- 2020 年 3 月 18 日
- 笔记
For the GWAS datasets, we calculated per-allele ORs and SEs using logistic regression analysis with the SNPTEST software (version 2.5.4) based on a probabilistic dosage model. 使用基于概率剂量模型的SNPTEST软件(版本2.5.4)使用Logistic回归分析计算每个等位基因的ORs和Se.

Logistic回归适用于二值响应型变量(0和1),模型假设响应亦是Y服从二项分布。通过一系列连续和/类别型 预测变量来预测二值型结果时使用。《R语言实战》(一本初看没有多少头绪,慢慢才有些感觉的书。最近还读了《R语言轻松入门与提高/达人迷》觉得这本书浅显易懂,虽然有点老,推荐阅读。

下载地址在这个网站 https://mathgen.stats.ox.ac.uk/genetics_software/snptest/snptest.html
#我是黑苹果,下载的mac版,虽然两天死机一次,仍在坚持用,因为实在受不了bug10的咖喱风 wget -c http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~gav/resources/snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64.tgz #ubuntu,动态的比较推荐,适应更多平台 wget -c http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~gav/resources/snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_linux_x86_64_dynamic.tgz #Cent wget -c http://www.well.ox.ac.uk/~gav/resources/snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_CentOS6.6_x86_64_dynamic.tgz ##解压安装 tar zxvf snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64.tgz #测试 snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64/snptest_v2.5.4-beta3 -help Welcome to SNPTEST v2.5.3 (revision 8a0c171055ff6ac4c69079501f52ac93c563ed20) © University of Oxford 2008-2015 https://mathgen.stats.ox.ac.uk/genetics_software/snptest/snptest.html Read LICENCE file for conditions of use. Usage: snptest_v2.5.3 <options> #好多信息,此处省略n百字符
官网的文档中,有几个功能作了介绍,第一个Computing summary statistics,应该是汇总统计,主要功能介绍为:计算每个基因型的计数,频率,SNP缺失率和OR值。显然不是这个功能,顺便用搜索logistic 确认了下,没有。第二个是Frequentist Association Tests,频率关联测试,没找到相关内容。第三个,Bayesian Tests (Bayes Factors),贝叶斯测试,找到了相关内容。后面两个选项也是有相关内容的,但是在这里又看到了这句话的引文,来自2007年的一篇nature,A new multipoint method for genome-wide association studies by imputation of genotypes,发现这篇文章中涉及的两个方法是 frequentist和bayesian,所以断定应该是后者了。

简单看下这篇引文,会不会有什么收获,基本上是关于detect causal variants that have not been directly genotyped的,翻译一下就是检测尚未直接进行基因分型的因果变异。所推断的基因型有时(适当地)是不确定的,所以我们发现有必要开发关联性检验(包括频度检验和贝叶斯检验),以考虑到我们推定的基因型的不确定性。贝叶斯因子在某种程度上类似于频率P值,它们的使用开始出现在文献中,作为经典关联检验的一种更强大和更容易解释的选择。
然后,这里有带了个参考文献,顺藤摸瓜,找到了,一个大牛的教程,但是是nature!!! 厉害吧。简单扫了一眼,好像看不懂,这充分告诉我们,学好数学是多么地重要,回归今天的主题吧!

