【Rust日报】 2019-09-27:async-std v0.99.7 released
- 2019 年 10 月 10 日
- 笔记
will 2d动作游戏更新
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CloudFlare 增加 HTTP/3 and QUIC 支援
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再大约六星期后就会有 Async/await 了
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pin-project 符合人体工学的 pin 保护功能
use pin_project::pin_project; use std::pin::Pin; #[pin_project] struct Struct<T, U> { #[pin] pinned: T, unpinned: U, } impl<T, U> Struct<T, U> { fn foo(self: Pin<&mut Self>) { let this = self.project(); let _: Pin<&mut T> = this.pinned; // Pinned reference to the field let _: &mut U = this.unpinned; // Normal reference to the field } }
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async-std v0.99.7 released
example future::join
use async_std::future; let a = future::ready(1); let b = future::ready(2); let c = future::ready(3); let f = future::join!(a, b, c); assert_eq!(f.await, (1, 2, 3));
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Rust 求职专帖
From 日报小组 @Damody