

去中心化身份的前提条件,是在同一个身份平台所能覆盖的范围内,用户的身份识别和检测标准统一,作为区块链应用开发基础设施的服务提供商,BlockStack 在数据权限上将应用权限和用户身份/数据分离,保障用户数据所有权。

这种设计虽然实现起来较为复杂,且需要多种类型的服务提供支持,但不论是对用户,开发者,还是整个 Blockstack 生态,都是非常优雅的方案。


  • 用户
    • gaia 通过 app 域名隔离数据权限,无需担心全量数据安全
    • 可以使用多身份来管理相同的应用数据
    • 使用应用之前明确的清楚应用的权限范围
    • 可以将数据在不同应用之间迁移
  • 开发者
    • 无需单独实现账户注册与用户管理等服务
    • 不需要处理复杂的加密解密等校验逻辑
  • Blockstack
    • 一套 DID 身份与用户数据管理标准
    • 提供更多的应用基础设施服务



  • 构建 Token 并跳转 通过 BlockStack.js 所提供的 redirectToSignIn 方法跳转到 BlockStackBrowser 完成授权
    • 构建请求体 authRequest
      • generateAndStoreTransitKey 生成一个临时并随机的公私钥 Key
      • 返回一个经过编码的 authRequest 字符串
    • launchCustomProtocol 封装一系列的逻辑并跳转至 BlockStackBrowser
      • 添加一些超时和请求序号等操作
  • Browser 接收参数并解析 BlockStack 浏览器端接收到 authRequest 参数触发验证流程
    • app/js/auth/index.js 中使用 verifyAuthRequestAndLoadManifest 校验 authRequest 合法性并获取 DApp 的 Manifest.json 文件
      • verifyAuthRequest 校验 Token 的合法性
      • fetchAppManifest 获取应用 Manifest.json 文件
    • getFreshIdentities 通过用户缓存在浏览器中的登录信息 addresses(地址)获取用户的信息
      • 请求${address} 获得用户比特币地址的信息
      • 加载用户域名信息
      • 从 Gaia 获取用户 profile 文件的位置,并拿到用户的 profile 文件
    • 用户根据 profile 中包含的身份信息让用户选择需要授权的用户名,触发login
      • 客户端 noCoreStorage 作为监听标志来构造 authRespon
      • 获取用户的 profileUrl
      • 获取 app 的 bucketUrl
      • 创建并更新用户的 Profile 中 apps 的数据
      • 构建 AuthResponse Token
        • 生成 appPrivateKey
        • 生成 gaiaAssociationToken
      • 通过 BlockStack.js 的 redirectUserToApp 返回应用
      • redirect URI
  • APP 接受并解析 通过 AuthRrsponse 参数解析获取用户信息并持久化
    • 调用 userSession.SignInPendinguserSession.handlePendingSignIn 能够触发对 AuthResponse 的解析
    • 通过verifyAuthResponse 进行一系列的验证,fetchPrivate 获得授权用户的 profile 数据
    • 持久化用户数据到浏览器 localstorage
sequenceDiagram      participant A as App      participant B as Broswer      participant G as Gaia      participant C as BlockStack Core      participant Bi as Bitcoin network          Note over A: Make authRequest      A->>+B: authRequest Token      Note over B: verifyAuthRequest      B->>-A: fetch Manifest.json      A->>B: Manifest.json      opt getFreshIdentities          B->>Bi: nameLookup names          Bi->>B: get names          alt is has no name              B->>+G: fetchProfileLocations              G->>-B: profile data          else is well              B->>+C: nameLookupUrl              C->>-B: nameInfo with zoneFile          end      end      note over B: render account list      opt user click login           B->>+C: nameLookupUrl           C->>-B: profile data          note over B: verify APP Scope          alt is name has no zonefile              B->>G: fetchProfileLocations              G->>B: profile url          else is has zoneFile              note over  B: Parse zonefile url          end          B->>G: getAppBucketUrl          G->>B: appBucketUrl          note over B: signProfileForUpload          B-->> G: uploadProfile          note over B: AuthResponse          B->>A: AuthResponse Token      end      note over A: getAuthRes Token      A->>G: get profile      G->>A: profile data      note over A: store userData



