQ 的精髓就在 worker_pool 里面 worker 的动态增减管理上 manage_workers()

CMWQ 对 worker_pool 分成两类:

  • normal worker_pool,给通用的 workqueue 使用;
  • unbound worker_pool,给 WQ_UNBOUND 类型的的 workqueue 使用;

1.1.1 normal worker_pool

默认 work 是在 normal worker_pool 中处理的。系统的规划是每个 CPU 创建两个 normal worker_pool:一个 normal 优先级 (nice=0)、一个高优先级 (nice=HIGHPRI_NICE_LEVEL),对应创建出来的 worker 的进程 nice 不一样。

每个 worker 对应一个 worker_thread() 内核线程,一个 worker_pool 包含一个或者多个 worker,worker_pool 中 worker 的数量是根据 worker_pool 中 work 的负载来动态增减的。

我们可以通过 ps | grep kworker 命令来查看所有 worker 对应的内核线程,normal worker_pool 对应内核线程 (worker_thread()) 的命名规则是这样的:

	snprintf(id_buf, sizeof(id_buf), "%d:%d%s", pool->cpu, id,  		 pool->attrs->nice < 0  ? "H" : "");    	worker->task = kthread_create_on_node(worker_thread, worker, pool->node,  					      "kworker/%s", id_buf);

so 类似名字是 normal worker_pool:

shell@PRO5:/ $ ps | grep "kworker"  root      14    2     0      0     worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/1:0H		// cpu1 高优先级 worker_pool 的第 0 个 worker 进程  root      17    2     0      0     worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:0		// cpu2 低优先级 worker_pool 的第 0 个 worker 进程  root      18    2     0      0     worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/2:0H		// cpu2 高优先级 worker_pool 的第 0 个 worker 进程  root      23699 2     0      0     worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/0:1		// cpu0 低优先级 worker_pool 的第 1 个 worker 进程

normal worker_pool


normal worker_pool topology

以下是 normal worker_pool 详细的创建过程代码分析:

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • init_workqueues() -> init_worker_pool()/create_worker()
static int __init init_workqueues(void)  {  	int std_nice[NR_STD_WORKER_POOLS] = { 0, HIGHPRI_NICE_LEVEL };  	int i, cpu;    	// (1) 给每个 cpu 创建对应的 worker_pool  	/* initialize CPU pools */  	for_each_possible_cpu(cpu) {  		struct worker_pool *pool;    		i = 0;  		for_each_cpu_worker_pool(pool, cpu) {  			BUG_ON(init_worker_pool(pool));  			// 指定 cpu  			pool->cpu = cpu;  			cpumask_copy(pool->attrs->cpumask, cpumask_of(cpu));  			// 指定进程优先级 nice  			pool->attrs->nice = std_nice[i++];  			pool->node = cpu_to_node(cpu);    			/* alloc pool ID */  			mutex_lock(&wq_pool_mutex);  			BUG_ON(worker_pool_assign_id(pool));  			mutex_unlock(&wq_pool_mutex);  		}  	}    	// (2) 给每个 worker_pool 创建第一个 worker  	/* create the initial worker */  	for_each_online_cpu(cpu) {  		struct worker_pool *pool;    		for_each_cpu_worker_pool(pool, cpu) {  			pool->flags &= ~POOL_DISASSOCIATED;  			BUG_ON(!create_worker(pool));  		}  	}    }  | →  static int init_worker_pool(struct worker_pool *pool)  {  	spin_lock_init(&pool->lock);  	pool->id = -1;  	pool->cpu = -1;  	pool->node = NUMA_NO_NODE;  	pool->flags |= POOL_DISASSOCIATED;  	// (1.1) worker_pool 的 work list,各个 workqueue 把 work 挂载到这个链表上,  	// 让 worker_pool 对应的多个 worker 来执行  	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pool->worklist);  	// (1.2) worker_pool 的 idle worker list,  	// worker 没有活干时,不会马上销毁,先进入 idle 状态备选  	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pool->idle_list);  	// (1.3) worker_pool 的 busy worker list,  	// worker 正在干活,在执行 work  	hash_init(pool->busy_hash);    	// (1.4) 检查 idle 状态 worker 是否需要 destroy 的 timer  	init_timer_deferrable(&pool->idle_timer);  	pool->idle_timer.function = idle_worker_timeout;  	pool-> = (unsigned long)pool;    	// (1.5) 在 worker_pool 创建新的 worker 时,检查是否超时的 timer  	setup_timer(&pool->mayday_timer, pool_mayday_timeout,  		    (unsigned long)pool);    	mutex_init(&pool->manager_arb);  	mutex_init(&pool->attach_mutex);  	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pool->workers);    	ida_init(&pool->worker_ida);  	INIT_HLIST_NODE(&pool->hash_node);  	pool->refcnt = 1;    	/* shouldn't fail above this point */  	pool->attrs = alloc_workqueue_attrs(GFP_KERNEL);  	if (!pool->attrs)  		return -ENOMEM;  	return 0;  }  | →  static struct worker *create_worker(struct worker_pool *pool)  {  	struct worker *worker = NULL;  	int id = -1;  	char id_buf[16];    	/* ID is needed to determine kthread name */  	id = ida_simple_get(&pool->worker_ida, 0, 0, GFP_KERNEL);  	if (id < 0)  		goto fail;    	worker = alloc_worker(pool->node);  	if (!worker)  		goto fail;    	worker->pool = pool;  	worker->id = id;    	if (pool->cpu >= 0)  		// (2.1) 给 normal worker_pool 的 worker 构造进程名  		snprintf(id_buf, sizeof(id_buf), "%d:%d%s", pool->cpu, id,  			 pool->attrs->nice < 0  ? "H" : "");  	else  		// (2.2) 给 unbound worker_pool 的 worker 构造进程名  		snprintf(id_buf, sizeof(id_buf), "u%d:%d", pool->id, id);    	// (2.3) 创建 worker 对应的内核进程  	worker->task = kthread_create_on_node(worker_thread, worker, pool->node,  					      "kworker/%s", id_buf);  	if (IS_ERR(worker->task))  		goto fail;    	// (2.4) 设置内核进程对应的优先级 nice  	set_user_nice(worker->task, pool->attrs->nice);    	/* prevent userland from meddling with cpumask of workqueue workers */  	worker->task->flags |= PF_NO_SETAFFINITY;    	// (2.5) 将 worker 和 worker_pool 绑定  	/* successful, attach the worker to the pool */  	worker_attach_to_pool(worker, pool);    	// (2.6) 将 worker 初始状态设置成 idle,  	// wake_up_process 以后,worker 自动 leave idle 状态  	/* start the newly created worker */  	spin_lock_irq(&pool->lock);  	worker->pool->nr_workers++;  	worker_enter_idle(worker);  	wake_up_process(worker->task);  	spin_unlock_irq(&pool->lock);    	return worker;    fail:  	if (id >= 0)  		ida_simple_remove(&pool->worker_ida, id);  	kfree(worker);  	return NULL;  }  || →  static void worker_attach_to_pool(struct worker *worker,  				   struct worker_pool *pool)  {  	mutex_lock(&pool->attach_mutex);    	// (2.5.1) 将 worker 线程和 cpu 绑定  	/*  	 * set_cpus_allowed_ptr() will fail if the cpumask doesn't have any  	 * online CPUs.  It'll be re-applied when any of the CPUs come up.  	 */  	set_cpus_allowed_ptr(worker->task, pool->attrs->cpumask);    	/*  	 * The pool->attach_mutex ensures %POOL_DISASSOCIATED remains  	 * stable across this function.  See the comments above the  	 * flag definition for details.  	 */  	if (pool->flags & POOL_DISASSOCIATED)  		worker->flags |= WORKER_UNBOUND;    	// (2.5.2) 将 worker 加入 worker_pool 链表  	list_add_tail(&worker->node, &pool->workers);    	mutex_unlock(&pool->attach_mutex);  }

