- 2020 年 4 月 4 日
- 笔记
- 我看了大量的学习方法,在其它科目都是很管用的,唯独英语,没有任何一个学习方法能够适合适用于我,但是我也从其他的学习方法中总结出了一些规律,那就是任何学习都是脱离不了例子的,任何事物都是先有例子再经过抽象,总结一般规律,得出公式,只有从例子中推公式一说,没有从公式中推例子一说。现在大量的书籍编排其实都本末倒置了,先把公式排在最前面,然后再介绍公式怎么用在做题中,这样学东西只会用而不知其所以然,根本无法融会贯通,而且也非常容易忘记,记混记错。英语也是同样的道理,必须从例子中学习单词和词组的抽象用法公式,而不是先记住单词背会词组再往文章里套用
- none is good to me as sb
(be good to)
- do what they’re good at
(be good at)
- fish is good for health
(be good for)
- the medicine will do you good
(do sb good)
- he added that he would return soon
- please add the figures up
(add up)
- the figures add up to 115
(add up to)
- the bad weather add to difficulties
(add to)
- add some water to it
addtion,addtional,in adddtion to
- keep the score for match
(keep score)
- scores of foreign visitors
(scores of)
- three score years
- he score a goal in final minute
- score full marks in exam
- who’s going to score?
- upset about news
- upset that it is always raining
- the decision to upset pepole
- it upset me to see what she had done to old man
- upset our plan
- he is in ignorance of his illness
ignorance,ignorant,out of ignorance
6,have got to
- you’ve got to go to class
- i have got to admit this is beautiful
- have you got to go there now?
7,be concerned about
- there is growing concern about violence
- as far as i’m concerned
8,work out
- work out how much
- i work out to keep healthy
- thing have worked out quite well
out of work
at work,you can not expect to work out all the problems as a new comer.It is your attitude to working on it that really matters
9,get (此处get意为使,让)
- you pay to get it repaired
- I’ll get my hair cut tomorrow
- I got my leg broken
- can you get the machine running
- get these chairs outdoors
10,have done
- he must have drunk
- you needn’t have brought umbrella
- I couldn’t have ate meat
11,go through
- he went through one difficulty after another
- I’ll go through your homework
- go through at the meeting
- have you gone through all your money?
- as time goes by
(go by)
- Can I borrow your dictionay? yes,go ahead
(go ahead)
- the sun goes up in the est and goes down in west
(go up,go down)
- she went against her mother’s wish
(go aganist)
- please go over your paper
(go over)
,go away,go on,go in for,go out
- you don’t set down all
(set down)
- he set up a new company
- he set off at 8:00
- she set out to prepare lunch
- he really set us a good example
- he set about doing his homework
- set aside some time every week
14,a series of
- a series of book/exam
- wathing the TV series
- we worked like crazy to get the work done
(like crazy)
- some people’s voices drive me crazy
(drive sb crazy)
16,on purpose
- I’ve come on purpose to speak to you
- Until you told me I knew nothing of it
18,He keeps a horse for pleasure purposes
19,so as to
- he decided to study harder so as to catch up with other classmates
- he decided to study harder so that he could
(so that)
- the party came to power after the last election
- they’ve switched off the power
- the aircraft is powered by a jet engine
- a power plant
- a power failure
heart to heart,year after year,day after day,week after week,step by step,side by side
it’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that you must be experienced
- I often look up the words
- Look out ! Don’t get close to the house
- when we look back on my childhood
- police will soon look into the case
- would you please look through the paper for me
- you shouldn’t look down on the disabled pepole
- he look down upon someone
- look out for li
- they’ll be able to look after themselves
- they not look on li as an outsider
- look back on your life
no longer == not any longer
(emphasis on time)
no more == not any more(emphasis on quantity,action,degree)
time lost will return no more == time lost will not return any more
make a list of reasons
- settle down and study
- settle down in Canada
- settle their dispute
- let’s settle on the date
- the sttlers settled in America
- thier settlement was the beginning of American development in a way
when you are tired out
he used to smoke a pack of cigarettes a day
- if you have trouble with a lesson
- they have no trouble finding her house
24,get along with == get on
- we get on very well with all the teachers
- how are you getting on
- how are you getting along
- you have to get away from people
- get away from me
- don’t get into the habit of depending on others
(get into)
- they queued to get into the cinema
- making a speech is important to get one’s message across to the audienece
(get sth across)
- the message to get across to the patient
- phone, I can’t seem to get through
(get through)
- if you can get through all
- the news finally get through to us
- It’s time for me to get down to doing homework
(get down to doing sth)
- get rid of it
- he wanted to get on
(get on)
- he will get on to calculus
- only then did it get on to your computer
- they get on with the journey
- we have to get off early tomorrow
- I have to get off
- to get up
- find a way to get over it
26,get and be (same meaning on phrase)
动作 | 状态 |
lose touch with | be out of touch with |
get married to | be married to |
get used to | be used to |
fall asleep | be asleep |
get lost | be lost |
27,used to
- the villagers used to pound the grain into flour
- you will son become get used to the weather here
- the spoon can be used to whisk egg
- strawberries disagree with me
- the climate there disagrees with us
(agree with)
- people agree on everything
1,make your enemy your friend (make + 宾语 + 补语)
2,we made him captain of our team
3,it’s a wonder that you should recognize me after all these years
4,there was a tiem when I hated to go to school (when关系副词无意义)
5,I hope you will keep me informed of how you are getting on with your work
6,I can’t go out with all these clothes to wash (不定式)
1,An apple a day keeps the doctor away
2,what he said disagrees with what he did
1,doing 表示主动,动作,或正在进行,或当时的状态
- will the pepole sitting at the back keep quiet
2,being done 表示被动,动作正在执行
- the matter being discussed is very important
- do,does,did表示为的确,确实,真的,用于强调谓语动词
- they do work hard at maths
- he does like noodles
- he did have a good time last night
- do come on time next time
- do come in and sit down