2.用示例数据学习下Bayesian Tests (Bayes Factors)
-bayesian选项,此选项控制您希望在每个SNP上测试与模型没有关联的SNP。这五个不同的模型被编码为1 =Additive,2 =显性,3 =隐性,4 =常规和5 =杂合子。使用此选项时,输出文件将为每个测试包含一列,其中包含该测试的log10贝叶斯因子以及模型参数(β值)及其标准误差的后验均值。SNPTEST将allele_A编码为0,将allele_B编码为1,这定义了beta的含义以及se的含义。例如,当使用加性模型时,β估计对数几率的增加,这可以归因于allele_B的每个副本。贝叶斯因子将始终以每个SNP计算。
- 如果表型是二进制,那么有效的选项只有 threshold, expected, score 和 ml. score选项使用单个牛顿-拉夫森迭代来估计后验模式,而ml选项使用多次迭代。
- 如果是数量表型,那么有效的选项只有threshold和expected。
Model |
Linear Predictor |
Priors |
Default |
Coding |
Command line option |
Additive |
log(pi/(1-pi)) = µ + ßGi |
µ~N(a0, a12) ß~N(b0, b12) |
a0=0, a1=1 b0=0, b1=0.2 |
Gi is the additive coding of the SNP i.e. AA -> 0, AB ->1, BB -> 2. |
-prior_add a0 a1 b0 b1 |
Dominant |
log(pi/(1-pi)) = µ + ßDi |
µ~N(a0, a12) ß~N(b0, b12) |
a0=0, a1=1 b0=0, b1=0.5 |
Di is the dominant coding of the SNP i.e. AA -> 0, AB -> 1, BB -> 1. |
-prior_dom a0 a1 b0 b1 |
Recessive |
log(pi/(1-pi)) = µ + ßRi |
µ~N(a0, a12) ß~N(b0, b12) |
a0=0, a1=1 b0=0, b1=0.5 |
Ri is the recessive coding of the SNP i.e. AA -> 0, AB -> 0, BB -> 1. |
-prior_rec a0 a1 b0 b1 |
General |
log(pi/(1-pi)) = µ + ßGi + qHi |
µ~N(a0, a12) ß~N(b0, b12) q~N(c0, c12) |
a0=0, a1=1 b0=0, b1=0.2 c0=0, c1=0.5 |
Gi is the additive coding of the SNP i.e. AA -> 0, AB ->1, BB -> 2. Hi is the heterozygote coding of the SNP i.e. AA -> 0, AB ->1, BB -> 0. |
-prior_gen a0 a1 b0 b1 c0 c1 |
Heterozygote |
log(pi/(1-pi)) = µ + ßHi |
µ~N(a0, a12) ß~N(b0, b12) |
a0=0, a1=1 b0=0, b1=0.5 |
Hi is the heterozygote coding of the SNP i.e. AA -> 0, AB ->1, BB -> 0. |
-prior_het a0 a1 b0 b1 |
在SNPTEST v2中,有一个新的选项来指定在遗传效应上使用t分布先验。t分布的较粗尾部允许更灵活地指定关于遗传效应大小的信念。此选项由以下两个选项控制。
-t_prior |
详细说明了t-分布先验在遗传效应上的应用。该选项有效地修改了上表中描述的先验,即t-分布的均值和方差由上表中给出的选项指定,但是正态分布被t-分布代替。注:t分布仅用于遗传效应,即上述模型中的参数?和q。例如,-Bayesian add-t_previous将指定线性预测器log(pi/(1-pi))=µ+?Gi,并且先验将是µ~N(a0,a12)和?t(b0,b12,df=3)。 |
**-t_df ** |
t分布的自由度参数。默认值为3。当此参数设置得非常大时,先验收敛到正态分布先验。 |
使用Bayesian addictive 模型对二值型表型bin1计算,使用默认参数
snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64/snptest_v2.5.4-beta3 -data snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort1.gen snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort1.sample snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort2.gen snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort2.sample -o snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/ex.out -bayesian 1 -method score -pheno bin1 #输出了一些信息 #这里显示2.5.3版本了 Welcome to SNPTEST v2.5.3 (revision 8a0c171055ff6ac4c69079501f52ac93c563ed20) © University of Oxford 2008-2015 https://mathgen.stats.ox.ac.uk/genetics_software/snptest/snptest.html Read LICENCE file for conditions of use. ============== Data Files : -gen files : snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort1.gen snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort2.gen -sample files : snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort1.sample snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort2.sample Tests : -bayesian : 1 -method score Inspecting data (this may take some time)... Sample and exclusions summary :#样本量500-500 - Number of individuals in : (cohort 1) (cohort 2) 500 500 Reading sample files : Summary of covariates and phenotypes # discrete variables : 4 离散变量 cov1 : type = D (Discrete covariate) cov2 : type = D (Discrete covariate) sex : type = D (Discrete covariate) bin3 : type = D (Discrete covariate) # continuous variables : 2 连续变量 cov3 : type = C (Continuous covariate) cov4 : type = C (Continuous covariate) # phenotypes : 4 表型 pheno1 : type = P (Continuous phenotype) pheno2 : type = P (Continuous phenotype) bin1 : type = B (Binary phenotype) bin2 : type = B (Binary phenotype) Covariate summary : (no covariates in use.) Phenotype summary : bin1 : missing levels 2 0(499) 1(499) You have specified the following model: 模型 bin1 ~ (baseline) + (genotype) Phenotype being used : bin1 Data Summaries : -number of SNPs = (unknown) Data with missing genotype data threshold and exclusion list applied : snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort1.gen : 500 snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64//example/cohort2.gen : 500 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SinglePhenotypeTest #检验 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analyzing Data : scanning... read chunk [1 of (unknown)]... done. scanning... read chunk [2 of (unknown)]... done. scanning... no more data. finito
less snptest_v2.5.4-beta3_MacOSX_x86_64/example/ex.out #有点不好分清列,还是用excel,数据-分列-字符-空格
chromosome |
position |
alleleA |
alleleB |
index |
average_maximum_posterior_call |
info |
cohort_1_AA |
RSID_1 |
NA |
0 |
A |
1 |
0.992234 |
cohort_1_AB |
cohort_1_BB |
cohort_1_NULL |
cohort_2_AA |
cohort_2_AB |
cohort_2_BB |
cohort_2_NULL |
0.970846 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
499 |
176.815 |
250.974 |
all_AA |
all_AB |
all_BB |
all_NULL |
all_total |
cases_AA |
cases_AB |
cases_BB |
71.2104 |
0 |
176.815 |
250.974 |
71.2104 |
499 |
998 |
0 |
cases_NULL |
cases_total |
controls_AA |
controls_AB |
controls_BB |
controls_NULL |
controls_total |
0 |
499 |
499 |
176.815 |
250.974 |
71.2104 |
0 |
all_maf |
cases_maf |
controls_maf |
missing_data_proportion |
het_OR |
het_OR_lower |
499 |
0.394184 |
0 |
0.394184 |
0.25 |
NA |
het_OR_upper |
hom_OR |
hom_OR_lower |
hom_OR_upper |
all_OR |
all_OR_lower |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
NA |
all_OR_upper |
bayesian_add_log10_bf |
bayesian_add_beta_1 |
bayesian_add_se_1 |
comment |
NA |
-0.0174105 |
2.02E-17 |
0.192135 |
NA |