世界貿易網絡中的通信能力——社區檢測的新視角(Social and Information Networks)
- 2020 年 1 月 20 日
- 筆記
原文題目:Social and Information Networks:Communicability in the World Trade Network — A new perspective for community detection
原文:Community detection in a network plays a crucial role in the economic and financial contexts, specifically when applied to the World Trade Network. We provide a new perspective in which clusters of strongly interacting countries are identified by means of a specific distance criterion. We refer to the Estrada communicability distance and the vibrational communicability distance, which turn out to be particularly suitable for catching the inner structure of the economic network. The methodology is based on a varying distance threshold and it is effective from a computational point of view. It also allows an inspection of the intercluster and intracluster properties of the resulting communities. The numerical analyses highlight peculiar relationships between countries and provide a rich set of information that can hardly be achieved within alternative clustering approaches.
原文作者:Paolo Bartesaghi,Gian Paolo Clemente,Rosanna Grassi