GoLang設計模式06 – 對象池模式



  1. 當需要的對象的創建成本比較高,且該類型的對象在應用運行期間只需要有限的數量
  2. 對象是不可變的
  3. 性能原因:預創建的對象可以顯著提升應用性能




type iPoolObject interface {
	//This is any id which can be used to compare two different pool objects
	getID() string


type connection struct {
	id string

func (c *connection) getID() string {
	return c.id


import (

type pool struct {
	idle     []iPoolObject
	active   []iPoolObject
	capacity int
	muLock   *sync.Mutex

//initPool Initialize the pool
func initPool(poolObjects []iPoolObject) (*pool, error) {
	if len(poolObjects) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot craete a pool of 0 length")
	active := make([]iPoolObject, 0)
	pool := &pool{
		idle:     poolObjects,
		active:   active,
		capacity: len(poolObjects),
		muLock:   new(sync.Mutex),
	return pool, nil

func (p *pool) loan() (iPoolObject, error) {
	defer p.muLock.Unlock()
	if len(p.idle) == 0 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no pool object free. Please request after sometime")
	obj := p.idle[0]
	p.idle = p.idle[1:]
	p.active = append(p.active, obj)
	fmt.Printf("Loan Pool Object with ID: %s\n", obj.getID())
	return obj, nil

func (p *pool) receive(target iPoolObject) error {
	defer p.muLock.Unlock()
	err := p.remove(target)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	p.idle = append(p.idle, target)
	fmt.Printf("Return Pool Object with ID: %s\n", target.getID())
	return nil

func (p *pool) remove(target iPoolObject) error {
	currentActiveLength := len(p.active)
	for i, obj := range p.active {
		if obj.getID() == target.getID() {
			p.active[currentActiveLength-1], p.active[i] = p.active[i], p.active[currentActiveLength-1]
			p.active = p.active[:currentActiveLength-1]
			return nil
	return fmt.Errorf("targe pool object doesn't belong to the pool")


import (

func main() {
	connections := make([]iPoolObject, 0)
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		c := &connection{id: strconv.Itoa(i)}
		connections = append(connections, c)
	pool, err := initPool(connections)
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Init Pool Error: %s", err)
	conn1, err := pool.loan()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Pool Loan Error: %s", err)
	conn2, err := pool.loan()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Pool Loan Error: %s", err)
	_ = pool.receive(conn1)
	_ = pool.receive(conn2)


Loan Pool Object with ID: 0
Loan Pool Object with ID: 1
Return Pool Object with ID: 0
Return Pool Object with ID: 1

代碼已上傳至GitHub:zhyea / go-patterns / object-pool-pattern