高性能:BPF performance Tools 学习笔记-1
- 2020 年 2 月 17 日
- 筆記
本系统列内容来自 性能优化大神Brendan Gregg 出的新书, 目前国内还没有引入。
Brendan Gregg 书里提到 Netflix和Facebook都将这些工具作为生产服务器的标配工具,因此我们也可以在经过充分的测试后,考虑将这些工具做到初始化镜像模板里面。

•argdist: Display function parameter values as a histogram or frequency count.
•bashreadline: Print entered bash commands system wide.
•biolatency: Summarize block device I/O latency as a histogram.
•biotop: Top for disks: Summarize block device I/O by process.
•biosnoop: Trace block device I/O with PID and latency.
•bitesize: Show per process I/O size histogram.
•bpflist: Display processes with active BPF programs and maps.
•btrfsdist: Summarize btrfs operation latency distribution as a histogram.
•btrfsslower: Trace slow btrfs operations.
•capable: Trace security capability checks.
•cachestat: Trace page cache hit/miss ratio.
•cachetop: Trace page cache hit/miss ratio by processes.
•compactsnoop: Trace compact zone events with PID and latency.
•cpudist: Summarize on- and off-CPU time per task as a histogram. Examples
•cpuunclaimed: Sample CPU run queues and calculate unclaimed idle CPU. Examples
•criticalstat: Trace and report long atomic critical sections in the kernel. Examples
•dbslower: Trace MySQL/PostgreSQL queries slower than a threshold.
•dbstat: Summarize MySQL/PostgreSQL query latency as a histogram.
•dcsnoop: Trace directory entry cache (dcache) lookups.
•dcstat: Directory entry cache (dcache) stats.
•deadlock: Detect potential deadlocks on a running process.
•drsnoop: Trace direct reclaim events with PID and latency.
•execsnoop: Trace new processes via exec() syscalls.
•exitsnoop: Trace process termination (exit and fatal signals).
•ext4dist: Summarize ext4 operation latency distribution as a histogram.
•ext4slower: Trace slow ext4 operations.
•filelife: Trace the lifespan of short-lived files.
•fileslower: Trace slow synchronous file reads and writes.
•filetop: File reads and writes by filename and process. Top for files.
•funccount: Count kernel function calls.
•funclatency: Time functions and show their latency distribution.
•funcslower: Trace slow kernel or user function calls.
•gethostlatency: Show latency for getaddrinfo/gethostbyname[2] calls.
•hardirqs: Measure hard IRQ (hard interrupt) event time.
•inject: Targeted error injection with call chain and predicates
•killsnoop: Trace signals issued by the kill() syscall.
•klockstat: Traces kernel mutex lock events and display locks statistics.
•llcstat: Summarize CPU cache references and misses by process.
•mdflush: Trace md flush events.
•memleak: Display outstanding memory allocations to find memory leaks.
•mountsnoop: Trace mount and umount syscalls system-wide.
•mysqld_qslower: Trace MySQL server queries slower than a threshold.
•nfsslower: Trace slow NFS operations.
•nfsdist: Summarize NFS operation latency distribution as a histogram.
•offcputime: Summarize off-CPU time by kernel stack trace.
•offwaketime: Summarize blocked time by kernel off-CPU stack and waker stack.
•oomkill: Trace the out-of-memory (OOM) killer.
•opensnoop: Trace open() syscalls.
•pidpersec: Count new processes (via fork).
•profile: Profile CPU usage by sampling stack traces at a timed interval.
•reset-trace: Reset the state of tracing. Maintenance tool only.
•runqlat: Run queue (scheduler) latency as a histogram.
•runqlen: Run queue length as a histogram.
•runqslower: Trace long process scheduling delays.
•shmsnoop: Trace System V shared memory syscalls.
•sofdsnoop: Trace FDs passed through unix sockets.
•slabratetop: Kernel SLAB/SLUB memory cache allocation rate top.
•softirqs: Measure soft IRQ (soft interrupt) event time.
•solisten: Trace TCP socket listen.
•sslsniff: Sniff OpenSSL written and readed data.
•stackcount: Count kernel function calls and their stack traces.
•syncsnoop: Trace sync() syscall.
•syscount: Summarize syscall counts and latencies.
•tcpaccept: Trace TCP passive connections (accept()).
•tcpconnect: Trace TCP active connections (connect()).
•tcpconnlat: Trace TCP active connection latency (connect()).
•tcpdrop: Trace kernel-based TCP packet drops with details.
•tcplife: Trace TCP sessions and summarize lifespan.
•tcpretrans: Trace TCP retransmits and TLPs.
•tcpstates: Trace TCP session state changes with durations.
•tcpsubnet: Summarize and aggregate TCP send by subnet.
•tcptop: Summarize TCP send/recv throughput by host. Top for TCP.
•tcptracer: Trace TCP established connections (connect(), accept(), close()).
•tplist: Display kernel tracepoints or USDT probes and their formats.
•trace: Trace arbitrary functions, with filters.
•ttysnoop: Watch live output from a tty or pts device.
•ucalls: Summarize method calls or Linux syscalls in high-level languages.
•uflow: Print a method flow graph in high-level languages.
•ugc: Trace garbage collection events in high-level languages.
•uobjnew: Summarize object allocation events by object type and number of bytes allocated.
•ustat: Collect events such as GCs, thread creations, object allocations, exceptions and more in high-level languages.
•uthreads: Trace thread creation events in Java and raw pthreads.
•vfscount vfscount.c: Count VFS calls.
•vfsstat vfsstat.c: Count some VFS calls, with column output.
•wakeuptime: Summarize sleep to wakeup time by waker kernel stack.
•xfsdist: Summarize XFS operation latency distribution as a histogram.
•xfsslower: Trace slow XFS operations.
•zfsdist: Summarize ZFS operation latency distribution as a histogram.
•zfsslower: Trace slow ZFS operations.
主题 |
推荐使用的工具 |
Debugging / multi-purpose |
trace, argdist, funccount, stackcount, opensnoop |
CPUs |
execsnoop, runqlat, runqlen, cpudist, profile, offcputime, syscount, softirq, hardirq |
Memory |
memleak |
File systems |
opensnoop, filelife, vfsstatt, fileslower, cachestat, writeback, dcstat, xfsslower, xfsdist, ext4dist |
Disk I/O |
biolatency, biosnoop, biotop, bitesize |
Networking |
tcpconnect, tcpaccept, tcplife, tcpretrans |
Security |
capable |
Languages |
javastat, javacalls, javathreads, javaflow, javagc |
Applications |
mysqld_qslower, signals, killsnoop |
Kernel |
wakeuptime, offwaketime |