// 触发授权请求   redirectToSignIn(      redirectURI?: string,      manifestURI?: string,      scopes?: Array<AuthScope | string>    ): void {      const transitKey = this.generateAndStoreTransitKey() // 生成一个临时秘钥对      const authRequest = this.makeAuthRequest(transitKey, redirectURI, manifestURI, scopes) // 构建 AuthRequest      const authenticatorURL = this.appConfig && this.appConfig.authenticatorURL // 获取授权跳转链接      return authApp.redirectToSignInWithAuthRequest(authRequest, authenticatorURL) // 跳转    }    // 构建 AuthRequest 数据   makeAuthRequest(      transitKey?: string,      redirectURI?: string,      manifestURI?: string,      scopes?: Array<AuthScope | string>,    ): string {      const appConfig = this.appConfig      transitKey = transitKey || this.generateAndStoreTransitKey()      redirectURI = redirectURI || appConfig.redirectURI()      manifestURI = manifestURI || appConfig.manifestURI()      scopes = scopes || appConfig.scopes      return authMessages.makeAuthRequest(        transitKey, redirectURI, manifestURI,        scopes)    }    // 构建请求授权 Token 详情  export function makeAuthRequest(    transitPrivateKey?: string,    redirectURI?: string,    manifestURI?: string,    scopes: Array<AuthScope | string> = DEFAULT_SCOPE.slice(),    appDomain?: string,    expiresAt: number = nextMonth().getTime(),    extraParams: any = {}  ): string {   // ...    const payload = Object.assign({}, extraParams, {      jti: makeUUID4(),      iat: Math.floor(new Date().getTime() / 1000), // JWT times are in seconds      exp: Math.floor(expiresAt / 1000), // JWT times are in seconds      iss: null,      public_keys: [],      domain_name: appDomain,      manifest_uri: manifestURI,      redirect_uri: redirectURI,      version: VERSION,      do_not_include_profile: true,      supports_hub_url: true,      scopes    })    /* Convert the private key to a public key to an issuer */    const publicKey = SECP256K1Client.derivePublicKey(transitPrivateKey)    payload.public_keys = [publicKey]    const address = publicKeyToAddress(publicKey)    payload.iss = makeDIDFromAddress(address)      /* Sign and return the token */    const tokenSigner = new TokenSigner('ES256k', transitPrivateKey)    const token = tokenSigner.sign(payload) // jsontokens 用私钥签名    return token  }

最终的 Token 会成为我们看到的形式

Browser 端的参数解析与数据加载

BlockStack 浏览器端处理 query 中的 authRequest 参数

// app/js/auth/index.js 在组建内触发参数解析    componentWillMount() {      const queryDict = queryString.parse(      const echoRequestId = queryDict.echo        const authRequest = getAuthRequestFromURL() // 获取 query 中的参数      const decodedToken = decodeToken(authRequest)      const { scopes } = decodedToken.payload // gaia 授权范围        this.setState({        authRequest,        echoRequestId,        decodedToken,        scopes: {          ...this.state.scopes,          email: scopes.includes('email'),          publishData: scopes.includes('publish_data')        }      })        this.props.verifyAuthRequestAndLoadManifest(authRequest) // 校验 authRequest 并获取 APP 的 Manifest.json 文件        this.getFreshIdentities() // 加载用户账户信息    }        getFreshIdentities = async () => {      await this.props.refreshIdentities(this.props.api, this.props.addresses)      this.setState({ refreshingIdentities: false })    }    // 加载用户信息  function refreshIdentities(    api,    ownerAddresses  ) {    return async (dispatch) => {'refreshIdentities')      // account.identityAccount.addresses      const promises =, index) => { // 根据用户的储存在浏览器本地的地址数据循环拉取用户信息        const promise = new Promise(resolve => {          const url = api.bitcoinAddressLookupUrl.replace('{address}', address) // 比特币网络中的地址查询链接          return fetch(url)            .then(response => response.text())            .then(responseText => JSON.parse(responseText))            .then(responseJson => {              if (responseJson.names.length === 0) { // 没有用户名                const gaiaBucketAddress = ownerAddresses[0] // 默认第一个地址是用户的 gaia 地址                return fetchProfileLocations(  // 寻找 profile 的储存位置                  api.gaiaHubConfig.url_prefix,                  address,                  gaiaBucketAddress,                  index                ).then(returnObject => {                  if (returnObject && returnObject.profile) {                    const profile = returnObject.profile                    const zoneFile = ''                    dispatch(updateProfile(index, profile, zoneFile)) // 更新现有的用户 profile 信息                    let verifications = []                    let trustLevel = 0                    // ...                  } else {                    resolve()                    return Promise.resolve()                  }                })              } else {                const nameOwned = responseJson.names[0]                dispatch(usernameOwned(index, nameOwned)) // 更新 redux                const lookupUrl = api.nameLookupUrl.replace('{name}', nameOwned) // 通过用户名查询数据                logger.debug(`refreshIdentities: fetching: ${lookupUrl}`)                return fetch(lookupUrl)                  .then(response => response.text())                  .then(responseText => JSON.parse(responseText))                  .then(lookupResponseJson => {                    const zoneFile = lookupResponseJson.zonefile // 获的用户的 zonefile                    const ownerAddress = lookupResponseJson.address                    const expireBlock = lookupResponseJson.expire_block || -1                        resolve()                        return Promise.resolve()                      })                      .catch(error => {                        dispatch(updateProfile(index, DEFAULT_PROFILE, zoneFile))                        resolve()                        return Promise.resolve()                      })                  })                  .catch(error => {                    resolve()                    return Promise.resolve()                  })              }            })            .catch(error => {              resolve()              return Promise.resolve()            })        })        return promise      })      return Promise.all(promises)    }  }

