ABAP里的軟引用(weak reference)的用法

  • 2020 年 1 月 21 日
  • 筆記

REPORT z.    DATA: aa TYPE REF TO zcl_exception_test.    aa = NEW #( ).    DATA(lo_ref) = NEW cl_abap_weak_reference( oref = aa ).  DATA(result) = cl_abap_memory_utilities=>is_strongly_referenced( ref = lo_ref ).  WRITE: / result.    CLEAR: aa.    DATA(result2) = cl_abap_memory_utilities=>is_strongly_referenced( ref = lo_ref ).  WRITE: / result2.    DATA: lt_table TYPE string_table.    DO 10 TIMES.    DO 1000 TIMES.      APPEND '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' TO lt_table.    ENDDO.    cl_abap_memory_utilities=>get_memory_size_of_object( EXPORTING object = lt_table        IMPORTING          bound_size_alloc = DATA(bound_alloc)          bound_size_used = DATA(bound_used) ).      WRITE: / 'bound alloc:' , bound_alloc.    WRITE: / 'bound used:' , bound_used.  ENDDO.
