专业交流中的计算方法(CS Society)

世界的数字化也导致了通信过程的数字化。 传统的研究方法不足以理解数字世界中的通信,因为其范围,数量,种类和速度都变得太大,也无法使用传统方法进行研究。 在本文中,我们介绍了计算方法及其在公共和大众传播研究中的应用,以及如何将这些方法应用于专业传播研究。本文是针对一个小组的提案,小组成员(每个小组成员都是各自领域的专家)将使用计算方法介绍他们当前的工作,并讨论这些方法向专业交流的可移植性。

原文题目:Computational Methods in Professional Communication

原文:The digitization of the world has also led to a digitization of communication processes. Traditional research methods fall short in understanding communication in digital worlds as the scope has become too large in volume, variety, and velocity to be studied using traditional approaches. In this paper, we present computational methods and their use in public and mass communication research and how those could be adapted to professional communication research. The paper is a proposal for a panel in which the panelists, each an expert in their field, will present their current work using computational methods and will discuss transferability of these methods to professional communication.

原文作者:André Calero Valdez,Lena Adam,Dennis Assenmacher,Laura Burbach,Malte Bonart,Lena Frischlich,Philipp Schaer