1.1.2 unbound worker_pool

大部分的 work 都是通过 normal worker_pool 来执行的 ( 例如通过 schedule_work()schedule_work_on() 压入到系统 workqueue(system_wq) 中的 work),最后都是通过 normal worker_pool 中的 worker 来执行的。这些 worker 是和某个 CPU 绑定的,work 一旦被 worker 开始执行,都是一直运行到某个 CPU 上的不会切换 CPU。

unbound worker_pool 相对应的意思,就是 worker 可以在多个 CPU 上调度的。但是他其实也是绑定的,只不过它绑定的单位不是 CPU 而是 node。所谓的 node 是对 NUMA(Non Uniform Memory Access Architecture) 系统来说的,NUMA 可能存在多个 node,每个 node 可能包含一个或者多个 CPU。

unbound worker_pool 对应内核线程 (worker_thread()) 的命名规则是这样的:

	snprintf(id_buf, sizeof(id_buf), "u%d:%d", pool->id, id);    	worker->task = kthread_create_on_node(worker_thread, worker, pool->node,  					      "kworker/%s", id_buf);

so 类似名字是 unbound worker_pool:

shell@PRO5:/ $ ps | grep "kworker"  root      23906 2     0      0     worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u20:2	// unbound pool 20 的第 2 个 worker 进程  root      24564 2     0      0     worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u20:0	// unbound pool 20 的第 0 个 worker 进程  root      24622 2     0      0     worker_thr 0000000000 S kworker/u21:1	// unbound pool 21 的第 1 个 worker 进程

unbound worker_pool 也分成两类:

  • unbound_std_wq。每个 node 对应一个 worker_pool,多个 node 就对应多个 worker_pool;

unbound worker_pool: unbound_std_wq


unbound_std_wq topology

  • ordered_wq。所有 node 对应一个 default worker_pool;

unbound worker_pool: ordered_wq


ordered_wq topology

以下是 unbound worker_pool 详细的创建过程代码分析:

