- 2019 年 11 月 21 日
- 筆記
Part 1
- env.getNumStates()返回狀態總數的整數
- env.getMaxNumActions()返回一個任意狀態下操作數最大的整數。
- env.allowedactions接受整數s並返回可用操作的列表,該列表應為從零到maxNumActions的整數。
- env.nextStateDistribution(s,a)是一個誤稱,因為現在庫假定確定性MDP,每個(狀態、操作)對都有一個唯一的新狀態。因此,函數應該返回一個整數,該整數標識世界的下一個狀態
- env.獎勵(s,a,ns),返回代理為s,a,ns轉換所獲得的獎勵的浮點值。在最簡單的情況下,獎勵通常只基於狀態S。
// create environment env = new Gridworld(); // create the agent, yay! Discount factor 0.9 agent = new RL.DPAgent(env, {'gamma':0.9}); // call this function repeatedly until convergence: agent.learn(); // once trained, get the agent's behavior with: var action = agent.act(); // returns the index of the chosen action
evaluatePolicy: function() { // perform a synchronous update of the value function var Vnew = zeros(this.ns); // initialize new value function array for each state for(var s=0;s < this.ns;s++) { var v = 0.0; var poss = this.env.allowedActions(s); // fetch all possible actions for(var i=0,n=poss.length;i < n;i++) { var a = poss[i]; var prob = this.P[a*this.ns+s]; // probability of taking action under current policy var ns = this.env.nextStateDistribution(s,a); // look up the next state var rs = this.env.reward(s,a,ns); // get reward for s->a->ns transition v += prob * (rs + this.gamma * this.V[ns]); } Vnew[s] = v; } this.V = Vnew; // swap },
updatePolicy: function() { // update policy to be greedy w.r.t. learned Value function // iterate over all states... for(var s=0;s < this.ns;s++) { var poss = this.env.allowedActions(s); // compute value of taking each allowed action var vmax, nmax; var vs = []; for(var i=0,n=poss.length;i < n;i++) { var a = poss[i]; // compute the value of taking action a var ns = this.env.nextStateDistribution(s,a); var rs = this.env.reward(s,a,ns); var v = rs + this.gamma * this.V[ns]; // bookeeping: store it and maintain max vs.push(v); if(i === 0 || v > vmax) { vmax = v; nmax = 1; } else if(v === vmax) { nmax += 1; } } // update policy smoothly across all argmaxy actions for(var i=0,n=poss.length;i < n;i++) { var a = poss[i]; this.P[a*this.ns+s] = (vs[i] === vmax) ? 1.0/nmax : 0.0; } } },

Part 2
// agent parameter spec to play with (this gets eval()'d on Agent reset) var spec = {} spec.update = 'qlearn'; // 'qlearn' or 'sarsa' spec.gamma = 0.9; // discount factor, [0, 1) spec.epsilon = 0.2; // initial epsilon for epsilon-greedy policy, [0, 1) spec.alpha = 0.1; // value function learning rate spec.lambda = 0; // eligibility trace decay, [0,1). 0 = no eligibility traces spec.replacing_traces = true; // use replacing or accumulating traces spec.planN = 50; // number of planning steps per iteration. 0 = no planning spec.smooth_policy_update = true; // non-standard, updates policy smoothly to follow max_a Q spec.beta = 0.1; // learning rate for smooth policy update

// create environment env = new Gridworld(); // create the agent, yay! var spec = { alpha: 0.01 } // see full options on top of this page agent = new RL.TDAgent(env, spec); setInterval(function(){ // start the learning loop var action = agent.act(s); // s is an integer, action is integer // execute action in environment and get the reward agent.learn(reward); // the agent improves its Q,policy,model, etc. }, 0);

Part 1
- 狀態空間現在大而連續:代理觀察自己的位置(x,y)、速度(vx,vy)、綠色目標和紅色目標的位置(總共8個數字)。
- 代理商可採取4種措施:向左側、右側、上方和下方施加推進器。這使代理可以控制其速度。
- Puckworld動力學整合了代理的速度來改變其位置。綠色目標偶爾移動到一個隨機位置。紅色目標總是緩慢地跟隨代理。
- 對代理商的獎勵是基於其與綠色目標的距離(低即好)。但是,如果代理位於紅色目標附近(磁碟內),代理將獲得與其到紅色目標的距離成比例的負獎勵。

// create environment var env = {}; env.getNumStates = function() { return 8; } env.getMaxNumActions = function() { return 4; } // create the agent, yay! var spec = { alpha: 0.01 } // see full options on top of this page agent = new RL.DQNAgent(env, spec); setInterval(function(){ // start the learning loop var action = agent.act(s); // s is an array of length 8 // execute action in environment and get the reward agent.learn(reward); // the agent improves its Q,policy,model, etc. reward is a float }, 0);
- 代理商可採取4種措施:向左側、右側、上方和下方施加推進器。這使代理可以控制其速度。
- 動力學綜合了物體的速度來改變它的位置。綠色和紅色的目標反彈。
- 與任何紅色目標(這些是蘋果)接觸的獎勵是+1,與任何綠色目標(這是毒藥)接觸的獎勵是-1。
// agent parameter spec to play with (this gets eval()'d on Agent reset) var spec = {} spec.update = 'qlearn'; // qlearn | sarsa spec.gamma = 0.9; // discount factor, [0, 1) spec.epsilon = 0.2; // initial epsilon for epsilon-greedy policy, [0, 1) spec.alpha = 0.005; // value function learning rate spec.experience_add_every = 5; // number of time steps before we add another experience to replay memory spec.experience_size = 10000; // size of experience spec.learning_steps_per_iteration = 5; spec.tderror_clamp = 1.0; // for robustness spec.num_hidden_units = 100 // number of neurons in hidden layer