- 2020 年 7 月 11 日
- 筆記
- OrchardCore
了解asp.net core機制的都知道中間件是由構造函數和Invoke(或者InokeAsync)方法構成,構造函數不過就是個依賴注入的過程,Invoke也可以直接依賴注入,兩者的區別是構造函數時全局的,Invoke只是當次請求,所以從Inovke開始了解!
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext httpContext) { // Ensure all ShellContext are loaded and available. await _shellHost.InitializeAsync(); var shellSettings = _runningShellTable.Match(httpContext); // We only serve the next request if the tenant has been resolved. if (shellSettings != null) { if (shellSettings.State == TenantState.Initializing) { httpContext.Response.Headers.Add(HeaderNames.RetryAfter, "10"); httpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Status503ServiceUnavailable; await httpContext.Response.WriteAsync("The requested tenant is currently initializing."); return; } // Makes 'RequestServices' aware of the current 'ShellScope'. httpContext.UseShellScopeServices(); var shellScope = await _shellHost.GetScopeAsync(shellSettings); // Holds the 'ShellContext' for the full request. httpContext.Features.Set(new ShellContextFeature { ShellContext = shellScope.ShellContext, OriginalPath = httpContext.Request.Path, OriginalPathBase = httpContext.Request.PathBase }); await shellScope.UsingAsync(scope => _next.Invoke(httpContext)); } }
現在從第一行程式碼_shellHost.InitializeAsync()開始看起。_shellHost是一個IShellHost單例,是類ShellHost的實例化,這個很明顯就是asp.net core自帶的依賴注入生成的(這是在註冊服務的時候已經配置好的,具體追蹤services.AddOrchardCms就很清晰了)。現在直接找ShellHost的InitializeAsync方法和PreCreateAndRegisterShellsAsync方法。
public async Task InitializeAsync() { if (!_initialized) { // Prevent concurrent requests from creating all shells multiple times await _initializingSemaphore.WaitAsync(); try { if (!_initialized) { await PreCreateAndRegisterShellsAsync(); } } finally { _initialized = true; _initializingSemaphore.Release(); } } } private async Task PreCreateAndRegisterShellsAsync() { if (_logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) { _logger.LogInformation("Start creation of shells"); } // Load all extensions and features so that the controllers are registered in // 'ITypeFeatureProvider' and their areas defined in the application conventions. var features = _extensionManager.LoadFeaturesAsync(); // Is there any tenant right now? var allSettings = (await _shellSettingsManager.LoadSettingsAsync()).Where(CanCreateShell).ToArray(); var defaultSettings = allSettings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Name == ShellHelper.DefaultShellName); var otherSettings = allSettings.Except(new[] { defaultSettings }).ToArray(); await features; // The 'Default' tenant is not running, run the Setup. if (defaultSettings?.State != TenantState.Running) { var setupContext = await CreateSetupContextAsync(defaultSettings); AddAndRegisterShell(setupContext); allSettings = otherSettings; } if (allSettings.Length > 0) { // Pre-create and register all tenant shells. foreach (var settings in allSettings) { AddAndRegisterShell(new ShellContext.PlaceHolder { Settings = settings }); }; } if (_logger.IsEnabled(LogLevel.Information)) { _logger.LogInformation("Done pre-creating and registering shells"); } }
首先通過_initialized判斷是否初始化過(開始沒賦值肯定false),在初始化結束_initialized就會設置為true,往下幾行的finally裡面可以看到_initialized = true,因為ShellHost是單例,也就是啟動程式之後就會一直維持_initialized = true,簡單說就是啟動時會初始化一次ShellHost。
再往下看,await _initializingSemaphore.WaitAsync,這個上面也有注釋防止並發請求多次創建所有shells,這個開始我也不懂的時候直接理解為lock後面finally的_initializingSemaphore.Release就是lock結束,後面找了點資料試了下,其實就是只有一個請求可以進入初始化,構造函數只允許一個請求(SemaphoreSlim _initializingSemaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(1)),之所以說請求時因為這是中間件裡面啊,每個請求都要通過中間件(這個得了解asp.net core中間件的原理),看了OrchardCore真給我帶來不少知識點,沒遇到這個我只知道多執行緒用lock鎖住,原來還可以有這樣的細節。
終於來到PreCreateAndRegisterShellsAsync方法了。_loggoer部分直接跳過,就是asp.net core的日誌記錄而已。OrchardCore是一個模組化多租戶的cms,模組化就體現在這裡。
var features = _extensionManager.LoadFeaturesAsync();
public async Task<IEnumerable<FeatureEntry>> LoadFeaturesAsync() { await EnsureInitializedAsync(); return _features.Values; }