localstorage 中保存了 Redux 的数据结构

Browser 端的解析和 Manifest 拉取


BlockStack.js  // 校验 authRequest  export async function verifyAuthRequestAndLoadManifest(token: string): Promise<any> {    const valid = await verifyAuthRequest(token)    if (!valid) {      throw new Error('Token is an invalid auth request')    }    return fetchAppManifest(token)  }    // 校验 authRequest 的 token  export async function verifyAuthRequest(token: string): Promise<boolean> {    if (decodeToken(token).header.alg === 'none') {      throw new Error('Token must be signed in order to be verified')    }    const values = await Promise.all([      isExpirationDateValid(token),      isIssuanceDateValid(token),      doSignaturesMatchPublicKeys(token),      doPublicKeysMatchIssuer(token),      isManifestUriValid(token),      isRedirectUriValid(token)    ])    return values.every(val => val)  }    // 获取 APP 的 Manifest 文件  export async function fetchAppManifest(authRequest: string): Promise<any> {    if (!authRequest) {      throw new Error('Invalid auth request')    }    const payload = decodeToken(authRequest).payload    if (typeof payload === 'string') {      throw new Error('Unexpected token payload type of string')    }    const manifestURI = payload.manifest_uri as string    try {      Logger.debug(`Fetching manifest from ${manifestURI}`)      const response = await fetchPrivate(manifestURI)      const responseText = await response.text()      const responseJSON = JSON.parse(responseText)      return { ...responseJSON, manifestURI }    } catch (error) {      console.log(error)      throw new Error('Could not fetch manifest.json')    }  }


