1. expect概述
1.1 expect的功能
1.2 安裝expect
yum install -y expect
1.3 一些基本的expect關鍵字
# 設置expect捕捉的超時時間,單位為秒 set timeout 10 # 使用expect,一般與重定向結合使用,以達到在bash解釋器下也能執行捕捉 /usr/bin/expect # 啟動新進程,用於執行shell命令 spawn # 與spawn結合使用,使用exp_continue進行多次捕捉 expect {「等待捕捉的內容」 {send "需要輸入的內容"}} # 發送輸入的內容 send # 繼續捕捉,不斷開會話 exp_continue # 允許用戶交互,即此命令之後,交互將不會由expect進行,而是交回給用戶 interact
2. expect使用示例
2.1 mysql初始化
#!/bin/bash # Description: Initialize MySQL Server # Root password user='root' password='woshiniba' set timeout 10 function initMysql() { /usr/bin/expect << EOF # 表示以下內容將傳遞給 /usr/bin/expect 程式來執行 spawn /usr/bin/mysql_secure_installation # 表示用spawn來執行這個命令,spawn只能在expect環境中才能執行 expect { "Enter current password for root (enter for none):" {send "\r";exp_continue} # 這裡\r表示回車,也可以使用\n "Set root password?" {send "Y\r";exp_continue} # exp_continue表示還要繼續保持捕捉動作(會話) "New password" {send "$password\r";exp_continue} "Re-enter new password" {send "$password\r";exp_continue} "Remove anonymous users?" {send "Y\r";exp_continue} "Disallow root login remotely?" {send "n\r";exp_continue} "Remove test database and access to it?" {send "Y\r";exp_continue} "Reload privilege tables now?" {send "Y\r";exp_continue} } expect eof # 表示結束expect EOF } initMysql
2.2 批量做免密登錄
#!/bin/bash # Description: Ansible SSH password free login configuration # Author: Praywu # Blog: //cnblogs.com/hgzero server=('' '') passwd='woshiniba' key='/root/.ssh/id_rsa' function genKey(){ [ -e "$key" ] || ssh-keygen -t rsa -P "" -f $key } function connServer(){ /usr/bin/expect << EOF spawn /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id -i ${key}.pub root@$1 expect { "want to continue connecting (yes/no)?" {send "yes\r";exp_continue} "s password" {send "${passwd}\r";exp_continue} } EOF } function exec(){ genKey && echo -e "\033[32m[INFO]\033[0m Generate key OK!" || echo -e "\033[31m[ERROR]\033[0m Generate key Failed!" set timeout 15 for i in $(seq 0 $((${#server[*]}-1)));do connServer "${server[$i]}" &> /dev/null [[ $? -eq 0 ]] && echo -e "\033[32m[INFO]\033[0m Get ${server[$i]} Success!" || echo -e "\033[32m[INFO]\033[0m Get ${server[$i]} Failed!" done } function clear(){ for i in $(seq 0 $((${#server[*]}-1)));do sed -i "/${server[$i]}/d" /root/.ssh/known_hosts done } function help(){ echo "Usage: $0 [ exec | clear ]" echo -e "Ansible SSH password free login configuration \n" } function main(){ case $1 in exec) exec;; clear) clear;; *) help;; esac } main $1
2.3 其他更詳細內容