- 2022 年 1 月 21 日
- 筆記
nmethod* InterpreterRuntime::frequency_counter_overflow( JavaThread* thread, address branch_bcp ){ nmethod* nm = frequency_counter_overflow_inner(thread, branch_bcp); assert(branch_bcp != NULL || nm == NULL, "always returns null for non OSR requests"); // 当为OSR编译并且已经获取到编译后的版本时,重新从lookup_osr_nmethod_for()函数 // 中查找一次 if (branch_bcp != NULL && nm != NULL) { // 目标方法是一个需要栈上替换的方法,因为frequency_counter_overflow_inner() // 函数返回的nm没有加载,所以需要再次查找 frame fr = thread->last_frame(); Method* method = fr.interpreter_frame_method(); address bcp = fr.interpreter_frame_bcp(); int bci = method->bci_from(bcp); nm = method->lookup_osr_nmethod_for(bci, CompLevel_none, false); } return nm; }
IRT_ENTRY(nmethod*,InterpreterRuntime::frequency_counter_overflow_inner( JavaThread* thread, address branch_bcp )) // ... frame fr = thread->last_frame(); // 验证当前方法是被解释执行的,只有解释执行时情况下才能调用此函数 assert(fr.is_interpreted_frame(), "must come from interpreter"); // 获取当前解释执行的方法 methodHandle method(thread, fr.interpreter_frame_method()); // branch_bcp非空时获取其相对于方法字节码起始地址code_base的偏移,否则等于InvocationEntryBci, // InvocationEntryBci表明这是非栈上替换的方法编译 const int branch_bci = branch_bcp != NULL ? method->bci_from(branch_bcp) : InvocationEntryBci; const int bci = branch_bcp != NULL ? method->bci_from(fr.interpreter_frame_bcp()) : InvocationEntryBci; // 获取编译策略 CompilationPolicy* cp = CompilationPolicy::policy(); // 如果要求栈上替换,返回该方法对应的nmethod;否则异步提交一个方法编译的任务给后台编译线程,然后返回NULL nmethod* osr_nm = cp->event(method, method, branch_bci, bci, CompLevel_none, NULL, thread); // ... 省略一部分对偏向锁的处理逻辑 return osr_nm; IRT_END address frame::interpreter_frame_bcp() const { intptr_t bcx = interpreter_frame_bcx(); return is_bci(bcx) ? interpreter_frame_method()->bcp_from(bcx) : (address)bcx; } inline bool frame::is_bci(intptr_t bcx) { return ( (uintptr_t)bcx ) <= ((uintptr_t) max_method_code_size) ; }
nmethod* SimpleThresholdPolicy::event( methodHandle method, methodHandle inlinee, int branch_bci, int bci, CompLevel comp_level, nmethod* nm, JavaThread* thread ) { // ... if (bci == InvocationEntryBci) { // 编译整个方法 method_invocation_event(method, inlinee, comp_level, nm, thread); } else { // 编译热点代码 method_back_branch_event(method, inlinee, bci, comp_level, nm, thread); int highest_level = inlinee->highest_osr_comp_level(); if (highest_level > comp_level) { osr_nm = inlinee->lookup_osr_nmethod_for(bci, highest_level, false); } } return osr_nm; }
nmethod* lookup_osr_nmethod_for(int bci, int level, bool match_level) { return method_holder()->lookup_osr_nmethod(this, bci, level, match_level); }
nmethod* InstanceKlass::lookup_osr_nmethod( const Method* m, int bci, // 表示当前运行的、或已经编译出了可被运行的层级 int comp_level, // 表示查找某个编译层级的osr nmethod bool match_level ) const { nmethod* osr = osr_nmethods_head(); nmethod* best = NULL; // 当match_level的值为false时,查找的是最高的编译层级的结果, // 否则就是查找comp_level层级的编译结果 while (osr != NULL) { if ( osr->method() == m && (bci == InvocationEntryBci || osr->osr_entry_bci() == bci) ){ if (match_level) { // 当match_level的值为true时,表示查找特定的编译层级的结果 if (osr->comp_level() == comp_level) { return osr; } } else { if (best == NULL || (osr->comp_level() > best->comp_level())) { if (osr->comp_level() == CompLevel_highest_tier) { return osr; } best = osr; } } } osr = osr->osr_link(); } if (best != NULL && best->comp_level() >= comp_level && match_level == false) { return best; } return NULL; }
void AdvancedThresholdPolicy::method_invocation_event( methodHandle mh, methodHandle imh, CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, JavaThread* thread ) { if (should_create_mdo(mh(), level)) { create_mdo(mh, thread); }
// 当前环境支持编译任务并且编译任务不再当前的编译队列中时,可能会编译 if (is_compilation_enabled() && !CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue(mh, InvocationEntryBci)) { CompLevel next_level = call_event(mh(), level); if (next_level != level) { compile(mh, InvocationEntryBci, next_level, thread); } } }