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • init_workqueues() -> unbound_std_wq_attrs/ordered_wq_attrs
static int __init init_workqueues(void)  {    	// (1) 初始化 normal 和 high nice 对应的 unbound attrs  	/* create default unbound and ordered wq attrs */  	for (i = 0; i < NR_STD_WORKER_POOLS; i++) {  		struct workqueue_attrs *attrs;    		// (2) unbound_std_wq_attrs  		BUG_ON(!(attrs = alloc_workqueue_attrs(GFP_KERNEL)));  		attrs->nice = std_nice[i];  		unbound_std_wq_attrs[i] = attrs;    		/*  		 * An ordered wq should have only one pwq as ordering is  		 * guaranteed by max_active which is enforced by pwqs.  		 * Turn off NUMA so that dfl_pwq is used for all nodes.  		 */  		// (3) ordered_wq_attrs,no_numa = true;  		BUG_ON(!(attrs = alloc_workqueue_attrs(GFP_KERNEL)));  		attrs->nice = std_nice[i];  		attrs->no_numa = true;  		ordered_wq_attrs[i] = attrs;  	}    }
  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • __alloc_workqueue_key() -> alloc_and_link_pwqs() -> apply_workqueue_attrs() -> alloc_unbound_pwq()/numa_pwq_tbl_install()
struct workqueue_struct *__alloc_workqueue_key(const char *fmt,  					       unsigned int flags,  					       int max_active,  					       struct lock_class_key *key,  					       const char *lock_name, ...)  {  	size_t tbl_size = 0;  	va_list args;  	struct workqueue_struct *wq;  	struct pool_workqueue *pwq;    	/* see the comment above the definition of WQ_POWER_EFFICIENT */  	if ((flags & WQ_POWER_EFFICIENT) && wq_power_efficient)  		flags |= WQ_UNBOUND;    	/* allocate wq and format name */  	if (flags & WQ_UNBOUND)  		tbl_size = nr_node_ids * sizeof(wq->numa_pwq_tbl[0]);    	// (1) 分配 workqueue_struct 数据结构  	wq = kzalloc(sizeof(*wq) + tbl_size, GFP_KERNEL);  	if (!wq)  		return NULL;    	if (flags & WQ_UNBOUND) {  		wq->unbound_attrs = alloc_workqueue_attrs(GFP_KERNEL);  		if (!wq->unbound_attrs)  			goto err_free_wq;  	}    	va_start(args, lock_name);  	vsnprintf(wq->name, sizeof(wq->name), fmt, args);  	va_end(args);    	// (2) pwq 最多放到 worker_pool 中的 work 数  	max_active = max_active ?: WQ_DFL_ACTIVE;  	max_active = wq_clamp_max_active(max_active, flags, wq->name);    	/* init wq */  	wq->flags = flags;  	wq->saved_max_active = max_active;  	mutex_init(&wq->mutex);  	atomic_set(&wq->nr_pwqs_to_flush, 0);  	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&wq->pwqs);  	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&wq->flusher_queue);  	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&wq->flusher_overflow);  	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&wq->maydays);    	lockdep_init_map(&wq->lockdep_map, lock_name, key, 0);  	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&wq->list);    	// (3) 给 workqueue 分配对应的 pool_workqueue  	// pool_workqueue 将 workqueue 和 worker_pool 链接起来  	if (alloc_and_link_pwqs(wq) < 0)  		goto err_free_wq;    	// (4) 如果是 WQ_MEM_RECLAIM 类型的 workqueue  	// 创建对应的 rescuer_thread() 内核进程  	/*  	 * Workqueues which may be used during memory reclaim should  	 * have a rescuer to guarantee forward progress.  	 */  	if (flags & WQ_MEM_RECLAIM) {  		struct worker *rescuer;    		rescuer = alloc_worker(NUMA_NO_NODE);  		if (!rescuer)  			goto err_destroy;    		rescuer->rescue_wq = wq;  		rescuer->task = kthread_create(rescuer_thread, rescuer, "%s",  					       wq->name);  		if (IS_ERR(rescuer->task)) {  			kfree(rescuer);  			goto err_destroy;  		}    		wq->rescuer = rescuer;  		rescuer->task->flags |= PF_NO_SETAFFINITY;  		wake_up_process(rescuer->task);  	}    	// (5) 如果是需要,创建 workqueue 对应的 sysfs 文件  	if ((wq->flags & WQ_SYSFS) && workqueue_sysfs_register(wq))  		goto err_destroy;    	/*  	 * wq_pool_mutex protects global freeze state and workqueues list.  	 * Grab it, adjust max_active and add the new @wq to workqueues  	 * list.  	 */  	mutex_lock(&wq_pool_mutex);    	mutex_lock(&wq->mutex);  	for_each_pwq(pwq, wq)  		pwq_adjust_max_active(pwq);  	mutex_unlock(&wq->mutex);    	// (6) 将新的 workqueue 加入到全局链表 workqueues 中  	list_add(&wq->list, &workqueues);    	mutex_unlock(&wq_pool_mutex);    	return wq;    err_free_wq:  	free_workqueue_attrs(wq->unbound_attrs);  	kfree(wq);  	return NULL;  err_destroy:  	destroy_workqueue(wq);  	return NULL;  }  | →  static int alloc_and_link_pwqs(struct workqueue_struct *wq)  {  	bool highpri = wq->flags & WQ_HIGHPRI;  	int cpu, ret;    	// (3.1) normal workqueue  	// pool_workqueue 链接 workqueue 和 worker_pool 的过程  	if (!(wq->flags & WQ_UNBOUND)) {  		// 给 workqueue 的每个 cpu 分配对应的 pool_workqueue,赋值给 wq->cpu_pwqs  		wq->cpu_pwqs = alloc_percpu(struct pool_workqueue);  		if (!wq->cpu_pwqs)  			return -ENOMEM;    		for_each_possible_cpu(cpu) {  			struct pool_workqueue *pwq =  				per_cpu_ptr(wq->cpu_pwqs, cpu);  			struct worker_pool *cpu_pools =  				per_cpu(cpu_worker_pools, cpu);    			// 将初始化时已经创建好的 normal worker_pool,赋值给 pool_workqueue  			init_pwq(pwq, wq, &cpu_pools[highpri]);    			mutex_lock(&wq->mutex);  			// 将 pool_workqueue 和 workqueue 链接起来  			link_pwq(pwq);  			mutex_unlock(&wq->mutex);  		}  		return 0;  	} else if (wq->flags & __WQ_ORDERED) {  	// (3.2) unbound ordered_wq workqueue  	// pool_workqueue 链接 workqueue 和 worker_pool 的过程  		ret = apply_workqueue_attrs(wq, ordered_wq_attrs[highpri]);  		/* there should only be single pwq for ordering guarantee */  		WARN(!ret && (wq-> != &wq->dfl_pwq->pwqs_node ||  			      wq->pwqs.prev != &wq->dfl_pwq->pwqs_node),  		     "ordering guarantee broken for workqueue %sn", wq->name);  		return ret;  	} else {  	// (3.3) unbound unbound_std_wq workqueue  	// pool_workqueue 链接 workqueue 和 worker_pool 的过程  		return apply_workqueue_attrs(wq, unbound_std_wq_attrs[highpri]);  	}  }  || →  int apply_workqueue_attrs(struct workqueue_struct *wq,  			  const struct workqueue_attrs *attrs)  {    	// (3.2.1) 根据的 ubound 的 ordered_wq_attrs/unbound_std_wq_attrs  	// 创建对应的 pool_workqueue 和 worker_pool  	// 其中 worker_pool 不是默认创建好的,是需要动态创建的,对应的 worker 内核进程也要重新创建  	// 创建好的 pool_workqueue 赋值给 pwq_tbl[node]  	/*  	 * If something goes wrong during CPU up/down, we'll fall back to  	 * the default pwq covering whole @attrs->cpumask.  Always create  	 * it even if we don't use it immediately.  	 */  	dfl_pwq = alloc_unbound_pwq(wq, new_attrs);  	if (!dfl_pwq)  		goto enomem_pwq;    	for_each_node(node) {  		if (wq_calc_node_cpumask(attrs, node, -1, tmp_attrs->cpumask)) {  			pwq_tbl[node] = alloc_unbound_pwq(wq, tmp_attrs);  			if (!pwq_tbl[node])  				goto enomem_pwq;  		} else {  			dfl_pwq->refcnt++;  			pwq_tbl[node] = dfl_pwq;  		}  	}    	/* save the previous pwq and install the new one */  	// (3.2.2) 将临时 pwq_tbl[node] 赋值给 wq->numa_pwq_tbl[node]  	for_each_node(node)  		pwq_tbl[node] = numa_pwq_tbl_install(wq, node, pwq_tbl[node]);    }  ||| →  static struct pool_workqueue *alloc_unbound_pwq(struct workqueue_struct *wq,  					const struct workqueue_attrs *attrs)  {  	struct worker_pool *pool;  	struct pool_workqueue *pwq;    	lockdep_assert_held(&wq_pool_mutex);    	// ( 如果对应 attrs 已经创建多对应的 unbound_pool,则使用已有的 unbound_pool  	// 否则根据 attrs 创建新的 unbound_pool  	pool = get_unbound_pool(attrs);  	if (!pool)  		return NULL;    	pwq = kmem_cache_alloc_node(pwq_cache, GFP_KERNEL, pool->node);  	if (!pwq) {  		put_unbound_pool(pool);  		return NULL;  	}    	init_pwq(pwq, wq, pool);  	return pwq;  }

1.2 worker

每个 worker 对应一个 worker_thread() 内核线程,一个 worker_pool 对应一个或者多个 worker。多个 worker 从同一个链表中 worker_pool->worklist 获取 work 进行处理。


  • worker 怎么处理 work;
  • worker_pool 怎么动态管理 worker 的数量;