// login 函数 用户点击多个授权之后的回调    login = (identityIndex = this.state.currentIdentityIndex) => {      this.setState({        processing: true,        invalidScopes: false      })      // ...      // if profile has no name, lookupUrl will be      // http://localhost:6270/v1/names/ which returns 401      const lookupUrl = this.props.api.nameLookupUrl.replace(        '{name}',        lookupValue      )      fetch(lookupUrl)        .then(response => response.text())        .then(responseText => JSON.parse(responseText))        .then(responseJSON => {          if (hasUsername) {            if (responseJSON.hasOwnProperty('address')) {              const nameOwningAddress = responseJSON.address              if (nameOwningAddress === identity.ownerAddress) {                logger.debug('login: name has propagated on the network.')                this.setState({                  blockchainId: lookupValue                })              } else {                logger.debug('login: name is not usable on the network.')                hasUsername = false              }            } else {              logger.debug('login: name is not visible on the network.')              hasUsername = false            }          }            const appDomain = this.state.decodedToken.payload.domain_name          const scopes = this.state.decodedToken.payload.scopes          const needsCoreStorage = !appRequestSupportsDirectHub(            this.state.decodedToken.payload          )          const scopesJSONString = JSON.stringify(scopes)         //...         // APP 校验权限          if (requestingStoreWrite && !needsCoreStorage) {            this.setState({              noCoreStorage: true // 更新跳转状态            })            this.props.noCoreSessionToken(appDomain)          } else {            this.setState({              noCoreStorage: true // 更新跳转状态            })            this.props.noCoreSessionToken(appDomain)          }        })    }        // 跳转状态监听    componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {      if (!this.state.responseSent) {        // ...        const appDomain = this.state.decodedToken.payload.domain_name        const localIdentities = nextProps.localIdentities        const identityKeypairs = nextProps.identityKeypairs        if (!appDomain || !nextProps.coreSessionTokens[appDomain]) {          if (this.state.noCoreStorage) { // 跳转判断标志            logger.debug(              'componentWillReceiveProps: no core session token expected'            )          } else {            logger.debug(              'componentWillReceiveProps: no app domain or no core session token'            )            return          }        }            // ...        const identityIndex = this.state.currentIdentityIndex          const hasUsername = this.state.hasUsername        if (hasUsername) {          logger.debug(`login(): id index ${identityIndex} has no username`)        }          // Get keypair corresponding to the current user identity 获得秘钥对        const profileSigningKeypair = identityKeypairs[identityIndex]        const identity = localIdentities[identityIndex]          let blockchainId = null        if (decodedCoreSessionToken) {          blockchainId = decodedCoreSessionToken.payload.blockchain_id        } else {          blockchainId = this.state.blockchainId        }        // 获得用户的私钥和 appsNodeKey        const profile = identity.profile        const privateKey = profileSigningKeypair.key        const appsNodeKey = profileSigningKeypair.appsNodeKey        const salt = profileSigningKeypair.salt          let profileUrlPromise          if (identity.zoneFile && identity.zoneFile.length > 0) {          const zoneFileJson = parseZoneFile(identity.zoneFile)          const profileUrlFromZonefile = getTokenFileUrlFromZoneFile(zoneFileJson) // 用 zonefile 获取用户信息          if (            profileUrlFromZonefile !== null &&            profileUrlFromZonefile !== undefined          ) {            profileUrlPromise = Promise.resolve(profileUrlFromZonefile)          }        }          const gaiaBucketAddress = nextProps.identityKeypairs[0].address        const identityAddress = nextProps.identityKeypairs[identityIndex].address        const gaiaUrlBase = nextProps.api.gaiaHubConfig.url_prefix          // 没有 profile 就从 gaia 中查询        if (!profileUrlPromise) {          // use default Gaia hub if we can't tell from the profile where the profile Gaia hub is          profileUrlPromise = fetchProfileLocations(            gaiaUrlBase,            identityAddress,            gaiaBucketAddress,            identityIndex          ).then(fetchProfileResp => {            if (fetchProfileResp && fetchProfileResp.profileUrl) {              return fetchProfileResp.profileUrl            } else {              return getDefaultProfileUrl(gaiaUrlBase, identityAddress)            }          })        }          profileUrlPromise.then(async profileUrl => {          const appPrivateKey = await BlockstackWallet.getLegacyAppPrivateKey(appsNodeKey, salt, appDomain) // 获得 APP 的 PrivateKey          // Add app storage bucket URL to profile if publish_data scope is requested          if (this.state.scopes.publishData) {            let apps = {}            if (profile.hasOwnProperty('apps')) {              apps = profile.apps // 获得用户的 apps 配置            }              if (storageConnected) {              const hubUrl = this.props.api.gaiaHubUrl              await getAppBucketUrl(hubUrl, appPrivateKey) // 根据用户的授权历史在 apps 查找授权 APP 的 bucket 位置,没有则创建新的                .then(appBucketUrl => {                  logger.debug(                    `componentWillReceiveProps: appBucketUrl ${appBucketUrl}`                  )                  apps[appDomain] = appBucketUrl // bucketurl                  logger.debug(                    `componentWillReceiveProps: new apps array ${JSON.stringify(                      apps                    )}`                  )                  profile.apps = apps                  const signedProfileTokenData = signProfileForUpload(  // 更新用户的 profile                    profile,                    nextProps.identityKeypairs[identityIndex],                    this.props.api                  )                  logger.debug(                    'componentWillReceiveProps: uploading updated profile with new apps array'                  )                  return uploadProfile(                    this.props.api,                    identity,                    nextProps.identityKeypairs[identityIndex],                    signedProfileTokenData                  )                })                .then(() => this.completeAuthResponse( // 构建 AuthResponse                    privateKey,                    blockchainId,                    coreSessionToken,                    appPrivateKey,                    profile,                    profileUrl                  )                )              }            // ...          } else {            await this.completeAuthResponse(              privateKey,              blockchainId,              coreSessionToken,              appPrivateKey,              profile,              profileUrl            )          }        })      }    }      // 构造授权之后的返回     const authResponse = await makeAuthResponse(        privateKey,        profileResponseData,        blockchainId,        metadata,        coreSessionToken,        appPrivateKey,        undefined,        transitPublicKey,        hubUrl,        blockstackAPIUrl,        associationToken      )         redirectUserToApp(this.state.authRequest, authResponse)    // 重定向回 APP 页面    const payload = decodeToken(authRequest).payload    if (typeof payload === 'string') {      throw new Error('Unexpected token payload type of string')    }    let redirectURI = payload.redirect_uri as string    Logger.debug(redirectURI)    if (redirectURI) {      redirectURI = updateQueryStringParameter(redirectURI, 'authResponse', authResponse)    } else {      throw new Error('Invalid redirect URI')    }    const location = getGlobalObject('location', { throwIfUnavailable: true, usageDesc: 'redirectUserToApp' })    kk = redirectURI  }