// 当方法运行很长时间时还是解释执行,那么需要创建MethodData来统计运行时信息, // 是否创建MethodData还会考虑编译器的负载情况 bool AdvancedThresholdPolicy::should_create_mdo( Method* method, CompLevel cur_level ) { if ( // 当前的方法在解释执行 cur_level == CompLevel_none && // 当编译队列中的CompLevel_full_optimization层 // 级的任务小于(5*C2编译器线程数)时,表示编译器的负载小 CompileBroker::queue_size(CompLevel_full_optimization) <= Tier3DelayOn * compiler_count(CompLevel_full_optimization) ) { int i = method->invocation_count(); int b = method->backedge_count(); double k = Tier0ProfilingStartPercentage / 100.0; return call_predicate_helper<CompLevel_none>(i, b, k) || loop_predicate_helper<CompLevel_none>(i, b, k); } return false; }
int Method::invocation_count() { MethodCounters *mcs = method_counters(); if (TieredCompilation) { MethodData* const mdo = method_data(); if ( ((mcs != NULL) ? mcs->invocation_counter()->carry() : false) || ((mdo != NULL) ? mdo->invocation_counter()->carry() : false) ) { return InvocationCounter::count_limit; } else { return ((mcs != NULL) ? mcs->invocation_counter()->count() : 0) + ((mdo != NULL) ? mdo->invocation_counter()->count() : 0); } } else { return (mcs == NULL) ? 0 : mcs->invocation_counter()->count(); } } int Method::backedge_count() { MethodCounters *mcs = method_counters(); if (TieredCompilation) { MethodData* const mdo = method_data(); if (((mcs != NULL) ? mcs->backedge_counter()->carry() : false) || ((mdo != NULL) ? mdo->backedge_counter()->carry() : false)) { return InvocationCounter::count_limit; } else { return ((mcs != NULL) ? mcs->backedge_counter()->count() : 0) + ((mdo != NULL) ? mdo->backedge_counter()->count() : 0); } } else { return (mcs == NULL) ? 0 : mcs->backedge_counter()->count(); } }
// i是调用数,b是回边数 template<CompLevel level> bool SimpleThresholdPolicy::call_predicate_helper(int i, int b, double scale) { switch(level) { case CompLevel_none: case CompLevel_limited_profile: return // 方法调用>200 * 2 (i > Tier3InvocationThreshold * scale) || // ( 方法调用>100*2 && (方法调用+回边计数)>2000*2 ) (i > Tier3MinInvocationThreshold * scale && i + b > Tier3CompileThreshold * scale); case CompLevel_full_profile: return // 方法调用>5000*2 (i > Tier4InvocationThreshold * scale) || // ( 方法调用>600*2 && (方法调用+回边计数)>15000*2 ) (i > Tier4MinInvocationThreshold * scale && i + b > Tier4CompileThreshold * scale); } return true; } template<CompLevel level> bool SimpleThresholdPolicy::loop_predicate_helper(int i, int b, double scale) { switch(level) { case CompLevel_none: case CompLevel_limited_profile: // 回边计数>60000*2 return b > Tier3BackEdgeThreshold * scale; case CompLevel_full_profile: // 回边计数>40000*2 return b > Tier4BackEdgeThreshold * scale; } return true; }
void AdvancedThresholdPolicy::create_mdo(methodHandle mh, JavaThread* THREAD) { if (mh->is_native() || mh->is_abstract() || mh->is_accessor()){ return; } if (mh->method_data() == NULL) { Method::build_interpreter_method_data(mh, CHECK_AND_CLEAR); } } // 创建MethodData,用来收集从编译执行中获取的运行时统计信息 void Method::build_interpreter_method_data(methodHandle method, TRAPS) { MutexLocker ml(MethodData_lock, THREAD); if (method->method_data() == NULL) { ClassLoaderData* loader_data = method->method_holder()->class_loader_data(); MethodData* method_data = MethodData::allocate(loader_data, method, CHECK); method->set_method_data(method_data); } }
CompLevel AdvancedThresholdPolicy::call_event( Method* method, CompLevel cur_level ) { // OSR的编译层级 CompLevel osr_level = MIN2( (CompLevel) method->highest_osr_comp_level(), common(&AdvancedThresholdPolicy::loop_predicate, method, cur_level, true) ); // 方法的编译层级 CompLevel next_level = common(&AdvancedThresholdPolicy::call_predicate, method, cur_level); // 如果OSR的编译层级比方法编译层级高,那么应该提升方法编译层级,否则在每次方法调用时可能需要 // 进行OSR编译 if (osr_level == CompLevel_full_optimization && cur_level == CompLevel_full_profile) { MethodData* mdo = method->method_data(); if (mdo->invocation_count() >= 1) { next_level = CompLevel_full_optimization; } } else { next_level = MAX2(osr_level, next_level); } return next_level; }
