- 2019 年 11 月 29 日
- 筆記
1、页面页眉、页脚的修饰:fancyhdr包 调整页面的宽度,以下命令在前 usepackage{anysize} marginsize{2cm}{1.5cm}{1cm}{1cm} 随后,再设计fancyhdr包的其他命令,否则页面的宽度不能设置成功。 即使用命令 setlength{textwidth}{17cm} 也不能改变页面的宽度。
2、选择题的括号右对齐的方法:hfill 目录页码右对齐的方法:dotfill或hrulefill (*)显示命令的方法 引用包 usepackage{verbatim} 用环境begin{verbatim}…end{verbatim} 示例: documentclass[11pt]{article}
begin{document} This document demonstrates the verb=verbatim= environment and verb=verbatiminput= command. It also demonstrates the verb=comment= environment, but you have to look at the TeX source to see that (of course). Here is a short piece of Maple code to demonstrate the the verb=verbatim= environment: begin{verbatim} > eqn:=diff(y(t),t,t)+4*y(t)=0: > inits:=y(0)=1,D(y)(0)=-1: > dsolve({eqn,inits},y(t)); end{verbatim} $$ mathrm{y}(t)= – frac{1}{2},sin(2,t) + cos(2,t) $$
Put a few paragraphs you have not decided about yet here for future work. They will not appear in the output. You can also put comments or reminders here. For example, you may want to remind yourself that Maple has a nice LaTeX export feature which may be more convenient than the by-hand approach used above.
To demonstrate the verb=verbatiminput= command this file will input itself, which is pretty cool. To make sure this file can find itself to input, we use the verb=jobname= command in the argument to verb=verbatiminput=. Thus everything will work even if you rename this file.