- 2019 年 11 月 24 日
- 筆記
Windows有个特性Magnification(放大镜)特性,它允许将屏幕(或屏幕某个指定区域)进行放大,如果不设置放大比例等同于截屏,其支持选择窗口过滤,利用该特性就可以实现过滤部分窗口下截屏。该特性从Vista开始支持,如果产品需要支持Win XP系统就不能使用该方案。

笔者编写类CScreenCapture,用来实现过滤部分窗口截图,结合MSDN仔细阅读理解就容易掌握其使用。CScreenCapture类提供三个接口SetFilterWindowList()指定过滤窗口列表,SetFrameRate()指定每秒帧数,SetScreenImageArriveCallback()设置回调接收图片。内部开启一个UI线程定期执行截屏,线程创建运行使用 一个简单实用的线程基类CThreadBase,最后DEMO演示如何在接收图片回调中将其保存成BITMAP格式的图片。
#pragma once #include <Magnification.h> #include <vector> #include <map> #include "ThreadBase.h" class IScreenImageArriveCallback { public: // called when screen was captured // param is same as MagImageScalingCallback virtual void OnScreenImageArriveCallback(MAGIMAGEHEADER srcheader, void *srcdata) = 0; }; class CScreenCapturer : public CThreadBase { public: CScreenCapturer(); ~CScreenCapturer(); public: // set the callback of screen image arrived void SetScreenImageArriveCallback(IScreenImageArriveCallback* pCallback); // set filter window list that will not show on the screen image void SetFilterWindowList(const std::vector<HWND>& vecFilterWindow); // frame rate represent times of capturing screen per second bool SetFrameRate(unsigned int nFrameRate); protected: // override CThreadBase virtual bool OnStart(const std::string& strParam) override; virtual void OnRun(const std::string& strParam) override; virtual void OnStop() override; private: static BOOL MagImageScaling(HWND hwnd, void *srcdata, MAGIMAGEHEADER srcheader, void *destdata, MAGIMAGEHEADER destheader, RECT unclipped, RECT clipped, HRGN dirty); static LRESULT CALLBACK MsgWndWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void CaptureScreen(); private: CRITICAL_SECTION m_syncObject; DWORD m_nThreadId = 0; HWND m_hwndMagnification = NULL; RECT m_rectScreen; IScreenImageArriveCallback* m_pScreenImageArriveCallback = nullptr; HWND* m_pFilterWindows = nullptr; unsigned int m_nFilterWindowsCount = 0; unsigned int m_nFrameRate = 15; };
#include "ScreenCapturer.h" #pragma comment(lib, "Magnification.lib") #define WINDOW_CLASS_NAME L"magnification_host" #define TIMER_ID_CAPTURE_SCREEN 100 CScreenCapturer::CScreenCapturer() { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_syncObject); } CScreenCapturer::~CScreenCapturer() { if (m_pFilterWindows) { delete[] m_pFilterWindows; m_pFilterWindows = nullptr; } DeleteCriticalSection(&m_syncObject); } void CScreenCapturer::SetScreenImageArriveCallback(IScreenImageArriveCallback* pCallback) { m_pScreenImageArriveCallback = pCallback; } void CScreenCapturer::SetFilterWindowList(const std::vector<HWND>& vecFilterWindow) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_syncObject); m_nFilterWindowsCount = vecFilterWindow.size(); if (m_pFilterWindows) { delete[] m_pFilterWindows; m_pFilterWindows = nullptr; } if (m_nFilterWindowsCount > 0) { m_pFilterWindows = new HWND[m_nFilterWindowsCount]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nFilterWindowsCount; i++) { m_pFilterWindows[i] = vecFilterWindow[i]; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_syncObject); } bool CScreenCapturer::SetFrameRate(unsigned int nFrameRate) { if (nFrameRate == 0 || nFrameRate > 60) { return false; } m_nFrameRate = nFrameRate; return true; } bool CScreenCapturer::OnStart(const std::string& strParam) { return true; } void CScreenCapturer::OnRun(const std::string& strParam) { m_nThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); // Init magnification if (!MagInitialize()) { return; } // Register magnification host window class WNDCLASS wc = { 0 }; wc.lpszClassName = WINDOW_CLASS_NAME; wc.hbrBackground = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255, 255, 255)); wc.hIcon = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION); wc.