云原生之旅 – 13)基于 Github Action 的自动化流水线
- 2022 年 11 月 19 日
- 筆記
- SRE/DevOps, 云原生, 持续集成
GItHub Actions是一个持续集成和持续交付的平台,能够让你自动化你的编译、测试和部署流程。GitHub 提供 Linux、Windows 和 macOS 虚拟机来运行您的工作流程,或者您可以在自己的数据中心或云基础架构中托管自己的自托管运行器。它是 GitHub 于2018年10月推出的持续集成服务。
- workflow (工作流程):持续集成一次运行的过程,就是一个 workflow。
- job (任务):一个 workflow 由一个或多个 jobs 构成,含义是一次持续集成的运行,可以完成多个任务。
- step(步骤):每个 job 由多个 step 构成,一步步完成。
- action (动作):每个 step 可以依次执行一个或多个命令(action)
### 本文同步发表于知乎 //zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/584810055
首先定义一个workflow 的 name
# This is a CICD workflow for demo name: cicd-demo
# Controls when the action will run. Triggers the workflow on push or pull request # events but only for the below branch and specific path on: push: branches: - main - develop paths: - 'demo-app/**' pull_request: branches: - main paths: - 'demo-app/**'
然后定义一个 Build Job 以及 Outputs 供后续步骤使用
jobs: # The "build" job build: # The type of runner that the job will run on runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: image_tag: ${{ steps.build_app.outputs.image_tag }} actor: ${{ steps.build_app.outputs.actor }} # Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job steps:
Checkout 代码
steps: # Checks-out your repository under $GITHUB_WORKSPACE - name: checkout repo uses: actions/checkout@v3
Setup go env
- name: Setup go uses: actions/setup-go@v3 with: go-version-file: 'demo-app/go.mod' check-latest: true cache: true cache-dependency-path: demo-app/go.sum
Login google container registry
- name: Login to GCR uses: docker/login-action@v2 with: registry: asia.gcr.io username: _json_key password: ${{ secrets.GCR_JSON_KEY }}
Build Image and Push to registry
make 命令很简单,执行的就是docker build 和 push
- name: build application id: build_app run: |- VER=`cat demo-app/Makefile| grep TAG= | awk -F "=" 'NR==1{print $2}'` GIT_COMMIT=$(git log | grep commit | awk 'NR==1{print $2}' | cut -c1-7) cd helm-go-client make push TAG2=-$GIT_COMMIT # set output echo "::set-output name=image_tag::$(echo "$VER-$GIT_COMMIT")" echo "::set-output name=actor::$(echo "$GITHUB_ACTOR")"
Makefile 供参考
export TAG=1.0.0 export DOCKERHUB=wadexu007/demo-app hello: echo "This is Go client call helm sdk" local: hello echo "run locally" go run main.go build: hello echo "building docker container" docker build -t ${DOCKERHUB}:${TAG} . push: build echo "pushing to my docker hub" docker push ${DOCKERHUB}:${TAG}
### 本文同步发表于知乎 //zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/584810055
Post setup
# Workaround to avoid Post Use step failures related to cache # Error: There are no cache folders on the disk - name: Post setup run: mkdir -p /home/runner/.cache/go-build continue-on-error: true
接下来我们定义Deploy job
Checkout K8S YAML manifests repository
deploy: # The type of runner that the job will run on runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: build steps: # Checks-out k8s YAML manifests repository - name: checkout k8s manifests repo uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: # clone //github.com/xxx/sre_manifests which contains deploy manifests repository: xxx/sre_manifests # auth by ssh key or personal toke ssh-key: ${{ secrets.SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }} ref: refs/heads/master
然后用Kustomize 来 Edit image tag, 它是由上面步骤 output出来的
# Update image version - name: Update Kubernetes resources run: | cd demo-manifests/services/demo-app/dev kustomize edit set image asia.gcr.io/sre-dev/demo-app:${{ needs.build.outputs.image_tag }} cat kustomization.yaml
接下来我们可以直接连到cluster kubectl apply部署, 也可以commit 代码然后触发 ArgoCD, ArgoCD可以自动Sync repo来部署以及更新同步资源,后续文章会讲到。
下面例子是 gcloud login 然后 获取cluster 最后用kubectl apply 部署资源。
# authentication via credentials json - id: 'auth' uses: 'google-github-actions/auth@v0' with: credentials_json: '${{ secrets.GCR_JSON_KEY }}' # test key's json # Setup gcloud CLI - name: Set up Cloud SDK uses: google-github-actions/setup-gcloud@v0 # Get the GKE credentials so we can deploy to the cluster - name: Set up GKE credentials run: |- gcloud container clusters get-credentials xxx_gke_cluster --region xxx_gke_region --project xxx_gcp_project # Deploy to the GKE cluster - name: Deploy run: |- gcloud container clusters list --project xxx_gcp_project cd demo-manifests/services/demo-app/dev cat kustomization.yaml kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f -
kubectl rollout status deploy/demo-app -n demo
完整例子可以参考 My Github repo
### 本文同步发表于知乎 //zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/584810055