private async Task EnsureInitializedAsync() { if (_isInitialized) { return; } await _semaphore.WaitAsync(); try { if (_isInitialized) { return; } var modules = _applicationContext.Application.Modules; var loadedExtensions = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ExtensionEntry>(); // Load all extensions in parallel await modules.ForEachAsync((module) => { if (!module.ModuleInfo.Exists) { return Task.CompletedTask; } var manifestInfo = new ManifestInfo(module.ModuleInfo); var extensionInfo = new ExtensionInfo(module.SubPath, manifestInfo, (mi, ei) => { return _featuresProvider.GetFeatures(ei, mi); }); var entry = new ExtensionEntry { ExtensionInfo = extensionInfo, Assembly = module.Assembly, ExportedTypes = module.Assembly.ExportedTypes }; loadedExtensions.TryAdd(module.Name, entry); return Task.CompletedTask; }); var loadedFeatures = new Dictionary<string, FeatureEntry>(); // Get all valid types from any extension var allTypesByExtension = loadedExtensions.SelectMany(extension => extension.Value.ExportedTypes.Where(IsComponentType) .Select(type => new { ExtensionEntry = extension.Value, Type = type })).ToArray(); var typesByFeature = allTypesByExtension .GroupBy(typeByExtension => GetSourceFeatureNameForType( typeByExtension.Type, typeByExtension.ExtensionEntry.ExtensionInfo.Id)) .ToDictionary( group => group.Key, group => group.Select(typesByExtension => typesByExtension.Type).ToArray()); foreach (var loadedExtension in loadedExtensions) { var extension = loadedExtension.Value; foreach (var feature in extension.ExtensionInfo.Features) { // Features can have no types if (typesByFeature.TryGetValue(feature.Id, out var featureTypes)) { foreach (var type in featureTypes) { _typeFeatureProvider.TryAdd(type, feature); } } else { featureTypes = Array.Empty<Type>(); } loadedFeatures.Add(feature.Id, new CompiledFeatureEntry(feature, featureTypes)); } }; // Feature infos and entries are ordered by priority and dependencies. _featureInfos = Order(loadedFeatures.Values.Select(f => f.FeatureInfo)); _features = _featureInfos.ToDictionary(f => f.Id, f => loadedFeatures[f.Id]); // Extensions are also ordered according to the weight of their first features. _extensionsInfos = _featureInfos.Where(f => f.Id == f.Extension.Features.First().Id) .Select(f => f.Extension); _extensions = _extensionsInfos.ToDictionary(e => e.Id, e => loadedExtensions[e.Id]); _isInitialized = true; } finally { _semaphore.Release(); } }
var modules = _applicationContext.Application.Modules;這裡是通過反射得到所有的模組,至於過程真是一言難盡啊,這裡卡了我好幾個星期才明白究竟是個怎樣的過程。
public interface IApplicationContext { Application Application { get; } } public class ModularApplicationContext : IApplicationContext { private readonly IHostEnvironment _environment; private readonly IEnumerable<IModuleNamesProvider> _moduleNamesProviders; private Application _application; private static readonly object _initLock = new object(); public ModularApplicationContext(IHostEnvironment environment, IEnumerable<IModuleNamesProvider> moduleNamesProviders) { _environment = environment; _moduleNamesProviders = moduleNamesProviders; } public Application Application { get { EnsureInitialized(); return _application; } } private void EnsureInitialized() { if (_application == null) { lock (_initLock) { if (_application == null) { _application = new Application(_environment, GetModules()); } } } } private IEnumerable<Module> GetModules() { var modules = new ConcurrentBag<Module>(); modules.Add(new Module(_environment.ApplicationName, true)); var names = _moduleNamesProviders .SelectMany(p => p.GetModuleNames()) .Where(n => n != _environment.ApplicationName) .Distinct(); Parallel.ForEach(names, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8 }, (name) => { modules.Add(new Module(name, false)); }); return modules; } }
第一行var modules = new ConcurrentBag<Module>();又觸碰到我的知識盲點了,作為一個只會用List<T>的人,我真的完全不知道ConcurrentBag<T>是什麼,馬上msdn下,原來ConcurrentBag<T>也是個集合,但是它是執行緒安全的。ok,集合開始添加數據,首先把當前項目的名稱OrchardCore.Cms.Web給加進去(modules.Add(new Module(_environment.ApplicationName, true));)。然後看
var names = _moduleNamesProviders .SelectMany(p => p.GetModuleNames()) .Where(n => n != _environment.ApplicationName) .Distinct();
public class AssemblyAttributeModuleNamesProvider : IModuleNamesProvider { private readonly List<string> _moduleNames; public AssemblyAttributeModuleNamesProvider(IHostEnvironment hostingEnvironment) { var assembly = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName(hostingEnvironment.ApplicationName)); _moduleNames = assembly.GetCustomAttributes<ModuleNameAttribute>().Select(m => m.Name).ToList(); } public IEnumerable<string> GetModuleNames() { return _moduleNames; } }
var names = _moduleNamesProviders .SelectMany(p => p.GetModuleNames()) .Where(n => n != _environment.ApplicationName) .Distinct(); Parallel.ForEach(names, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8 }, (name) => { modules.Add(new Module(name, false)); });