1.2.1 worker 处理 work

处理 work 的过程主要在 worker_thread() -> process_one_work() 中处理,我们具体看看代码的实现过程。

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • worker_thread() -> process_one_work()
static int worker_thread(void *__worker)  {  	struct worker *worker = __worker;  	struct worker_pool *pool = worker->pool;    	/* tell the scheduler that this is a workqueue worker */  	worker->task->flags |= PF_WQ_WORKER;  woke_up:  	spin_lock_irq(&pool->lock);    	// (1) 是否 die  	/* am I supposed to die? */  	if (unlikely(worker->flags & WORKER_DIE)) {  		spin_unlock_irq(&pool->lock);  		WARN_ON_ONCE(!list_empty(&worker->entry));  		worker->task->flags &= ~PF_WQ_WORKER;    		set_task_comm(worker->task, "kworker/dying");  		ida_simple_remove(&pool->worker_ida, worker->id);  		worker_detach_from_pool(worker, pool);  		kfree(worker);  		return 0;  	}    	// (2) 脱离 idle 状态  	// 被唤醒之前 worker 都是 idle 状态  	worker_leave_idle(worker);  recheck:    	// (3) 如果需要本 worker 继续执行则继续,否则进入 idle 状态  	// need more worker 的条件: (pool->worklist != 0) && (pool->nr_running == 0)  	// worklist 上有 work 需要执行,并且现在没有处于 running 的 work  	/* no more worker necessary? */  	if (!need_more_worker(pool))  		goto sleep;    	// (4) 如果 (pool->nr_idle == 0),则启动创建更多的 worker  	// 说明 idle 队列中已经没有备用 worker 了,先创建 一些 worker 备用  	/* do we need to manage? */  	if (unlikely(!may_start_working(pool)) && manage_workers(worker))  		goto recheck;    	/*  	 * ->scheduled list can only be filled while a worker is  	 * preparing to process a work or actually processing it.  	 * Make sure nobody diddled with it while I was sleeping.  	 */  	WARN_ON_ONCE(!list_empty(&worker->scheduled));    	/*  	 * Finish PREP stage.  We're guaranteed to have at least one idle  	 * worker or that someone else has already assumed the manager  	 * role.  This is where @worker starts participating in concurrency  	 * management if applicable and concurrency management is restored  	 * after being rebound.  See rebind_workers() for details.  	 */  	worker_clr_flags(worker, WORKER_PREP | WORKER_REBOUND);    	do {  		// (5) 如果 pool->worklist 不为空,从其中取出一个 work 进行处理  		struct work_struct *work =  			list_first_entry(&pool->worklist,  					 struct work_struct, entry);    		if (likely(!(*work_data_bits(work) & WORK_STRUCT_LINKED))) {  			/* optimization path, not strictly necessary */  			// (6) 执行正常的 work  			process_one_work(worker, work);  			if (unlikely(!list_empty(&worker->scheduled)))  				process_scheduled_works(worker);  		} else {  			// (7) 执行系统特意 scheduled 给某个 worker 的 work  			// 普通的 work 是放在池子的公共 list 中的 pool->worklist  			// 只有一些特殊的 work 被特意派送给某个 worker 的 worker->scheduled  			// 包括:1、执行 flush_work 时插入的 barrier work;  			// 2、collision 时从其他 worker 推送到本 worker 的 work  			move_linked_works(work, &worker->scheduled, NULL);  			process_scheduled_works(worker);  		}  	// (8) worker keep_working 的条件:  	// pool->worklist 不为空 && (pool->nr_running <= 1)  	} while (keep_working(pool));    	worker_set_flags(worker, WORKER_PREP);supposed  sleep:  	// (9) worker 进入 idle 状态  	/*  	 * pool->lock is held and there's no work to process and no need to  	 * manage, sleep.  Workers are woken up only while holding  	 * pool->lock or from local cpu, so setting the current state  	 * before releasing pool->lock is enough to prevent losing any  	 * event.  	 */  	worker_enter_idle(worker);  	__set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);  	spin_unlock_irq(&pool->lock);  	schedule();  	goto woke_up;  }  | →  static void process_one_work(struct worker *worker, struct work_struct *work)  __releases(&pool->lock)  __acquires(&pool->lock)  {  	struct pool_workqueue *pwq = get_work_pwq(work);  	struct worker_pool *pool = worker->pool;  	bool cpu_intensive = pwq->wq->flags & WQ_CPU_INTENSIVE;  	int work_color;  	struct worker *collision;  #ifdef CONFIG_LOCKDEP  	/*  	 * It is permissible to free the struct work_struct from  	 * inside the function that is called from it, this we need to  	 * take into account for lockdep too.  To avoid bogus "held  	 * lock freed" warnings as well as problems when looking into  	 * work->lockdep_map, make a copy and use that here.  	 */  	struct lockdep_map lockdep_map;    	lockdep_copy_map(&lockdep_map, &work->lockdep_map);  #endif  	/* ensure we're on the correct CPU */  	WARN_ON_ONCE(!(pool->flags & POOL_DISASSOCIATED) &&  		     raw_smp_processor_id() != pool->cpu);    	// (8.1) 如果 work 已经在 worker_pool 的其他 worker 上执行,  	// 将 work 放入对应 worker 的 scheduled 队列中延后执行  	/*  	 * A single work shouldn't be executed concurrently by  	 * multiple workers on a single cpu.  Check whether anyone is  	 * already processing the work.  If so, defer the work to the  	 * currently executing one.  	 */  	collision = find_worker_executing_work(pool, work);  	if (unlikely(collision)) {  		move_linked_works(work, &collision->scheduled, NULL);  		return;  	}    	// (8.2) 将 worker 加入 busy 队列 pool->busy_hash  	/* claim and dequeue */  	debug_work_deactivate(work);  	hash_add(pool->busy_hash, &worker->hentry, (unsigned long)work);  	worker->current_work = work;  	worker->current_func = work->func;  	worker->current_pwq = pwq;  	work_color = get_work_color(work);    	list_del_init(&work->entry);    	// (8.3) 如果 work 所在的 wq 是 cpu 密集型的 WQ_CPU_INTENSIVE  	// 则当前 work 的执行脱离 worker_pool 的动态调度,成为一个独立的线程  	/*  	 * CPU intensive works don't participate in concurrency management.  	 * They're the scheduler's responsibility.  This takes @worker out  	 * of concurrency management and the next code block will chain  	 * execution of the pending work items.  	 */  	if (unlikely(cpu_intensive))  		worker_set_flags(worker, WORKER_CPU_INTENSIVE);    	// (8.4) 在 UNBOUND 或者 CPU_INTENSIVE work 中判断是否需要唤醒 idle worker  	// 普通 work 不会执行这个操作  	/*  	 * Wake up another worker if necessary.  The condition is always  	 * false for normal per-cpu workers since nr_running would always  	 * be >= 1 at this point.  This is used to chain execution of the  	 * pending work items for WORKER_NOT_RUNNING workers such as the  	 * UNBOUND and CPU_INTENSIVE ones.  	 */  	if (need_more_worker(pool))  		wake_up_worker(pool);    	/*  	 * Record the last pool and clear PENDING which should be the last  	 * update to @work.  Also, do this inside @pool->lock so that  	 * PENDING and queued state changes happen together while IRQ is  	 * disabled.  	 */  	set_work_pool_and_clear_pending(work, pool->id);    	spin_unlock_irq(&pool->lock);    	lock_map_acquire_read(&pwq->wq->lockdep_map);  	lock_map_acquire(&lockdep_map);  	trace_workqueue_execute_start(work);  	// (8.5) 执行 work 函数  	worker->current_func(work);  	/*  	 * While we must be careful to not use "work" after this, the trace  	 * point will only record its address.  	 */  	trace_workqueue_execute_end(work);  	lock_map_release(&lockdep_map);  	lock_map_release(&pwq->wq->lockdep_map);    	if (unlikely(in_atomic() || lockdep_depth(current) > 0)) {  		pr_err("BUG: workqueue leaked lock or atomic: %s/0x%08x/%dn"  		       "     last function: %pfn",  		       current->comm, preempt_count(), task_pid_nr(current),  		       worker->current_func);  		debug_show_held_locks(current);  		dump_stack();  	}    	/*  	 * The following prevents a kworker from hogging CPU on !PREEMPT  	 * kernels, where a requeueing work item waiting for something to  	 * happen could deadlock with stop_machine as such work item could  	 * indefinitely requeue itself while all other CPUs are trapped in  	 * stop_machine. At the same time, report a quiescent RCU state so  	 * the same condition doesn't freeze RCU.  	 */  	cond_resched_rcu_qs();    	spin_lock_irq(&pool->lock);    	/* clear cpu intensive status */  	if (unlikely(cpu_intensive))  		worker_clr_flags(worker, WORKER_CPU_INTENSIVE);    	/* we're done with it, release */  	hash_del(&worker->hentry);  	worker->current_work = NULL;  	worker->current_func = NULL;  	worker->current_pwq = NULL;  	worker->desc_valid = false;  	pwq_dec_nr_in_flight(pwq, work_color);  }

