
  • 2019 年 12 月 25 日
  • 筆記

Siamese原意是”泰国的,泰国人”,而与之相关的一个比较常见的词是”Siamese twin”, 意思是是”连体双胞胎”,所以Siamemse Network是从这个意思转变而来,指的是结构非常相似的两路网络,分别训练,但共享各个层的参数,在最后有一个连接的部分。Siamese网络对于相似性比较的场景比较有效。此外Siamese因为共享参数,所以能减少训练过程中的参数个数。这里的slides讲解了Siamese网络在深度学习中的应用。这里我参照Caffe中的Siamese文档, 以LeNet为例,简单地总结下Caffe中Siamese网络的prototxt文件的写法。

1. Data层

Data层输入可以是LMDB和LevelDB格式的数据,这种格式的数据可以通过参照$CAFFE_ROOT/examples/siamese/create_mnist_siamese.sh来生成(该脚本是从MNIST原先的格式生成DB文件,如果要从JPEG格式的图片来生成DB文件,需要进行一定的修改)。 Data层有2个输出,一个是pair_data,表示配对好的图片对;另一个是sim,表示图片对是否属于同一个label。

2. Slice层


layer {    name: "slicer_label"    type: "Slice"    bottom: "label"    ## Example of label with a shape N x 3 x 1 x 1    top: "label1"    top: "label2"    top: "label3"    slice_param {      axis: 1      slice_point: 1      slice_point: 2    }  }

完成的功能就是把slicer_label划分成3份。axis表示划分的维度,这里1表示在第二个维度上划分;slice_point表示划分的中间的点,分别是12表示在1-2层和2-3层之间进行一个划分。 在Siamese网络中,为了对数据对进行单独的训练,需要在Data层后面接一个Slice层,将数据均匀地划分为2个部分。

3. 共享层


4. 如何共享参数


...    layer {    name: "ip2"    type: "InnerProduct"    bottom: "ip1"    top: "ip2"    param {      name: "ip2_w"      lr_mult: 1    }  }    ...    layer {    name: "ip2_p"    type: "InnerProduct"    bottom: "ip1_p"    top: "ip2_p"    param {      name: "ip2_w"      lr_mult: 1    }  }    ...


5. feature层


layer {    name: "feat"    type: "InnerProduct"    bottom: "ip2"    top: "feat"    param {      name: "feat_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "feat_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    inner_product_param {      num_output: 2      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }

6. ContrastiveLoss层


layer {    name: "loss"    type: "ContrastiveLoss"    bottom: "feat"    bottom: "feat_p"    bottom: "sim"    top: "loss"    contrastive_loss_param {      margin: 1    }  }

7. 网络结构的可视化



name: "mnist_siamese_train_test"  layer {    name: "pair_data"    type: "Data"    top: "pair_data"    top: "sim"    include {      phase: TRAIN    }    transform_param {      scale: 0.00390625    }    data_param {      source: "examples/siamese/mnist_siamese_train_leveldb"      batch_size: 64    }  }  layer {    name: "pair_data"    type: "Data"    top: "pair_data"    top: "sim"    include {      phase: TEST    }    transform_param {      scale: 0.00390625    }    data_param {      source: "examples/siamese/mnist_siamese_test_leveldb"      batch_size: 100    }  }  layer {    name: "slice_pair"    type: "Slice"    bottom: "pair_data"    top: "data"    top: "data_p"    slice_param {      slice_dim: 1      slice_point: 1    }  }  layer {    name: "conv1"    type: "Convolution"    bottom: "data"    top: "conv1"    param {      name: "conv1_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "conv1_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    convolution_param {      num_output: 20      kernel_size: 5      stride: 1      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "pool1"    type: "Pooling"    bottom: "conv1"    top: "pool1"    pooling_param {      pool: MAX      kernel_size: 2      stride: 2    }  }  layer {    name: "conv2"    type: "Convolution"    bottom: "pool1"    top: "conv2"    param {      name: "conv2_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "conv2_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    convolution_param {      num_output: 50      kernel_size: 5      stride: 1      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "pool2"    type: "Pooling"    bottom: "conv2"    top: "pool2"    pooling_param {      pool: MAX      kernel_size: 2      stride: 2    }  }  layer {    name: "ip1"    type: "InnerProduct"    bottom: "pool2"    top: "ip1"    param {      name: "ip1_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "ip1_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    inner_product_param {      num_output: 500      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "relu1"    type: "ReLU"    bottom: "ip1"    top: "ip1"  }  layer {    name: "ip2"    type: "InnerProduct"    bottom: "ip1"    top: "ip2"    param {      name: "ip2_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "ip2_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    inner_product_param {      num_output: 10      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "feat"    type: "InnerProduct"    bottom: "ip2"    top: "feat"    param {      name: "feat_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "feat_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    inner_product_param {      num_output: 2      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "conv1_p"    type: "Convolution"    bottom: "data_p"    top: "conv1_p"    param {      name: "conv1_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "conv1_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    convolution_param {      num_output: 20      kernel_size: 5      stride: 1      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "pool1_p"    type: "Pooling"    bottom: "conv1_p"    top: "pool1_p"    pooling_param {      pool: MAX      kernel_size: 2      stride: 2    }  }  layer {    name: "conv2_p"    type: "Convolution"    bottom: "pool1_p"    top: "conv2_p"    param {      name: "conv2_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "conv2_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    convolution_param {      num_output: 50      kernel_size: 5      stride: 1      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "pool2_p"    type: "Pooling"    bottom: "conv2_p"    top: "pool2_p"    pooling_param {      pool: MAX      kernel_size: 2      stride: 2    }  }  layer {    name: "ip1_p"    type: "InnerProduct"    bottom: "pool2_p"    top: "ip1_p"    param {      name: "ip1_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "ip1_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    inner_product_param {      num_output: 500      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "relu1_p"    type: "ReLU"    bottom: "ip1_p"    top: "ip1_p"  }  layer {    name: "ip2_p"    type: "InnerProduct"    bottom: "ip1_p"    top: "ip2_p"    param {      name: "ip2_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "ip2_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    inner_product_param {      num_output: 10      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "feat_p"    type: "InnerProduct"    bottom: "ip2_p"    top: "feat_p"    param {      name: "feat_w"      lr_mult: 1    }    param {      name: "feat_b"      lr_mult: 2    }    inner_product_param {      num_output: 2      weight_filler {        type: "xavier"      }      bias_filler {        type: "constant"      }    }  }  layer {    name: "loss"    type: "ContrastiveLoss"    bottom: "feat"    bottom: "feat_p"    bottom: "sim"    top: "loss"    contrastive_loss_param {      margin: 1    }  }

8. 训练过程


9. 参考内容
