- 2019 年 10 月 3 日
- 笔记
- Blockchain(区块链)
- Block(区块)
- Block Header(区块头部)
- Merkle Tree(默克尔树)
- Transaction(交易)
区块链很难用一个什么定义来描述,如果一定要描述的话,借用以太坊黄皮书中的解释:区块链就是一个具有共享状态的密码性安全交易的单机(cryptographically secure transactional singleton machine with shared-state)。这里按数据结构的层面来描述区块链,就是用哈希指针将一些列区块串联起来形成的一条数据链。在比特币区块链中,是有区块这个概念的,现在部分区块链中已经没有区块这个概念了,感兴趣的可以关注一下DAG。
- 区块头部: a data structure containing the block’s metadata
- 交易列表: an array (vector in rust) of transactions
class CBlock : public CBlockHeader { public: // network and disk std::vector<CTransactionRef> vtx; //...省略部分代码... }
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone, Serializable, Deserializable)] pub struct Block { pub block_header: BlockHeader, // 区块头部 pub transactions: Vec<Transaction>, // 交易列表 }
/** Nodes collect new transactions into a block, hash them into a hash tree, * and scan through nonce values to make the block's hash satisfy proof-of-work * requirements. When they solve the proof-of-work, they broadcast the block * to everyone and the block is added to the block chain. The first transaction * in the block is a special one that creates a new coin owned by the creator * of the block. */ class CBlockHeader { public: // header int32_t nVersion; // 版本号,指定验证规则(indicates which set of block validation rules to follow) uint256 hashPrevBlock; // 前一区块哈希(实际计算时取得是前一区块头哈希)(a reference to the parent/previous block in the blockchain) uint256 hashMerkleRoot; // 默克尔根哈希(a hash (root hash) of the merkle tree data structure containing a block's transactions) uint32_t nTime; // 时戳(seconds from Unix Epoch) uint32_t nBits; // 区块难度(aka the difficulty target for this block) uint32_t nNonce; // 工作量证明nonce(value used in proof-of-work) // ...部分代码省略... }
#[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Serializable, Deserializable)] pub struct BlockHeader { pub version: u32, // 版本号,指定验证规则 pub previous_header_hash: H256, // 前一区块哈希 pub merkle_root_hash: H256, // 默克尔根哈希 pub time: u32, // 时戳 pub bits: Compact, // 区块难度 pub nonce: u32, // 工作量证明nonce }
Merkle Tree
Rust版本Merkle tree代码实现如下:
/// Calculates the root of the merkle tree /// https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Protocol_documentation#Merkle_Trees pub fn merkle_root<T: AsRef<H256> + Sync>(hashes: &[T]) -> H256{ // 递归结束条件 if hashes.len() == 1 { return hashes[0].as_ref().clone(); } // 哈希成对,为下一步计算做准备 let mut row = Vec::with_capacity(hashes.len() / 2); let mut i = 0; while i + 1 < hashes.len() { row.push((&hashes[i], &hashes[i + 1])); i += 2 } // duplicate the last element if len is not even if hashes.len() % 2 == 1 { let last = &hashes[hashes.len() - 1]; row.push((last, last)); //如果元素是奇数个数,将最后一个元素复制一份,自己与自己配对 } // 一层一层的递归计算,一直到只有最后一个根哈希值 let res: Vec<_>; // Only compute in parallel if there is enough work to benefit it if row.len() > 250 { res = row.par_iter().map(|x| merkle_node_hash(&x.0, &x.1)).collect(); } else { res = row.iter().map(|x| merkle_node_hash(&x.0, &x.1)).collect(); } merkle_root(&res) // 这里不用担心递归的深度,其一,比特币区块大小有限,限制了交易数量;其二,是因为Merkle tree是类似二叉树的结构,递归计算次数为log(n),即使n非常大,递归次数也很小。 } /// Calculate merkle tree node hash pub fn merkle_node_hash<T>(left: T, right: T) -> H256 where T: AsRef<H256> { dhash256(&*concat(left, right)) //双SHA-256哈希运算 } #[inline] fn concat<T>(a: T, b: T) -> H512 where T: AsRef<H256> { //将2个哈希值并在一起 let mut result = H512::default(); result[0..32].copy_from_slice(&**a.as_ref()); result[32..64].copy_from_slice(&**b.as_ref()); result }
pub struct Transaction { pub version: i32, //协议版本,明确这笔交易参照的规则协议 pub inputs: Vec<TransactionInput>, //输入列表 pub outputs: Vec<TransactionOutput>, //输出列表 pub lock_time: u32, //锁定时间 }
pub struct TransactionInput { pub previous_output: OutPoint, //上一笔交易输出 pub script_sig: Bytes, //解锁脚本 pub sequence: u32, //序列号 pub script_witness: Vec<Bytes>, //见证脚本 } /** An outpoint - a combination of a transaction hash and an index n into its vout */ pub struct OutPoint { pub hash: H256, //交易ID pub index: u32, //输出索引,表明是交易中的第几个输出 }
pub struct TransactionOutput { pub value: u64, //输出金额 pub script_pubkey: Bytes, //锁定脚本,对于一个比特币交易来说,交易本身是不用关心输出的地址,交易只需要关心锁定脚本,当使用的时候能使用正确的解锁脚本即可动用比特币。 }