
  • 2019 年 10 月 5 日
  • 笔记






<div class="item button-jittery" style="--bg-color: #f1c40f;">    <button>Click Me!</button>    <div class="name">Subtlety</div>  </div>


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                   }                  }                  .button-100 .emoji {                    position: absolute;                    top: -45px;                    left: 0;                    width: 35px;                    height: 35px;                    overflow: hidden;                  }                  .button-100 .emoji:before {                    content: "&#128175;";                    display: inline-block;                    animation: give-score 2.5s infinite;                    position: relative;                    top: 0;                  }                  .button-100 .emoji:nth-child(2) {                    left: 0;                    right: 0;                    margin: auto;                  }                  .button-100 .emoji:nth-child(2):before {                    animation: give-score 2.5s infinite 0.2s;                  }                  .button-100 .emoji:nth-child(3) {                    left: auto;                    right: 0;                  }                  .button-100 .emoji:nth-child(3):before {                    animation: give-score 2.5s infinite 0.4s;                  }                  .button-100 button:hover .emoji:before {                    content: "&#128079;";                    transition: 0.5s ease;                  }                    @keyframes give-score {                    30%,                          80% {                      top: 0;                    }                    40%,                          70% {                      top: 50px;                    }                  }                  .button-pressure marquee {                    position: absolute;                    width: 90%;                    top: 125%;                    left: 5%;                    font: 18px/1 "Margarine", sans-serif;                  }                  .button-pressure marquee span {                    display: inline-block;                    height: 20px;                  }                  .button-pressure marquee span:not(:last-child) {                    margin-right: 130px;                  }                  .button-pressure button:before {                    content: "OMG YAS"; 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                   left: 0;                  }                  .button-rainbow button:hover .rainbow {                    opacity: 1;                    animation: rotate-nonstop 0.2s infinite;                  }                  .button-rainbow button + .name {                    color: #444;                  }                    @keyframes rotate-nonstop {                    50% {                      transform: rotate(92deg);                    }                  }                  @keyframes omg-yes {                    50% {                      opacity: 1;                    }                    100% {                      top: -50px;                    }                  }                  @keyframes rainbow {                    0% {                      background: #1abc9c;                    }                    10% {                      background: #2ecc71;                    }                    20% {                      background: #3498db;                    }                    30% {                      background: #9b59b6;                    }                    40% {                      background: #e74c3c;                    }                    50% {                      background: #e67e22;                    }                    60% {                      background: #f1c40f;                    }                    70% {                      background: #2c3e50;                    }                    80% {                      background: #9b59b6;                    }                  }                  .button-jittery button {                    animation: jittery 4s infinite;                  }                  .button-jittery button:hover {                    animation: heartbeat 0.2s infinite;                  }                    @keyframes jittery {                    5%,                          50% {                      transform: scale(1);                    }                    10% {                      transform: scale(0.9);                    }                    15% {                      transform: scale(1.15);                    }                    20% {                      transform: scale(1.15) rotate(-5deg);                    }                    25% {                      transform: scale(1.15) rotate(5deg);                    }                    30% {                      transform: scale(1.15) rotate(-3deg);                    }                    35% {                      transform: scale(1.15) rotate(2deg);                    }                    40% {                      transform: scale(1.15) rotate(0);                    }                  }                  @keyframes heartbeat {                    50% {                      transform: scale(1.1);                    }                  }