void AdvancedThresholdPolicy::method_back_branch_event( methodHandle mh, methodHandle imh, int bci, CompLevel level, nmethod* nm, JavaThread* thread ) { if (should_create_mdo(mh(), level)) { create_mdo(mh, thread); } if (should_create_mdo(imh(), level)) { create_mdo(imh, thread); } if (!is_compilation_enabled()) { return; } CompLevel next_osr_level = loop_event(imh(), level); CompLevel max_osr_level = (CompLevel)imh->highest_osr_comp_level(); // compilation_is_in_queue()函数判断是否在编译队列中已经存在了这个编译请求,如果 // 不存在,并且要求的编译层次与当前运行的层次不同时,调用compile()函数 if (!CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue(imh, bci) && next_osr_level != level) { compile(imh, bci, next_osr_level, thread); } // 判断当前方法是否也已经达到方法编译的条件 CompLevel cur_level, next_level; // ... cur_level = comp_level(imh()); next_level = call_event(imh(), cur_level); if (!CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue(imh, bci) && next_level != cur_level) { compile(imh, InvocationEntryBci, next_level, thread); } }
CompLevel AdvancedThresholdPolicy::loop_event(Method* method, CompLevel cur_level) { CompLevel next_level = common(&AdvancedThresholdPolicy::loop_predicate, method, cur_level, true); if (cur_level == CompLevel_none) { // CompLevel_none的值为0,表示解释执行层级 // If there is a live OSR method that means that we deopted to the interpreter // for the transition. CompLevel osr_level = MIN2((CompLevel)method->highest_osr_comp_level(), next_level); if (osr_level > CompLevel_none) { return osr_level; } } return next_level; }
void SimpleThresholdPolicy::compile( methodHandle mh, int bci, CompLevel level, JavaThread* thread ) { // 目标编译层级仍然是解释执行,则直接返回即可 if (level == CompLevel_none) { return; } if (!can_be_compiled(mh, level)) { // 当要求C2编译器编译,但是can_be_compiled()函数已经返回false,就表示C2编译器无法编译,此时 // 再次调用can_be_compiled()函数判断是否能用C1编译器编译 if (level == CompLevel_full_optimization && can_be_compiled(mh, CompLevel_simple)) { compile(mh, bci, CompLevel_simple, thread); // 递归调用当前函数 } return; } // 当为OSR编译并且无法在level层级下进行OSR编译时直接返回 if (bci != InvocationEntryBci && mh->is_not_osr_compilable(level)) { return; } // 当前编译任务不再编译队列时,提交OSR或方法编译任务给C1或C2编译任务队列 if (!CompileBroker::compilation_is_in_queue(mh, bci)) { submit_compile(mh, bci, level, thread); } }
bool CompilationPolicy::can_be_compiled(methodHandle m, int comp_level) { // 抽象方法不需要编译 if (m->is_abstract()) return false; // 太大的方法不需要编译 if (DontCompileHugeMethods && m->code_size() > HugeMethodLimit) return false; // 当为一些intrinsic方法时不需要编译 if (!AbstractInterpreter::can_be_compiled(m)) { return false; } if (comp_level == CompLevel_all) { // CompLevel_all的值为-1 if (TieredCompilation) { // 在分层编译的情况下能可以编译为任何一个编译层级 return !m->is_not_compilable(CompLevel_simple) || !m->is_not_compilable(CompLevel_full_optimization); } else { // 非分层编译情况下的处理逻辑 return !m->is_not_compilable(CompLevel_highest_tier); } } // 如果C1或C2编译器可以编译comp_level,则is_compile()函数返回true else if (is_compile(comp_level)) { return !m->is_not_compilable(comp_level); } return false; }
bool Method::is_not_compilable(int comp_level) const { if (number_of_breakpoints() > 0) // 方法含有断点时不允许编译 return true; // 当方法为internal MethodHandle primitive method且是编译器合成的方法时 if (is_always_compilable()) return false; // C1或C2编译器是否能编译comp_evel层级的方法 if (comp_level == CompLevel_any) return is_not_c1_compilable() || is_not_c2_compilable(); if (is_c1_compile(comp_level)) return is_not_c1_compilable(); if (is_c2_compile(comp_level)) return is_not_c2_compilable(); return false; }
bool Method::is_not_osr_compilable(int comp_level) const { if (is_not_compilable(comp_level)) return true; // C1或C2编译器是否能编译comp_evel层级的方法 if (comp_level == CompLevel_any) return is_not_c1_osr_compilable() || is_not_c2_osr_compilable(); if (is_c1_compile(comp_level)) return is_not_c1_osr_compilable(); if (is_c2_compile(comp_level)) return is_not_c2_osr_compilable(); return false; }
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