1.2.2 worker_pool 动态管理 worker

worker_pool 怎么来动态增减 worker,这部分的算法是 CMWQ 的核心。其思想如下:

  • worker_pool 中的 worker 有 3 种状态:idle、running、suspend;
  • 如果 worker_pool 中有 work 需要处理,保持至少一个 running worker 来处理;
  • running worker 在处理 work 的过程中进入了阻塞 suspend 状态,为了保持其他 work 的执行,需要唤醒新的 idle worker 来处理 work;
  • 如果有 work 需要执行且 running worker 大于 1 个,会让多余的 running worker 进入 idle 状态;
  • 如果没有 work 需要执行,会让所有 worker 进入 idle 状态;
  • 如果创建的 worker 过多,destroy_worker 在 300s(IDLE_WORKER_TIMEOUT) 时间内没有再次运行的 idle worker。

worker status machine

详细代码可以参考上节 worker_thread() -> process_one_work() 的分析。

为了追踪 worker 的 running 和 suspend 状态,用来动态调整 worker 的数量。wq 使用在进程调度中加钩子函数的技巧:

  • 追踪 worker 从 suspend 进入 running 状态:ttwu_activate() -> wq_worker_waking_up()
void wq_worker_waking_up(struct task_struct *task, int cpu)  {  	struct worker *worker = kthread_data(task);    	if (!(worker->flags & WORKER_NOT_RUNNING)) {  		WARN_ON_ONCE(worker->pool->cpu != cpu);  		// 增加 worker_pool 中 running 的 worker 数量  		atomic_inc(&worker->pool->nr_running);  	}  }
  • 追踪 worker 从 running 进入 suspend 状态:__schedule() -> wq_worker_sleeping()
struct task_struct *wq_worker_sleeping(struct task_struct *task, int cpu)  {  	struct worker *worker = kthread_data(task), *to_wakeup = NULL;  	struct worker_pool *pool;    	/*  	 * Rescuers, which may not have all the fields set up like normal  	 * workers, also reach here, let's not access anything before  	 * checking NOT_RUNNING.  	 */  	if (worker->flags & WORKER_NOT_RUNNING)  		return NULL;    	pool = worker->pool;    	/* this can only happen on the local cpu */  	if (WARN_ON_ONCE(cpu != raw_smp_processor_id() || pool->cpu != cpu))  		return NULL;    	/*  	 * The counterpart of the following dec_and_test, implied mb,  	 * worklist not empty test sequence is in insert_work().  	 * Please read comment there.  	 *  	 * NOT_RUNNING is clear.  This means that we're bound to and  	 * running on the local cpu w/ rq lock held and preemption  	 * disabled, which in turn means that none else could be  	 * manipulating idle_list, so dereferencing idle_list without pool  	 * lock is safe.  	 */  	// 减少 worker_pool 中 running 的 worker 数量  	// 如果 worklist 还有 work 需要处理,唤醒第一个 idle worker 进行处理  	if (atomic_dec_and_test(&pool->nr_running) &&  	    !list_empty(&pool->worklist))  		to_wakeup = first_idle_worker(pool);  	return to_wakeup ? to_wakeup->task : NULL;  }

这里 worker_pool 的调度思想是:如果有 work 需要处理,保持一个 running 状态的 worker 处理,不多也不少。

但是这里有一个问题如果 work 是 CPU 密集型的,它虽然也没有进入 suspend 状态,但是会长时间的占用 CPU,让后续的 work 阻塞太长时间。

为了解决这个问题,CMWQ 设计了 WQ_CPU_INTENSIVE,如果一个 wq 声明自己是 CPU_INTENSIVE,则让当前 worker 脱离动态调度,像是进入了 suspend 状态,那么 CMWQ 会创建新的 worker,后续的 work 会得到执行。