App 端的解析与处理

app 端的数据通过 userSession.SignInPendinguserSession.handlePendingSignIn 解析 authResponse 参数

export async function handlePendingSignIn(    nameLookupURL: string = '',    authResponseToken: string = getAuthResponseToken(),    transitKey?: string,    caller?: UserSession  ): Promise<UserData> {      if (!caller) {      caller = new UserSession()    }    const sessionData =      if (!transitKey) {      transitKey =    }    if (!nameLookupURL) {      let coreNode = caller.appConfig && caller.appConfig.coreNode      if (!coreNode) {        coreNode =      }        const tokenPayload = decodeToken(authResponseToken).payload      if (typeof tokenPayload === 'string') {        throw new Error('Unexpected token payload type of string')      }      if (isLaterVersion(tokenPayload.version as string, '1.3.0')         && tokenPayload.blockstackAPIUrl !== null && tokenPayload.blockstackAPIUrl !== undefined) { = tokenPayload.blockstackAPIUrl as string        coreNode = tokenPayload.blockstackAPIUrl as string      }        nameLookupURL = `${coreNode}${NAME_LOOKUP_PATH}`    }      const isValid = await verifyAuthResponse(authResponseToken, nameLookupURL) // 校验 authResponse Token    if (!isValid) {      throw new LoginFailedError('Invalid authentication response.')    }    const tokenPayload = decodeToken(authResponseToken).payload      // TODO: real version handling    let appPrivateKey = tokenPayload.private_key as string    let coreSessionToken = tokenPayload.core_token as string    // ...    let hubUrl = BLOCKSTACK_DEFAULT_GAIA_HUB_URL    let gaiaAssociationToken: string      const userData: UserData = {      username: tokenPayload.username as string,      profile: tokenPayload.profile,      email: as string,      decentralizedID: tokenPayload.iss,      identityAddress: getAddressFromDID(tokenPayload.iss),      appPrivateKey,      coreSessionToken,      authResponseToken,      hubUrl,      coreNode: tokenPayload.blockstackAPIUrl as string,      gaiaAssociationToken    }    const profileURL = tokenPayload.profile_url as string    if (!userData.profile && profileURL) {      const response = await fetchPrivate(profileURL) // 拉取用户 profile 信息      if (!response.ok) { // return blank profile if we fail to fetch        userData.profile = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROFILE)      } else {        const responseText = await response.text()        const wrappedProfile = JSON.parse(responseText)        const profile = extractProfile(wrappedProfile[0].token)        userData.profile = profile      }    } else {      userData.profile = tokenPayload.profile    }      sessionData.userData = userData // 缓存用户数据到      return userData // 返回结果  }

userData 最后的样子(Redux)


  • name – 用户的域名
  • profile – 域名下的身份信息
  • email – 用户的邮箱信息
  • decentralizedID – DID
  • identityAddress – 用户身份的 BTC 地址
  • appPrivateKey – app 应用的私钥
  • coreSessionToken – V2 预留
  • authResponseToken – browser 返回的授权信息 Token
  • hubUrl – gaia hub 的地址
  • gaiaAssociationToken – app 与 gaia 交互所需要的 token
  • gaiaHubConfig – gaia 服务器的配置信息

