
  • 2019 年 10 月 8 日
  • 筆記







假设某APP场景下,有以下数据需求: 表1,新增用户表,t_new_user 字段:uid 用户id,reg_date新增日期 表2,收藏行为表,t_favorite_act 字段:uid 用户id,fav_date 收藏日期 表3,加购物车行为,下面简称“加购”,t_add_cart_act 字段:uid 用户id,add_date 加购日期 表4,新安装用户表(包括前文的新增用户,还包含卸载重装的用户), t_new_install_user 字段,uid 用户id,install_date 安装日期 目标:求2019-07-01新增用户数和新装用户数以及当日新增用户和新装用户在当天,接下来三天,接下来七天产生收藏行为和加购物车行为的人数(请确保你理解了需求)。输出格式如下:




select a.reg_date, count(distinct a.uid) as new_usr_cnt,         count(distinct b.uid) as 3day_fav_usr_cnt,--3日收藏用户数         count(distinct c.uid) as 3day_add_cart_usr_cnt--3日加购用户数  from  (      select reg_date, uid      from t_new_user      where reg_date = '2019-07-01'      group by reg_date, uid  ) a  left join  (      select fav_date, uid      from t_favorite_act      where fav_date between '2019-07-01' and date_add('2019-07-01', 2)      group by fav_date, uid  ) b  on a.uid = b.uid  left join  (      select add_date, uid      from t_add_cart_act      where add_date between '2019-07-01'and date_add('2019-07-01', 2)      group by add_date, uid  ) c  on a.uid = c.uid  group by a.reg_date  


select a.reg_date, count(distinct a.uid) as new_install_usr_cnt,         count(distinct b.uid) as new_install_3day_fav_usr_cnt, --3日收藏用户数         count(distinct c.uid) as new_install_3day_add_cart_usr_cnt--3日加购用户数  from  (      select reg_date as new_date, uid      from t_new_user      where reg_date = '2019-07-01'        union all        select install_date as new_date, uid      from t_new_install_user      where install_date = '2019-07-01'  ) a  left join  (      select fav_date, uid      from t_favorite_act      where fav_date between '2019-07-01' and date_add('2019-07-01', 2)      group by fav_date, uid  ) b  on a.uid = b.uid  left join  (      select add_date, uid      from t_add_cart_act      where add_date between '2019-07-01'and date_add('2019-07-01', 2)      group by add_date, uid  ) c  on a.uid = c.uid  group by a.reg_date  

按照这种思路,我们需要写好多段的SQL(需要修改日期相关的代码):新增用户当日,新增用户3日,新增用户7日,新装用户当日,新装用户3日,新装用户7日。 分别运行之后6次,经过整理就能得到最终的结果。也可以外面载嵌套一个left join,设法把这些小段的SQL合并起来(可以思考一下怎么做),这样减少运行的次数,但是代码会非常长,而且有很多重复的部分。显然,这样做不够“明智”。




select a.reg_date,         count(distinct case when a.type='new_user' then a.uid else null end) as new_usr_cnt,         count(distinct case when a.type='new_user' then b.uid else null end) as fav_usr_cnt,         count(distinct case when a.type='new_user' then c.uid else null end) as add_cart_usr_cnt,         count(distinct a.uid) as new_install_usr_cnt,         count(distinct b.uid) as new_install_3day_fav_usr_cnt,         count(distinct c.uid) as new_install_3day_add_cart_usr_cnt  from  (      select reg_date as new_date, uid, 'new_user' as type      from t_new_user      where reg_date = '2019-07-01'        union all        select install_date as new_date, uid, 'reinstall' as type      from t_new_install_user      where install_date = '2019-07-01'    ) a  left join  (      select fav_date, uid      from t_favorite_act      where fav_date between '2019-07-01' and date_add('2019-07-01', 2)      group by fav_date, uid  ) b  on a.uid = b.uid  left join  (      select add_date, uid      from t_add_cart_act      where add_date between '2019-07-01'and date_add('2019-07-01', 2)      group by add_date, uid  ) c  on a.uid = c.uid  group by a.reg_date  



datediff函数可以求两个日期的时间差。虽然目前的需求是求当日,三日,七日,也就是日期差分别是0,2,6(注意不是1,3,7)的情况。如果我们能求出所有的时间差diff_day,再对diff_day进行判断,不仅能处理当前的需求,就是再来几个别的不同的日期,那也可以只用一个case when就解决了,代码如下,显然比原来更清晰简洁。

