SAP S/4HANA的原生扩展字段,如何能够配到S/4CRM WebClient UI上

Currently all AET HEADER fields are appended to structure INCL_EEW_ORDERADH_H. So as long as we register this include structure to Order_header business context in S4 Extensibility registry, once end users create extension field via S4 Key user tool, the field will for sure appear in this include structure.

The main question could be how to make this field visible in Order overview page in WebUI. I have manually created one extension field in include INCL_EEW_ORDERADM_H to simulate a new S4 extension field. In real scenario this field could be created easily by S4 Key user tool.

Make S4 extension field visible in CRM One order overview page

Approach 1: make the S4 extension field as Implicit attribute in CRM What is so called implicit attribute

How to enable read & write on implicit field in CRM WebUI Once I have added the extension field in UI via configuration, it is visible in the runtime. The left task is to support read & write on it.

Approach 2: make the S4 extension field as AET attribute in CRM

I plan to render this field as AET attribute in WebUI, that is: EXT.JERRY_CRM_AET

By default this is not possible:


In productive implementation, this should be added as a post step of S4 extension field generation process:

After that UI workbench now considers it as an AET field:

When I try to add this field into UI via configuration, I meet with the following error message:
