- 2021 年 5 月 31 日
- 筆記
- odoo在載入視圖的時候,首先調用的models.py中的
def load_views(self, views, options=None):
""" Returns the fields_views of given views, along with the fields of
the current model, and optionally its filters for the given action.
:param views: list of [view_id, view_type]
:param options['toolbar']: True to include contextual actions when loading fields_views
:param options['load_filters']: True to return the model's filters
:param options['action_id']: id of the action to get the filters
:return: dictionary with fields_views, fields and optionally filters
options = options or {}
result = {}
toolbar = options.get('toolbar')
result['fields_views'] = {
v_type: self.fields_view_get(v_id, v_type if v_type != 'list' else 'tree',
toolbar=toolbar if v_type != 'search' else False)
for [v_id, v_type] in views
result['fields'] = self.fields_get()
if options.get('load_filters'):
result['filters'] = self.env['ir.filters'].get_filters(self._name, options.get('action_id'))
return result
- 上面的核心在
def fields_view_get(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', toolbar=False, submenu=False):
view = self.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo().browse(view_id)
# Get the view arch and all other attributes describing the composition of the view
result = self._fields_view_get(view_id=view_id, view_type=view_type, toolbar=toolbar, submenu=submenu)
- 檢查許可權通過後,調用
def _fields_view_get(self, view_id=None, view_type='form', toolbar=False, submenu=False):
View = self.env['ir.ui.view'].sudo()
result = {
'model': self._name,
'field_parent': False,
# try to find a view_id if none provided
if not view_id:
# <view_type>_view_ref in context can be used to overrride the default view
view_ref_key = view_type + '_view_ref'
view_ref = self._context.get(view_ref_key)
if view_ref:
if '.' in view_ref:
module, view_ref = view_ref.split('.', 1)
query = "SELECT res_id FROM ir_model_data WHERE model='ir.ui.view' AND module=%s AND name=%s"
self._cr.execute(query, (module, view_ref))
view_ref_res = self._cr.fetchone()
if view_ref_res:
view_id = view_ref_res[0]
_logger.warning('%r requires a fully-qualified external id (got: %r for model %s). '
'Please use the complete `module.view_id` form instead.', view_ref_key, view_ref,
if not view_id:
# otherwise try to find the lowest priority matching ir.ui.view
view_id = View.default_view(self._name, view_type)
if view_id:
# read the view with inherited views applied
root_view = View.browse(view_id).read_combined(['id', 'name', 'field_parent', 'type', 'model', 'arch'])
result['arch'] = root_view['arch']
result['name'] = root_view['name']
result['type'] = root_view['type']
result['view_id'] = root_view['id']
result['field_parent'] = root_view['field_parent']
result['base_model'] = root_view['model']
# fallback on default views methods if no ir.ui.view could be found
arch_etree = getattr(self, '_get_default_%s_view' % view_type)()
result['arch'] = etree.tostring(arch_etree, encoding='unicode')
result['type'] = view_type
result['name'] = 'default'
except AttributeError:
raise UserError(_("No default view of type '%s' could be found !", view_type))
return result
- 此處我們討論的是odoo是如何取默認視圖的,再進ir.ui.view模型的
def default_view(self, model, view_type):
""" Fetches the default view for the provided (model, view_type) pair:
primary view with the lowest priority.
:param str model:
:param int view_type:
:return: id of the default view of False if none found
:rtype: int
domain = [('model', '=', model), ('type', '=', view_type), ('mode', '=', 'primary')]
return self.search(domain, limit=1).id
- 是不是很驚喜,毛都沒有,看不出來如何做的選擇。別著急,看ir.ui.view的模型吧。
- 好了回歸正題,在步驟3中,拿到了默認視圖後,我們取到的視圖有可能是繼承視圖,也有可能是基礎視圖。那麼將通過
def read_combined(self, fields=None):
Utility function to get a view combined with its inherited views.
* Gets the top of the view tree if a sub-view is requested
* Applies all inherited archs on the root view
* Returns the view with all requested fields
.. note:: ``arch`` is always added to the fields list even if not
requested (similar to ``id``)
# introduce check_view_ids in context
if 'check_view_ids' not in self._context:
self = self.with_context(check_view_ids=[])
check_view_ids = self._context['check_view_ids']
# if view_id is not a root view, climb back to the top.
root = self
while root.mode != 'primary':
# Add inherited views to the list of loading forced views
# Otherwise, inherited views could not find elements created in their direct parents if that parent is defined in the same module
root = root.inherit_id
# arch and model fields are always returned
if fields:
fields = list({'arch', 'model'}.union(fields))
# read the view arch
[view_data] = root.read(fields=fields)
view_arch = etree.fromstring(view_data['arch'].encode('utf-8'))
if not root.inherit_id:
if self._context.get('inherit_branding'):
'data-oe-model': 'ir.ui.view',
'data-oe-id': str(root.id),
'data-oe-field': 'arch',
arch_tree = view_arch
if self._context.get('inherit_branding'):
parent_view = root.inherit_id.read_combined(fields=fields)
arch_tree = etree.fromstring(parent_view['arch'])
arch_tree = self.browse(parent_view['id']).apply_inheritance_specs(arch_tree, view_arch)
# and apply inheritance
arch = root.apply_view_inheritance(arch_tree, self.model)
return dict(view_data, arch=etree.tostring(arch, encoding='unicode'))