
  • 2020 年 1 月 21 日
  • 筆記

REPORT zhelloworld.    PARAMETERS: clear TYPE c as CHECKBOX DEFAULT abap_false.    TYPES: tt_table TYPE TABLE OF tadir WITH KEY pgmid object.  DATA: lt_result TYPE TABLE OF tadir,        lt_total  TYPE TABLE OF tadir,        lr_result TYPE REF TO tt_table.    DATA: c1 TYPE cursor.    OPEN CURSOR @c1 FOR SELECT * FROM tadir.    DO.    WRITE: / |Round: { sy-index } | COLOR COL_NEGATIVE.    CREATE DATA lr_result.    FETCH NEXT CURSOR @c1 INTO TABLE @lr_result->* PACKAGE SIZE 800000.    IF sy-subrc <> 0.      EXIT.    ENDIF.    APPEND LINES OF lr_result->* TO lt_total.    cl_abap_memory_utilities=>get_memory_size_of_object( EXPORTING object = lt_total        IMPORTING          bound_size_alloc = DATA(bound_alloc)          bound_size_used = DATA(bound_used) ).      WRITE: / 'bound alloc:' , bound_alloc.    WRITE: / 'bound used:' , bound_used.      cl_abap_memory_utilities=>get_total_used_size( IMPORTING size = DATA(lv_before_size) ).    WRITE: / |Total size before GC: { lv_before_size }| COLOR COL_POSITIVE.    IF clear = abap_true.       CLEAR: lr_result->*, lt_result, lr_result.    ENDIF.    "cl_abap_memory_utilities=>do_garbage_collection( ).    cl_abap_memory_utilities=>get_total_used_size( IMPORTING size = DATA(lv_after_size) ).    WRITE: / |Total size after GC: { lv_after_size }| COLOR COL_GROUP.    DATA(rate) = ( lv_before_size - lv_after_size ) * 100 / lv_before_size.    WRITE: / |Freed rate: { rate }%| COLOR COL_TOTAL.  ENDDO.    WRITE: / lines( lt_total ).