select      a.reg_date,          count(distinct case when fav_datediff = 0 and a.type='new_user' then a.uid) as new_install_user_current_day,      count(distinct case when fav_datediff = 0 and a.type='new_user' then b.uid else null end) as new_user_current_day_fav,      count(distinct case when fav_datediff > 0 and fav_datediff <= 2 and a.type='new_user' then b.uid else null end) as new_user_3_day_fav,      count(distinct case when fav_datediff > 0 and fav_datediff <= 6 and a.type='new_user' then b.uid else null end) as new_user_7_day_fav,      count(distinct case when add_datediff = 0 and a.type='new_user' then c.uid else null end) as new_user_current_day_add,      count(distinct case when add_datediff > 0 and add_datediff <= 2 and a.type='new_user' then c.uid else null end) as new_user_3_day_add,      count(distinct case when add_datediff > 0 and add_datediff <= 6 and a.type='new_user' then c.uid else null end) as new_user_7_day_add,      count(distinct case when fav_datediff = 0 then a.uid) as new_install_user_current_day,      count(distinct case when fav_datediff = 0 then b.uid else null end) as new_install_user_current_day_fav,      count(distinct case when fav_datediff > 0 and fav_datediff <= 2 then b.uid else null end) as new_install_user_3_day_fav,      count(distinct case when fav_datediff > 0 and fav_datediff <= 6 then b.uid else null end) as new_install_user_7_day_fav,      count(distinct case when add_datediff = 0 and then c.uid else null end) as new_install_user_current_day_add,      count(distinct case when add_datediff > 0 and add_datediff <= 2 then c.uid else null end) as new_install_user_3_day_add,      count(distinct case when add_datediff > 0 and add_datediff <= 6 then c.uid else null end) as new_install_user_7_day_add  from  (      select  a.reg_date, a.uid, a.type, b.uid, c.uid,      datediff(b.fav_date, a.reg_date) as fav_datediff,      datediff(b.add_date, a.reg_date) as add_datediff,      from      (          select reg_date as new_date, uid, 'new_user' as type          from t_new_user          where reg_date = '2019-07-01'            union all            select install_date as new_date , uid, 'reinstall' as type          from t_new_install_user          where install_date = '2019-07-01'        ) a      left join      (          select fav_date, uid          from t_favorite_act          where fav_date between '2019-07-01' and date_add('2019-07-01', 7)          --注意这里要取能满足datediff=6的日期范围          group by fav_date, uid      ) b      on a.uid = b.uid      left join      (          select add_date, uid          from t_add_cart_act          where add_date between '2019-07-01'and date_add('2019-07-01', 7)          --注意这里要取能满足datediff=6的日期范围          group by add_date, uid      ) c      on a.uid = c.uid  ) d  






回到我们开篇的问题,有没有觉得,需求的逻辑和留存很像。留存通常是指之前有过某种行为,后续依然有。但这里前后两种行为是不一样的。其实可以看做是另一种意义上的留存。因此上面的思路也可以用来计算留存。拿次日留存来举例,我们算一下0801-0807的次日留存。这里额外需要一张活跃表。t_active_user(uid 用户id,act_date 活跃日期)

--次留  select a.reg_date, count(distinct a.uid) new_user, count(distinct b.uid) act_user  from  (      select reg_date, uid      from t_new_user      where reg_date >='20190801' and  reg_date <='20190807'      group by      reg_date, uid --每日每组新增用户  ) a  left join  (      select act_date, uid      from t_active_user      where act_date >='20190801' and  act_date <='20190808'--至少要到0808才能保证0807有留存数据      group by act_date, uid  --每日每组日活用户  ) b  on a.uid = b.uid  where datediff(b.act_date, a.reg_date) = 1  group by a.reg_date  



--次留  select a.reg_date, count(distinct a.uid) new_user,  count(distinct case when datediff(b.act_date, a.reg_date) = 1 then b.uid else null end) act_user  from  (      select reg_date, uid      from t_new_user      where reg_date >='20190801' and  reg_date <='20190807'      group by      reg_date, uid  ) a  left join  (      select act_date, uid      from t_active_user      where act_date >='20190801' and  act_date <='20190808'--至少要到0808才能保证0807有留存数据      group by act_date, uid  ) b  on a.uid = b.uid  group by a.reg_date  


select a.reg_date, count(distinct a.uid) new_user,  count(distinct case when datediff(b.act_date, a.reg_date) = 1 then b.uid else null end) 2day_act_user,  count(distinct case when datediff(b.act_date, a.reg_date) = 6 then b.uid else null end) 7day_act_user  from  (      select reg_date, uid      from t_new_user      where reg_date >='20190801' and  reg_date <='20190802'--有些天还不能计算7留的数据      group by      reg_date, uid  ) a  left join  (      select act_date, uid      from t_active_user      where act_date >='20190801' and  act_date <='20190808'--至少要到0808才能保证0802有7日留存数据      group by act_date, uid  ) b  on a.uid = b.uid  group by a.reg_date  

关于活跃留存的计算,还可能存在活跃表是全量表的情况,即每个最新分区有历史每一天的活跃用户。那写法可能又有不同了。我们可以使用下面的方法计算留存。累计活跃表:t_user_active_accu(uid 用户id,act_date 活跃日期)。这种情况我们依然可以请datediff帮助我们计算留存。只需要按照日期差进行分组,统计各个日期差的活跃用户数,最后将相同日期差的用户数求和就能算出“留存的用户”了。如下面代码计算了20190801的留存。

select      sum(case when datediff=0 then user_cnt else 0 end),      sum(case when datediff=1 then user_cnt else 0 end)  from  (      select datediff, count(distinct uid) as user_cnt      from      (          select uid, datediff(act_date,'2019-08-01') as datediff          from t_user_active_accu          where ds = '20190808'--ds表示分区,取一个最新的即可          and datediff('2019-08-01', act_date) >=0      ) a      group by datediff  ) b  



本文我们从一道SQL题目出发,讨论了使用union all 和datediff简化代码的过程,以及由此衍生出来的相关问题。由于表是虚构的,代码并未经过完全测试,主要在于理解其中的技巧和原理。希望对读到这里的你有所帮助。如有问题欢迎指出,也欢迎交流讨论~