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • worker_thread() -> process_one_work()
static void process_one_work(struct worker *worker, struct work_struct *work)  __releases(&pool->lock)  __acquires(&pool->lock)  {    	bool cpu_intensive = pwq->wq->flags & WQ_CPU_INTENSIVE;    	// (1) 设置当前 worker 的 WORKER_CPU_INTENSIVE 标志  	// nr_running 会被减 1  	// 对 worker_pool 来说,当前 worker 相当于进入了 suspend 状态  	/*  	 * CPU intensive works don't participate in concurrency management.  	 * They're the scheduler's responsibility.  This takes @worker out  	 * of concurrency management and the next code block will chain  	 * execution of the pending work items.  	 */  	if (unlikely(cpu_intensive))  		worker_set_flags(worker, WORKER_CPU_INTENSIVE);    	// (2) 接上一步,判断是否需要唤醒新的 worker 来处理 work  	/*  	 * Wake up another worker if necessary.  The condition is always  	 * false for normal per-cpu workers since nr_running would always  	 * be >= 1 at this point.  This is used to chain execution of the  	 * pending work items for WORKER_NOT_RUNNING workers such as the  	 * UNBOUND and CPU_INTENSIVE ones.  	 */  	if (need_more_worker(pool))  		wake_up_worker(pool);    	// (3) 执行 work  	worker->current_func(work);    	// (4) 执行完,清理当前 worker 的 WORKER_CPU_INTENSIVE 标志  	// 当前 worker 重新进入 running 状态  	/* clear cpu intensive status */  	if (unlikely(cpu_intensive))  		worker_clr_flags(worker, WORKER_CPU_INTENSIVE);    }    	WORKER_NOT_RUNNING	= WORKER_PREP | WORKER_CPU_INTENSIVE |  				  WORKER_UNBOUND | WORKER_REBOUND,    static inline void worker_set_flags(struct worker *worker, unsigned int flags)  {  	struct worker_pool *pool = worker->pool;    	WARN_ON_ONCE(worker->task != current);    	/* If transitioning into NOT_RUNNING, adjust nr_running. */  	if ((flags & WORKER_NOT_RUNNING) &&  	    !(worker->flags & WORKER_NOT_RUNNING)) {  		atomic_dec(&pool->nr_running);  	}    	worker->flags |= flags;  }    static inline void worker_clr_flags(struct worker *worker, unsigned int flags)  {  	struct worker_pool *pool = worker->pool;  	unsigned int oflags = worker->flags;    	WARN_ON_ONCE(worker->task != current);    	worker->flags &= ~flags;    	/*  	 * If transitioning out of NOT_RUNNING, increment nr_running.  Note  	 * that the nested NOT_RUNNING is not a noop.  NOT_RUNNING is mask  	 * of multiple flags, not a single flag.  	 */  	if ((flags & WORKER_NOT_RUNNING) && (oflags & WORKER_NOT_RUNNING))  		if (!(worker->flags & WORKER_NOT_RUNNING))  			atomic_inc(&pool->nr_running);  }

1.2.3 CPU hotplug 处理

从上几节可以看到,系统会创建和 CPU 绑定的 normal worker_pool 和不绑定 CPU 的 unbound worker_pool,worker_pool 又会动态的创建 worker。

那么在 CPU hotplug 的时候,会怎么样动态的处理 worker_pool 和 worker 呢?来看具体的代码分析:

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • workqueue_cpu_up_callback()/workqueue_cpu_down_callback()
static int __init init_workqueues(void)  {    	cpu_notifier(workqueue_cpu_up_callback, CPU_PRI_WORKQUEUE_UP);  	hotcpu_notifier(workqueue_cpu_down_callback, CPU_PRI_WORKQUEUE_DOWN);    }  | →  static int workqueue_cpu_down_callback(struct notifier_block *nfb,  						 unsigned long action,  						 void *hcpu)  {  	int cpu = (unsigned long)hcpu;  	struct work_struct unbind_work;  	struct workqueue_struct *wq;    	switch (action & ~CPU_TASKS_FROZEN) {  	case CPU_DOWN_PREPARE:  		/* unbinding per-cpu workers should happen on the local CPU */  		INIT_WORK_ONSTACK(&unbind_work, wq_unbind_fn);  		// (1) cpu down_prepare  		// 把和当前 cpu 绑定的 normal worker_pool 上的 worker 停工  		// 随着当前 cpu 被 down 掉,这些 worker 会迁移到其他 cpu 上  		queue_work_on(cpu, system_highpri_wq, &unbind_work);    		// (2) unbound wq 对 cpu 变化的更新  		/* update NUMA affinity of unbound workqueues */  		mutex_lock(&wq_pool_mutex);  		list_for_each_entry(wq, &workqueues, list)  			wq_update_unbound_numa(wq, cpu, false);  		mutex_unlock(&wq_pool_mutex);    		/* wait for per-cpu unbinding to finish */  		flush_work(&unbind_work);  		destroy_work_on_stack(&unbind_work);  		break;  	}  	return NOTIFY_OK;  }  | →  static int workqueue_cpu_up_callback(struct notifier_block *nfb,  		unsigned long action, void *hcpu)  {  	int CPU = (unsigned long)hcpu;  	struct worker_pool *pool;  	struct workqueue_struct *wq;  	int pi;  	switch (action & ~CPU_TASKS_FROZEN) {  	case CPU_UP_PREPARE:  		for_each_cpu_worker_pool(pool, CPU) {  			if (pool->nr_workers)  				continue;  			if (!create_worker(pool))  				return NOTIFY_BAD;  		}  		break;  	case CPU_DOWN_FAILED:  	case CPU_ONLINE:  		mutex_lock(&wq_pool_mutex);  		// (3) CPU up  		for_each_pool(pool, pi) {  			mutex_lock(&pool->attach_mutex);  			// 如果和当前 CPU 绑定的 normal worker_pool 上,有 WORKER_UNBOUND 停工的 worker  			// 重新绑定 worker 到 worker_pool  			// 让这些 worker 开工,并绑定到当前 CPU  			if (pool->CPU == CPU)  				rebind_workers(pool);  			else if (pool->CPU < 0)  				restore_unbound_workers_cpumask(pool, CPU);  			mutex_unlock(&pool->attach_mutex);  		}    		/* update NUMA affinity of unbound workqueues */  		list_for_each_entry(wq, &workqueues, list)  			wq_update_unbound_numa(wq, CPU, true);  		mutex_unlock(&wq_pool_mutex);  		break;  	}  	return NOTIFY_OK;  }

1.3 workqueue

workqueue 就是存放一组 work 的集合,基本可以分为两类:一类系统创建的 workqueue,一类是用户自己创建的 workqueue。

不论是系统还是用户的 workqueue,如果没有指定 WQ_UNBOUND,默认都是和 normal worker_pool 绑定。

1.3.1 系统 workqueue

系统在初始化时创建了一批默认的 workqueue:system_wq、system_highpri_wq、system_long_wq、system_unbound_wq、system_freezable_wq、system_power_efficient_wq、system_freezable_power_efficient_wq。

像 system_wq,就是 schedule_work() 默认使用的。

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • init_workqueues()
static int __init init_workqueues(void)  {  	system_wq = alloc_workqueue("events", 0, 0);  	system_highpri_wq = alloc_workqueue("events_highpri", WQ_HIGHPRI, 0);  	system_long_wq = alloc_workqueue("events_long", 0, 0);  	system_unbound_wq = alloc_workqueue("events_unbound", WQ_UNBOUND,  					    WQ_UNBOUND_MAX_ACTIVE);  	system_freezable_wq = alloc_workqueue("events_freezable",  					      WQ_FREEZABLE, 0);  	system_power_efficient_wq = alloc_workqueue("events_power_efficient",  					      WQ_POWER_EFFICIENT, 0);    	system_freezable_power_efficient_wq = alloc_workqueue("events_freezable_power_efficient",  					      WQ_FREEZABLE | WQ_POWER_EFFICIENT,  					      0);  }