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW); wc.lpfnWndProc = MsgWndWindowProc; wc.hInstance = NULL; if (RegisterClass(&wc) == 0 && GetLastError() != ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS) { return; } // Get screen resolution HWND hDesktop = ::GetDesktopWindow(); ::GetWindowRect(hDesktop, &m_rectScreen); int nScreenX = m_rectScreen.right - m_rectScreen.left; int nScreenY = m_rectScreen.bottom - m_rectScreen.top; // Create host window HWND hHostWindow = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_LAYERED, WINDOW_CLASS_NAME, L"", WS_POPUP, 0, 0, nScreenX, nScreenY, GetDesktopWindow(), 0, NULL, 0); if (hHostWindow == NULL) { return; } SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hHostWindow, 0, 255, LWA_ALPHA); SetWindowLong(hHostWindow, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG_PTR)this); // Create magnification window m_hwndMagnification = CreateWindow(WC_MAGNIFIER, L"MagnifierWindow", WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, 0, 0, nScreenX, nScreenY, hHostWindow, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (m_hwndMagnification == NULL) { DestroyWindow(hHostWindow); return; } // Set capture callback if (!MagSetImageScalingCallback(m_hwndMagnification, (MagImageScalingCallback)&CScreenCapturer::MagImageScaling)) { DestroyWindow(hHostWindow); return; } // Set timer to capture screen SetTimer(hHostWindow, TIMER_ID_CAPTURE_SCREEN, 1000/m_nFrameRate, nullptr); MSG msg; while (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } KillTimer(hHostWindow, TIMER_ID_CAPTURE_SCREEN); DestroyWindow(hHostWindow); m_hwndMagnification = NULL; } void CScreenCapturer::OnStop() { if (m_nThreadId > 0) { PostThreadMessage(m_nThreadId, WM_QUIT, 0, 0); m_nThreadId = 0; } } BOOL CScreenCapturer::MagImageScaling(HWND hwnd, void *srcdata, MAGIMAGEHEADER srcheader, void *destdata, MAGIMAGEHEADER destheader, RECT unclipped, RECT clipped, HRGN dirty) { HWND hParent = hwnd; while (true) { hParent = GetParent(hParent); if (hParent == NULL) { break; } wchar_t szClassName[200]; memset(szClassName, 0, sizeof(szClassName)); GetClassName(hParent, szClassName, 200); if (wcscmp(szClassName, WINDOW_CLASS_NAME) == 0) { break; } } if (hParent == NULL) { return TRUE; } CScreenCapturer* pScreenCapture = (CScreenCapturer*)GetWindowLong(hParent, GWL_USERDATA); if (pScreenCapture && pScreenCapture->m_pScreenImageArriveCallback) { pScreenCapture->m_pScreenImageArriveCallback->OnScreenImageArriveCallback(srcheader, srcdata); } return TRUE; } LRESULT CALLBACK CScreenCapturer::MsgWndWindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (message == WM_TIMER && wParam == TIMER_ID_CAPTURE_SCREEN) { CScreenCapturer* pScreenCapture = (CScreenCapturer*)GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA); if (pScreenCapture) { pScreenCapture->CaptureScreen(); } return 0L; } return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam); } void CScreenCapturer::CaptureScreen() { EnterCriticalSection(&m_syncObject); MagSetWindowFilterList(m_hwndMagnification, MW_FILTERMODE_EXCLUDE, m_nFilterWindowsCount, m_pFilterWindows); LeaveCriticalSection(&m_syncObject); MagSetWindowSource(m_hwndMagnification, m_rectScreen); }
void CMFCApplicationDlg::OnScreenImageArriveCallback(MAGIMAGEHEADER srcheader, void *srcdata) { // construct bitmap BITMAPINFOHEADER bmif; bmif.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bmif.biHeight = srcheader.height; bmif.biWidth = srcheader.width; bmif.biSizeImage = bmif.biWidth*bmif.biHeight * 4; bmif.biPlanes = 1; bmif.biBitCount = (WORD)(bmif.biSizeImage / bmif.biHeight / bmif.biWidth * 8); bmif.biCompression = BI_RGB; BITMAPFILEHEADER bmfh; LONG offBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + bmif.biSize; bmfh.bfType = 0x4d42; // "BM" bmfh.bfOffBits = offBits; bmfh.bfSize = offBits + bmif.biSizeImage; bmfh.bfReserved1 = 0; bmfh.bfReserved2 = 0; // 返回的图片数据存储是从上到下,位图要求是从下到上,所以需要调整 LPBYTE pData = (BYTE*)new BYTE[bmif.biSizeImage]; memcpy(pData, (LPBYTE)srcdata+srcheader.offset, bmif.biSizeImage); LONG nLineSize = bmif.biWidth * bmif.biBitCount / 8; BYTE* pLineData = new BYTE[nLineSize]; LONG nLineStartIndex = 0; LONG nLineEndIndex = bmif.biHeight - 1; while (nLineStartIndex < nLineEndIndex) { BYTE* pStart = pData + (nLineStartIndex * nLineSize); BYTE* pEnd = pData + (nLineEndIndex * nLineSize); memcpy(pLineData, pStart, nLineSize); memcpy(pStart, pEnd, nLineSize); memcpy(pEnd, pLineData, nLineSize); nLineStartIndex++; nLineEndIndex--; } delete[] pLineData; pLineData = nullptr; std::ofstream ofs(L"C:\1.bmp", fstream::out|fstream::binary); if (ofs.is_open()) { ofs.write((const char*)&bmfh, sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER)); ofs.write((const char*)&bmif, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); ofs.write((const char*)pData, bmif.biSizeImage); ofs.close(); } delete[] pData; pData = nullptr; }