模型评估 | R语言实现ROC
- 2019 年 12 月 25 日
- 筆記
library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) PlotROC_N <-function(Pred_Var, labels_Var, descending, N){ # Pred_Var is prob: descending=1 # Pred_Var is score: descending=0 df<- data.frame(Pred=Pred_Var, labels=labels_Var) if (descending==1){ df1<-arrange(df, desc(Pred)) }else if (descending==0){ df1<-arrange(df, Pred) } len<- ceiling(dim(df1)[1]/N) N_0<- table(df1$labels)[1] N_1<- table(df1$labels)[2] I<- c(0) TPR<- c(0) FPR<- c(0) area<- c(0) L<- nrow(df1) if (N>L) N<- L df1$rowno<- 1:L qus<- quantile(1:L, probs = seq(0,1, 1/N)) out<- mapply( function(i){ sub<- df1[df1$rowno<ifelse(i==N, qus[i+1]+0.001, qus[i+1]), ] I<<- c(I, i) TPR_temp<-sum(sub$labels==1)/N_1 FPR_temp<-sum(sub$labels==0)/N_0 area_temp<-0.5*(TPR_temp+TPR[length(TPR)])*(FPR_temp-FPR[length(FPR)]) TPR<<- c(TPR, TPR_temp) FPR<<- c(FPR, FPR_temp) area<<- c(area, area_temp) }, 1:N) df_roc<- data.frame(I=I, TPR=TPR, FPR=FPR, area=area) #calculate the AUC: area under the curve AUC<-round(sum(df_roc$area), 4) # Plot ROC-curve PlotROC<- ggplot( data = df_roc, aes(x= FPR, y = TPR)) + geom_line(colour='steelblue4', size=1.2) + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope =1, linetype=2, size=1, colour="gray40") + scale_x_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1,.2))+ scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1,.2))+ annotate("text", x = 0.5, y = 1.05, label=paste("AUC=",AUC), size=4, alpha=0.8) + labs(x="False positive rate", y ="True positive rate", title ="ROC-Curve") + theme_bw()+ theme( plot.title=element_text(colour="gray24",size=12,face="bold"), plot.background = element_rect(fill = "gray90"), axis.title=element_text(size=10), axis.text=element_text(colour="gray35") ) result<-list(AUC=AUC, PlotROC=PlotROC) return(result) }
result <- PlotROC_N(predict, y, 1, 10)
> result$AUC [1] 0.806