1.3.2 workqueue 创建

详细过程见上几节的代码分析:alloc_workqueue() -> __alloc_workqueue_key() -> alloc_and_link_pwqs()。

1.3.3 flush_workqueue()

这一部分的逻辑,wq->work_color、wq->flush_color 换来换去的逻辑实在看的头晕。看不懂暂时不想看,放着以后看吧,或者有谁看懂了教我一下。:)

1.4 pool_workqueue

pool_workqueue 只是一个中介角色。

详细过程见上几节的代码分析:alloc_workqueue() -> __alloc_workqueue_key() -> alloc_and_link_pwqs()。

1.5 work


1.5.1 queue_work()

将 work 压入到 workqueue 当中。

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • queue_work() -> queue_work_on() -> __queue_work()
static void __queue_work(int cpu, struct workqueue_struct *wq,  			 struct work_struct *work)  {  	struct pool_workqueue *pwq;  	struct worker_pool *last_pool;  	struct list_head *worklist;  	unsigned int work_flags;  	unsigned int req_cpu = cpu;    	/*  	 * While a work item is PENDING && off queue, a task trying to  	 * steal the PENDING will busy-loop waiting for it to either get  	 * queued or lose PENDING.  Grabbing PENDING and queueing should  	 * happen with IRQ disabled.  	 */  	WARN_ON_ONCE(!irqs_disabled());    	debug_work_activate(work);    	/* if draining, only works from the same workqueue are allowed */  	if (unlikely(wq->flags & __WQ_DRAINING) &&  	    WARN_ON_ONCE(!is_chained_work(wq)))  		return;  retry:  	// (1) 如果没有指定 cpu,则使用当前 cpu  	if (req_cpu == WORK_CPU_UNBOUND)  		cpu = raw_smp_processor_id();    	/* pwq which will be used unless @work is executing elsewhere */  	if (!(wq->flags & WQ_UNBOUND))  		// (2) 对于 normal wq,使用当前 cpu 对应的 normal worker_pool  		pwq = per_cpu_ptr(wq->cpu_pwqs, cpu);  	else  		// (3) 对于 unbound wq,使用当前 cpu 对应 node 的 worker_pool  		pwq = unbound_pwq_by_node(wq, cpu_to_node(cpu));    	// (4) 如果 work 在其他 worker 上正在被执行,把 work 压到对应的 worker 上去  	// 避免 work 出现重入的问题  	/*  	 * If @work was previously on a different pool, it might still be  	 * running there, in which case the work needs to be queued on that  	 * pool to guarantee non-reentrancy.  	 */  	last_pool = get_work_pool(work);  	if (last_pool && last_pool != pwq->pool) {  		struct worker *worker;    		spin_lock(&last_pool->lock);    		worker = find_worker_executing_work(last_pool, work);    		if (worker && worker->current_pwq->wq == wq) {  			pwq = worker->current_pwq;  		} else {  			/* meh... not running there, queue here */  			spin_unlock(&last_pool->lock);  			spin_lock(&pwq->pool->lock);  		}  	} else {  		spin_lock(&pwq->pool->lock);  	}    	/*  	 * pwq is determined and locked.  For unbound pools, we could have  	 * raced with pwq release and it could already be dead.  If its  	 * refcnt is zero, repeat pwq selection.  Note that pwqs never die  	 * without another pwq replacing it in the numa_pwq_tbl or while  	 * work items are executing on it, so the retrying is guaranteed to  	 * make forward-progress.  	 */  	if (unlikely(!pwq->refcnt)) {  		if (wq->flags & WQ_UNBOUND) {  			spin_unlock(&pwq->pool->lock);  			cpu_relax();  			goto retry;  		}  		/* oops */  		WARN_ONCE(true, "workqueue: per-cpu pwq for %s on cpu%d has 0 refcnt",  			  wq->name, cpu);  	}    	/* pwq determined, queue */  	trace_workqueue_queue_work(req_cpu, pwq, work);    	if (WARN_ON(!list_empty(&work->entry))) {  		spin_unlock(&pwq->pool->lock);  		return;  	}    	pwq->nr_in_flight[pwq->work_color]++;  	work_flags = work_color_to_flags(pwq->work_color);    	// (5) 如果还没有达到 max_active,将 work 挂载到 pool->worklist  	if (likely(pwq->nr_active < pwq->max_active)) {  		trace_workqueue_activate_work(work);  		pwq->nr_active++;  		worklist = &pwq->pool->worklist;  	// 否则,将 work 挂载到临时队列 pwq->delayed_works  	} else {  		work_flags |= WORK_STRUCT_DELAYED;  		worklist = &pwq->delayed_works;  	}    	// (6) 将 work 压入 worklist 当中  	insert_work(pwq, work, worklist, work_flags);    	spin_unlock(&pwq->pool->lock);  }

1.5.2 flush_work()

flush 某个 work,确保 work 执行完成。

怎么判断异步的 work 已经执行完成?这里面使用了一个技巧:在目标 work 的后面插入一个新的 work wq_barrier,如果 wq_barrier 执行完成,那么目标 work 肯定已经执行完成。

