anaconda python更换清华源


在使用anaconda python环境过程中你会发现使用conda下载包的速度非常的慢,因为使用的是国外的服务器,所以这里要设置为国内的镜像。使用下面的配置命令即可:


conda config --add channels ''      //TUNA的help中镜像地址加有引号,需要去掉#  conda config --add channels ''  conda config --setshow_channel_urls yes      //设置搜索时显示通道地址


(base) C:Usersaikera>conda config --show channels  channels:    - ''    - ''    - defaults    - conda-forge

还有简单粗暴地方法:直接修改conda的配置,一般在当前用户路径下,比如C:UsersAdministrator.condarc .condarc具体内容如下:

channels:    - ''    - ''    - defaults    - conda-forge


conda config --show
(base) C:Usersaikera>conda config --show  add_anaconda_token: True  add_pip_as_python_dependency: True  aggressive_update_packages:    - ca-certificates    - certifi    - openssl  allow_non_channel_urls: False  allow_softlinks: False  always_copy: False  always_softlink: False  always_yes: None  anaconda_upload: None  auto_update_conda: True  changeps1: True  channel_alias:  channel_priority: True  channels:    - ''    - ''    - defaults    - conda-forge  client_ssl_cert: None  client_ssl_cert_key: None  clobber: False  create_default_packages: []  custom_channels:    pkgs/r:    pkgs/msys2:    pkgs/main:    pkgs/pro:    pkgs/free:  custom_multichannels:    local: []    defaults: ["", "", "", "", ""]  default_channels:    -    -    -    -    -  disallowed_packages: []  download_only: False  envs_dirs:    - D:ProgramDataAnaconda2envs    - C:UsersaikeraAppDataLocalcondacondaenvs    - C:Usersaikera.condaenvs



(base) C:Usersaikera>conda install numpy  Solving environment: /  WARNING: The remote server could not find the noarch directory for the  requested channel with url:''    It is possible you have given conda an invalid channel. Please double-check  your conda configuration using `conda config --show`.    If the requested url is in fact a valid conda channel, please request that the  channel administrator create `noarch/repodata.json` and associated  `noarch/repodata.json.bz2` files, even if `noarch/repodata.json` is empty.  $ mkdir noarch  $ echo '{}' > noarch/repodata.json  $ bzip2 -k noarch/repodata.json  /  WARNING: The remote server could not find the noarch directory for the  requested channel with url:''    It is possible you have given conda an invalid channel. Please double-check  your conda configuration using `conda config --show`.    If the requested url is in fact a valid conda channel, please request that the  channel administrator create `noarch/repodata.json` and associated  `noarch/repodata.json.bz2` files, even if `noarch/repodata.json` is empty.  $ mkdir noarch  $ echo '{}' > noarch/repodata.json  $ bzip2 -k noarch/repodata.json  done    ## Package Plan ##      environment location: D:ProgramDataAnaconda2      added / updated specs:      - numpy    The following packages will be downloaded:        package                    |            build      ---------------------------|-----------------      numpy-1.15.0               |   py27h911edcf_0          36 KB  defaults      numpy-base-1.15.0          |   py27hfef472a_0         3.8 MB  defaults      llvmlite-0.24.0            |   py27hc56fc5f_0         9.2 MB  defaults      numba-0.39.0               |   py27h39f3610_0         2.4 MB  defaults      mkl_fft-1.0.4              |   py27h31cbb53_1         121 KB  defaults      mkl-2018.0.3               |                1       178.1 MB  defaults      conda-4.5.10               |           py27_0         1.0 MB  defaults      blas-1.0                   |              mkl           6 KB  defaults      ------------------------------------------------------------                                             Total:       194.7 MB    The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:        blas:       1.0-mkl               defaults      mkl_fft:    1.0.4-py27h31cbb53_1  defaults      numpy-base: 1.15.0-py27hfef472a_0 defaults    The following packages will be UPDATED:        conda:      4.4.11-py27_0         defaults --> 4.5.10-py27_0         defaults      llvmlite:   0.20.0-py27_0         defaults --> 0.24.0-py27hc56fc5f_0 defaults      mkl:        2018.0.0-h36b65af_4   defaults --> 2018.0.3-1            defaults      numba:      0.35.0-np113py27_10   defaults --> 0.39.0-py27h39f3610_0 defaults      numpy:      1.13.3-py27h9ac254c_0 defaults --> 1.15.0-py27h911edcf_0 defaults    Proceed ([y]/n)? y    Downloading and Extracting Packages  numpy 1.15.0: ################################################################################################# | 100%  numpy-base 1.15.0: ############################################################################################ | 100%  llvmlite 0.24.0: ############################################################################################## | 100%  numba 0.39.0: ################################################################################################# | 100%  mkl_fft 1.0.4: ################################################################################################ | 100%  mkl 2018.0.3: ################################################################################################# | 100%  conda 4.5.10: ################################################################################################# | 100%  blas 1.0: ##################################################################################################### | 100%  Preparing transaction: done  Verifying transaction: done  Executing transaction: done