public class Application { private readonly Dictionary<string, Module> _modulesByName; private readonly List<Module> _modules; public const string ModulesPath = "Areas"; public const string ModulesRoot = ModulesPath + "/"; public const string ModuleName = "Application Main Feature"; public const string ModuleDescription = "Provides components defined at the application level."; public static readonly string ModulePriority = int.MinValue.ToString(); public const string ModuleCategory = "Application"; public const string DefaultFeatureId = "Application.Default"; public const string DefaultFeatureName = "Application Default Feature"; public const string DefaultFeatureDescription = "Adds a default feature to the application's module."; public Application(IHostEnvironment environment, IEnumerable<Module> modules) { Name = environment.ApplicationName; Path = environment.ContentRootPath; Root = Path + '/'; ModulePath = ModulesRoot + Name; ModuleRoot = ModulePath + '/'; Assembly = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName(Name)); _modules = new List<Module>(modules); _modulesByName = _modules.ToDictionary(m => m.Name, m => m); } public string Name { get; } public string Path { get; } public string Root { get; } public string ModulePath { get; } public string ModuleRoot { get; } public Assembly Assembly { get; } public IEnumerable<Module> Modules => _modules; public Module GetModule(string name) { if (!_modulesByName.TryGetValue(name, out var module)) { return new Module(string.Empty); } return module; } }
private async Task EnsureInitializedAsync() { if (_isInitialized) { return; } await _semaphore.WaitAsync(); try { if (_isInitialized) { return; } var modules = _applicationContext.Application.Modules; var loadedExtensions = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ExtensionEntry>(); // Load all extensions in parallel await modules.ForEachAsync((module) => { if (!module.ModuleInfo.Exists) { return Task.CompletedTask; } var manifestInfo = new ManifestInfo(module.ModuleInfo); var extensionInfo = new ExtensionInfo(module.SubPath, manifestInfo, (mi, ei) => { return _featuresProvider.GetFeatures(ei, mi); }); var entry = new ExtensionEntry { ExtensionInfo = extensionInfo, Assembly = module.Assembly, ExportedTypes = module.Assembly.ExportedTypes }; loadedExtensions.TryAdd(module.Name, entry); return Task.CompletedTask; }); var loadedFeatures = new Dictionary<string, FeatureEntry>(); // Get all valid types from any extension var allTypesByExtension = loadedExtensions.SelectMany(extension => extension.Value.ExportedTypes.Where(IsComponentType) .Select(type => new { ExtensionEntry = extension.Value, Type = type })).ToArray(); var typesByFeature = allTypesByExtension .GroupBy(typeByExtension => GetSourceFeatureNameForType( typeByExtension.Type, typeByExtension.ExtensionEntry.ExtensionInfo.Id)) .ToDictionary( group => group.Key, group => group.Select(typesByExtension => typesByExtension.Type).ToArray()); foreach (var loadedExtension in loadedExtensions) { var extension = loadedExtension.Value; foreach (var feature in extension.ExtensionInfo.Features) { // Features can have no types if (typesByFeature.TryGetValue(feature.Id, out var featureTypes)) { foreach (var type in featureTypes) { _typeFeatureProvider.TryAdd(type, feature); } } else { featureTypes = Array.Empty<Type>(); } loadedFeatures.Add(feature.Id, new CompiledFeatureEntry(feature, featureTypes)); } }; // Feature infos and entries are ordered by priority and dependencies. _featureInfos = Order(loadedFeatures.Values.Select(f => f.FeatureInfo)); _features = _featureInfos.ToDictionary(f => f.Id, f => loadedFeatures[f.Id]); // Extensions are also ordered according to the weight of their first features. _extensionsInfos = _featureInfos.Where(f => f.Id == f.Extension.Features.First().Id) .Select(f => f.Extension); _extensions = _extensionsInfos.ToDictionary(e => e.Id, e => loadedExtensions[e.Id]); _isInitialized = true; } finally { _semaphore.Release(); } }
現在modules有了,下行是var loadedExtensions = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ExtensionEntry>();經過剛剛的執行緒安全集合,ConcurrentDictionary雖然接觸不多也明白這個是執行緒安全字典(學依賴注入的時候遇到過)。既然是執行緒安全字典,下面肯定又是多執行緒來填充這個執行緒安全字典loadedExtensions,這裡用了一個ForEachAsync的擴展方法分配多個任務,把每個modules的ManifestInfo分析出來的功能加入ConcurrentDictionary。具體細說估計篇幅太長了,先簡單介紹下吧。之前modules就是OrchardCore.Modules、OrchardCore.Modules.Cms和OrchardCore.Themes這三個解決方案下的項目集合,我們稱作模組集合,每個模組由一個或者多個功能組成,現在就是把功能封裝成執行緒安全的字典集合,而功能是有重複的,可能多個模組用同一個功能,所以執行緒安全很重要!下篇要解釋下反射那些ModuleName是如何實現的(畢竟困擾我這麼久的東西必須記錄下才能印象深刻),我看下下篇能不能把功能拆出來說吧。