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • queue_work() -> queue_work_on() -> __queue_work()
/**   * flush_work - wait for a work to finish executing the last queueing instance   * @work: the work to flush   *   * Wait until @work has finished execution.  @work is guaranteed to be idle   * on return if it hasn't been requeued since flush started.   *   * Return:   * %true if flush_work() waited for the work to finish execution,   * %false if it was already idle.   */  bool flush_work(struct work_struct *work)  {  	struct wq_barrier barr;    	lock_map_acquire(&work->lockdep_map);  	lock_map_release(&work->lockdep_map);    	if (start_flush_work(work, &barr)) {  		// 等待 barr work 执行完成的信号  		wait_for_completion(&barr.done);  		destroy_work_on_stack(&;  		return true;  	} else {  		return false;  	}  }  | →  static bool start_flush_work(struct work_struct *work, struct wq_barrier *barr)  {  	struct worker *worker = NULL;  	struct worker_pool *pool;  	struct pool_workqueue *pwq;    	might_sleep();    	// (1) 如果 work 所在 worker_pool 为 NULL,说明 work 已经执行完  	local_irq_disable();  	pool = get_work_pool(work);  	if (!pool) {  		local_irq_enable();  		return false;  	}    	spin_lock(&pool->lock);  	/* see the comment in try_to_grab_pending() with the same code */  	pwq = get_work_pwq(work);  	if (pwq) {  		// (2) 如果 work 所在 pwq 指向的 worker_pool 不等于上一步得到的 worker_pool,说明 work 已经执行完  		if (unlikely(pwq->pool != pool))  			goto already_gone;  	} else {  		// (3) 如果 work 所在 pwq 为 NULL,并且也没有在当前执行的 work 中,说明 work 已经执行完  		worker = find_worker_executing_work(pool, work);  		if (!worker)  			goto already_gone;  		pwq = worker->current_pwq;  	}    	// (4) 如果 work 没有执行完,向 work 的后面插入 barr work  	insert_wq_barrier(pwq, barr, work, worker);  	spin_unlock_irq(&pool->lock);    	/*  	 * If @max_active is 1 or rescuer is in use, flushing another work  	 * item on the same workqueue may lead to deadlock.  Make sure the  	 * flusher is not running on the same workqueue by verifying write  	 * access.  	 */  	if (pwq->wq->saved_max_active == 1 || pwq->wq->rescuer)  		lock_map_acquire(&pwq->wq->lockdep_map);  	else  		lock_map_acquire_read(&pwq->wq->lockdep_map);  	lock_map_release(&pwq->wq->lockdep_map);    	return true;  already_gone:  	spin_unlock_irq(&pool->lock);  	return false;  }  || →  static void insert_wq_barrier(struct pool_workqueue *pwq,  			      struct wq_barrier *barr,  			      struct work_struct *target, struct worker *worker)  {  	struct list_head *head;  	unsigned int linked = 0;    	/*  	 * debugobject calls are safe here even with pool->lock locked  	 * as we know for sure that this will not trigger any of the  	 * checks and call back into the fixup functions where we  	 * might deadlock.  	 */  	// (4.1) barr work 的执行函数 wq_barrier_func()  	INIT_WORK_ONSTACK(&barr->work, wq_barrier_func);  	__set_bit(WORK_STRUCT_PENDING_BIT, work_data_bits(&barr->work));  	init_completion(&barr->done);    	/*  	 * If @target is currently being executed, schedule the  	 * barrier to the worker; otherwise, put it after @target.  	 */  	// (4.2) 如果 work 当前在 worker 中执行,则 barr work 插入 scheduled 队列  	if (worker)  		head = worker->;  	// 否则,则 barr work 插入正常的 worklist 队列中,插入位置在目标 work 后面  	// 并且置上 WORK_STRUCT_LINKED 标志  	else {  		unsigned long *bits = work_data_bits(target);    		head = target->;  		/* there can already be other linked works, inherit and set */  		linked = *bits & WORK_STRUCT_LINKED;  		__set_bit(WORK_STRUCT_LINKED_BIT, bits);  	}    	debug_work_activate(&barr->work);  	insert_work(pwq, &barr->work, head,  		    work_color_to_flags(WORK_NO_COLOR) | linked);  }  ||| →  static void wq_barrier_func(struct work_struct *work)  {  	struct wq_barrier *barr = container_of(work, struct wq_barrier, work);  	// (4.1.1) barr work 执行完成,发出 complete 信号。  	complete(&barr->done);  }

2.Workqueue 对外接口函数

CMWQ 实现的 workqueue 机制,被包装成相应的对外接口函数。

2.1 schedule_work()

把 work 压入系统默认 wq system_wq,WORK_CPU_UNBOUND 指定 worker 为当前 CPU 绑定的 normal worker_pool 创建的 worker。

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • schedule_work() -> queue_work_on() -> __queue_work()
static inline bool schedule_work(struct work_struct *work)  {  	return queue_work(system_wq, work);  }  | →  static inline bool queue_work(struct workqueue_struct *wq,  			      struct work_struct *work)  {  	return queue_work_on(WORK_CPU_UNBOUND, wq, work);  }

2.2 sschedule_work_on()

schedule_work() 基础上,可以指定 work 运行的 CPU。

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • schedule_work_on() -> queue_work_on() -> __queue_work()
static inline bool schedule_work_on(int cpu, struct work_struct *work)  {  	return queue_work_on(cpu, system_wq, work);  }

2.3 schedule_delayed_work()

启动一个 timer,在 timer 定时到了以后调用 delayed_work_timer_fn() 把 work 压入系统默认 wq system_wq。

  • kernel/workqueue.c:
  • schedule_work_on() -> queue_work_on() -> __queue_work()
static inline bool schedule_delayed_work(struct delayed_work *dwork,  					 unsigned long delay)  {  	return queue_delayed_work(system_wq, dwork, delay);  }  | →  static inline bool queue_delayed_work(struct workqueue_struct *wq,  				      struct delayed_work *dwork,  				      unsigned long delay)  {  	return queue_delayed_work_on(WORK_CPU_UNBOUND, wq, dwork, delay);  }  || →  bool queue_delayed_work_on(int cpu, struct workqueue_struct *wq,  			   struct delayed_work *dwork, unsigned long delay)  {  	struct work_struct *work = &dwork->work;  	bool ret = false;  	unsigned long flags;    	/* read the comment in __queue_work() */  	local_irq_save(flags);    	if (!test_and_set_bit(WORK_STRUCT_PENDING_BIT, work_data_bits(work))) {  		__queue_delayed_work(cpu, wq, dwork, delay);  		ret = true;  	}    	local_irq_restore(flags);  	return ret;  }  ||| →  static void __queue_delayed_work(int cpu, struct workqueue_struct *wq,  				struct delayed_work *dwork, unsigned long delay)  {  	struct timer_list *timer = &dwork->timer;  	struct work_struct *work = &dwork->work;    	WARN_ON_ONCE(timer->function != delayed_work_timer_fn ||  		     timer->data != (unsigned long)dwork);  	WARN_ON_ONCE(timer_pending(timer));  	WARN_ON_ONCE(!list_empty(&work->entry));    	/*  	 * If @delay is 0, queue @dwork->work immediately.  This is for  	 * both optimization and correctness.  The earliest @timer can  	 * expire is on the closest next tick and delayed_work users depend  	 * on that there's no such delay when @delay is 0.  	 */  	if (!delay) {  		__queue_work(cpu, wq, &dwork->work);  		return;  	}    	timer_stats_timer_set_start_info(&dwork->timer);    	dwork->wq = wq;  	dwork->cpu = cpu;  	timer->expires = jiffies + delay;    	if (unlikely(cpu != WORK_CPU_UNBOUND))  		add_timer_on(timer, cpu);  	else  		add_timer(timer);  }  |||| →  void delayed_work_timer_fn(unsigned long __data)  {  	struct delayed_work *dwork = (struct delayed_work *)__data;    	/* should have been called from irqsafe timer with irq already off */  	__queue_work(dwork->cpu, dwork->wq, &dwork->work);  }


  1. Documentation/workqueue.txt

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