webpack@next webpack-multi-page-cli 多頁腳手架2.0



如對您有幫助,請給星已鼓勵,如有問題請提issue。 本多頁面向實際工作流,會持續更新。


1. 多頁cli不僅要能夠滿足多頁使用場景,對於hybrid開發來講,多頁與SPA 混用會是常態事件。

2. 滿足訂製化,local Server, remote Server, dev Server, CDN Server.

3. 滿足靈活的 CI/CD

4. 不局限於 Vue,React

5. 業務模組化

webpackMultiPageCli based on webpack@latest. This cli can provide:

  1. More flexible directory structure
  2. More comprehensive build functions
  3. Much Higher scalability
  4. More active and frequent maintenance

Fast Use

  • download the dependences
    npm install

  • running with development mode
    npm run dev
  • running with production mode
    npm run build
  • running with analyzer
    npm run analyze

更多文檔細節,可見 gihub://github.com/pomelott/webpack-multi-page-cli