KeyPairs && appPrivateKey

  const appPrivateKey = await BlockstackWallet.getLegacyAppPrivateKey(appsNodeKey, salt, appDomain)    // src/[email protected]// 获取身份的密钥对     getIdentityKeyPair(addressIndex: number,                       alwaysUncompressed: boolean = false): IdentityKeyPair {      const identityNode = this.getIdentityAddressNode(addressIndex)        const address = BlockstackWallet.getAddressFromBIP32Node(identityNode)      let identityKey = getNodePrivateKey(identityNode)      if (alwaysUncompressed && identityKey.length === 66) {        identityKey = identityKey.slice(0, 64)      }        const identityKeyID = getNodePublicKey(identityNode)      const appsNodeKey = BlockstackWallet.getAppsNode(identityNode).toBase58() // 获取 appsNodeKey      const salt = this.getIdentitySalt()      const keyPair = {        key: identityKey,        keyID: identityKeyID,        address,        appsNodeKey,        salt      }      return keyPair    }  }      // 获取 appPrivateKey    static getLegacyAppPrivateKey(appsNodeKey: string,                                  salt: string, appDomain: string): string {      const appNode = getLegacyAppNode(appsNodeKey, salt, appDomain)      return getNodePrivateKey(appNode).slice(0, 64)    }    function getNodePrivateKey(node: BIP32Interface): string {    return ecPairToHexString(ECPair.fromPrivateKey(node.privateKey))  }      // src/storage/[email protected]  // 使用 appPrivateKey 加密内容  export async function encryptContent(    content: string | Buffer,    options?: EncryptContentOptions,    caller?: UserSession  ): Promise<string> {    const opts = Object.assign({}, options)    let privateKey: string    if (!opts.publicKey) {      privateKey = (caller || new UserSession()).loadUserData().appPrivateKey      opts.publicKey = getPublicKeyFromPrivate(privateKey)    }   // ...    const contentBuffer = typeof content === 'string' ? Buffer.from(content) : content    const cipherObject = await encryptECIES(opts.publicKey,                                            contentBuffer,                                            wasString,                                            opts.cipherTextEncoding)    let cipherPayload = JSON.stringify(cipherObject)    // ...    return cipherPayload  }    // 使用 appPrivateKey 解密内容  export function decryptContent(    content: string,    options?: {      privateKey?: string    },    caller?: UserSession  ): Promise<string | Buffer> {    const opts = Object.assign({}, options)    if (!opts.privateKey) {      opts.privateKey = (caller || new UserSession()).loadUserData().appPrivateKey    }      try {      const cipherObject = JSON.parse(content)      return decryptECIES(opts.privateKey, cipherObject)    } catch (err) {  }

持久化 Redux 数据

// app/js/store/configure.js@browser    import persistState from 'redux-localstorage' // 持久化 Redux 中间件    export default function configureStore(initialState) {    return finalCreateStore(RootReducer, initialState)  }    const finalCreateStore = composeEnhancers(    applyMiddleware(thunk),    persistState(null, { // persistState 持久化      // eslint-disable-next-line      slicer: paths => state => ({        ...state,        auth: AuthInitialState,        notifications: []      })    })  )(createStore)

userData 也会保存在 localstorage 中


localstorage 的保存

export class UserSession {       // ...     constructor(options?: {      appConfig?: AppConfig,      sessionStore?: SessionDataStore,      sessionOptions?: SessionOptions }) {      // ...      if (options && options.sessionStore) { = options.sessionStore      } else if (runningInBrowser) {        if (options) { = new LocalStorageStore(options.sessionOptions)        } else { = new LocalStorageStore()        }      } else if (options) { = new InstanceDataStore(options.sessionOptions)      } else { = new InstanceDataStore()      }    }    }      // 继承并覆盖 setSessionData ,持久化数据到 LocalStorage  export class LocalStorageStore extends SessionDataStore {    key: string      constructor(sessionOptions?: SessionOptions) {      super(sessionOptions)     //...      setSessionData(session: SessionData): boolean {      localStorage.setItem(this.key, session.toString())      return true    }  }

2020-03-15 由助教曹帅整理