- 2019 年 11 月 4 日
- 筆記
訪問者模式就是針對不同的資源設置不同的訪問許可權, 反轉這訪問許可權的設置位置,從而達到不修改資源來控制訪問許可權的目的.
- 先設置一個元素材資源和元訪問許可權
public class unionLevel { public String getLevelName(unionVisitor visitor){ return "see union level"; }; } public interface unionVisitor { /** * 看第一級素材 * @return */ default String seeLevelOne(unionLevel level){ return level+" forbidden"; } /** * level two * @return */ default String seeLevelTwo(unionLevel level){ return level+" forbidden"; } /** * level three * @return */ default String seeLevelThree(unionLevel level) { return level+" forbidden"; } }
- 設置多級素材繼承元素材
public class LevelOne extends unionLevel{ @Override public String getLevelName(unionVisitor visitor) { System.out.println(visitor.seeLevelOne(this)); return super.getLevelName(visitor); } @Override public String toString() { return "levelone"; } }
- 設置多級許可權實現元許可權
public class VisitorOne implements unionVisitor{ /** * 看第一級素材 * * @return */ @Override public String seeLevelOne(unionLevel level) { return "VisitorOne can see "+level; } }
- 寫個測試類(其他元素和素材照著上面demo寫就行)
public class start { public static void main(String[] args) { LevelTwo two = new LevelTwo(); two.getLevelName(new VisitorOne()); two.getLevelName(new VisitorTwo()); two.getLevelName(new VisitorThree()); } }
是23種基本設計模式中的一種,屬於行為型設計模式。維基百科定義:Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.(表示要在對象結構的元素上執行的操作。訪問者可讓您定義新操作,而無需更改其所操作元素的類)
Use the Visitor pattern when
- an object structure contains many classes of objects with differing interfaces, and you want to perform operations on these objects that depend on their concrete classes
- many distinct and unrelated operations need to be performed on objects in an object structure, and you want to avoid "polluting" their classes with these operations. Visitor lets you keep related operations together by defining them in one class. When the object structure is shared by many applications, use Visitor to put operations in just those applications that need them
the classes defining the object structure rarely change, but you often want to define new operations over the structure. Changing the object structure classes requires redefining the interface to all visitors, which is potentially costly. If the object structure classes change often, then it’s probably better to define the operations in those classes
在以下情況下使用訪問者模式 * 一個對象結構包含許多具有不同介面的對象類,並且您希望根據這些對象的具體類對這些對象執行操作 * 需要對對象結構中的對象執行許多不同且不相關的操作,並且您要避免使用這些操作「污染」它們的類。訪客可以通過在一個類中定義相關操作來將它們保持在一起。 * 當許多應用程式共享對象結構時,請使用Visitor將操作僅放在需要它們的應用程式中 定義對象結構的類很少更改,但是您經常想在該結構上定義新的操作。更改對象結構類需要重新定義所有訪問者的介面,這可能會導致成本高昂。如果對象結構類經常更改,那麼最好在這些類中定義操作