
用Docker swarm快速部署Nebula Graph集群

用Docker swarm快速部署Nebula Graph集群


本文介绍如何使用 Docker Swarm 来部署 Nebula Graph 集群。


2.1 环境准备























2.2 初始化swarm集群



$ docker swarm init --advertise-addr
Swarm initialized: current node (dxn1zf6l61qsb1josjja83ngz) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
 docker swarm join \
 --token SWMTKN-1-49nj1cmql0jkz5s954yi3oex3nedyz0fb0xx14ie39trti4wxv-8vxv8rssmk743ojnwacrr2e7c \

To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.

2.3 加入worker节点

根据init命令提示内容,加入swarm worker节点,在192.168.1.167分别执行

docker swarm join \
 --token SWMTKN-1-49nj1cmql0jkz5s954yi3oex3nedyz0fb0xx14ie39trti4wxv-8vxv8rssmk743ojnwacrr2e7c \

2.4 验证集群

docker node ls

ID                            HOSTNAME            STATUS              AVAILABILITY        MANAGER STATUS      ENGINE VERSION
h0az2wzqetpwhl9ybu76yxaen *   KF2-DATA-166        Ready               Active              Reachable           18.06.1-ce
q6jripaolxsl7xqv3cmv5pxji     KF2-DATA-167        Ready               Active              Leader              18.06.1-ce
h1iql1uvm7123h3gon9so69dy     KF2-DATA-168        Ready               Active                                  18.06.1-ce

2.5 配置docker stack

vi docker-stack.yml


  1 version: '3.6'
  2 services:
  3   metad0:
  4     image: vesoft/nebula-metad:nightly
  5     env_file:
  6       - ./nebula.env
  7     command:
  8       - --meta_server_addrs=,,
  9       - --local_ip=
 10       - --ws_ip=
 11       - --port=45500
 12       - --data_path=/data/meta
 13       - --log_dir=/logs
 14       - --v=0
 15       - --minloglevel=2
 16     deploy:
 17       replicas: 1
 18       restart_policy:
 19         condition: on-failure
 20       placement:
 21         constraints:
 22           - node.hostname == KF2-DATA-166
 23     healthcheck:
 24       test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "//"]
 25       interval: 30s
 26       timeout: 10s
 27       retries: 3
 28       start_period: 20s
 29     ports:
 30       - target: 11000
 31         published: 11000
 32         protocol: tcp
 33         mode: host
 34       - target: 11002
 35         published: 11002
 36         protocol: tcp
 37         mode: host
 38       - target: 45500
 39         published: 45500
 40         protocol: tcp
 41         mode: host
 42     volumes:
 43       - data-metad0:/data/meta
 44       - logs-metad0:/logs
 45     networks:
 46       - nebula-net
 48   metad1:
 49     image: vesoft/nebula-metad:nightly
 50     env_file:
 51       - ./nebula.env
 52     command:
 53       - --meta_server_addrs=,,
 54       - --local_ip=
 55       - --ws_ip=
 56       - --port=45500
 57       - --data_path=/data/meta
 58       - --log_dir=/logs
 59       - --v=0
 60       - --minloglevel=2
 61     deploy:
 62       replicas: 1
 63       restart_policy:
 64         condition: on-failure
 65       placement:
 66         constraints:
 67           - node.hostname == KF2-DATA-167
 68     healthcheck:
 69       test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "//"]
 70       interval: 30s
 71       timeout: 10s
 72       retries: 3
 73       start_period: 20s
 74     ports:
 75       - target: 11000
 76         published: 11000
 77         protocol: tcp
 78         mode: host
 79       - target: 11002
 80         published: 11002
 81         protocol: tcp
 82         mode: host
 83       - target: 45500
 84         published: 45500
 85         protocol: tcp
 86         mode: host
 87     volumes:
 88       - data-metad1:/data/meta
 89       - logs-metad1:/logs
 90     networks:
 91       - nebula-net
 93   metad2:
 94     image: vesoft/nebula-metad:nightly
 95     env_file:
 96       - ./nebula.env
 97     command:
 98       - --meta_server_addrs=,,
 99       - --local_ip=
100       - --ws_ip=
101       - --port=45500
102       - --data_path=/data/meta
103       - --log_dir=/logs
104       - --v=0
105       - --minloglevel=2
106     deploy:
107       replicas: 1
108       restart_policy:
109         condition: on-failure
110       placement:
111         constraints:
112           - node.hostname == KF2-DATA-168
113     healthcheck:
114       test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "//"]
115       interval: 30s
116       timeout: 10s
117       retries: 3
118       start_period: 20s
119     ports:
120       - target: 11000
121         published: 11000
122         protocol: tcp
123         mode: host
124       - target: 11002
125         published: 11002
126         protocol: tcp
127         mode: host
128       - target: 45500
129         published: 45500
130         protocol: tcp
131         mode: host
132     volumes:
133       - data-metad2:/data/meta
134       - logs-metad2:/logs
135     networks:
136       - nebula-net
138   storaged0:
139     image: vesoft/nebula-storaged:nightly
140     env_file:
141       - ./nebula.env
142     command:
143       - --meta_server_addrs=,,
144       - --local_ip=
145       - --ws_ip=
146       - --port=44500
147       - --data_path=/data/storage
148       - --log_dir=/logs
149       - --v=0
150       - --minloglevel=2
151     deploy:
152       replicas: 1
153       restart_policy:
154         condition: on-failure
155       placement:
156         constraints:
157           - node.hostname == KF2-DATA-166
158     depends_on:
159       - metad0
160       - metad1
161       - metad2
162     healthcheck:
163       test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "//"]
164       interval: 30s
165       timeout: 10s
166       retries: 3
167       start_period: 20s
168     ports:
169       - target: 12000
170         published: 12000
171         protocol: tcp
172         mode: host
173       - target: 12002
174         published: 12002
175         protocol: tcp
176         mode: host
177     volumes:
178       - data-storaged0:/data/storage
179       - logs-storaged0:/logs
180     networks:
181       - nebula-net
182   storaged1:
183     image: vesoft/nebula-storaged:nightly
184     env_file:
185       - ./nebula.env
186     command:
187       - --meta_server_addrs=,,
188       - --local_ip=
189       - --ws_ip=
190       - --port=44500
191       - --data_path=/data/storage
192       - --log_dir=/logs
193       - --v=0
194       - --minloglevel=2
195     deploy:
196       replicas: 1
197       restart_policy:
198         condition: on-failure
199       placement:
200         constraints:
201           - node.hostname == KF2-DATA-167
202     depends_on:
203       - metad0
204       - metad1
205       - metad2
206     healthcheck:
207       test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "//"]
208       interval: 30s
209       timeout: 10s
210       retries: 3
211       start_period: 20s
212     ports:
213       - target: 12000
214         published: 12000
215         protocol: tcp
216         mode: host
217       - target: 12002
218         published: 12004
219         protocol: tcp
220         mode: host
221     volumes:
222       - data-storaged1:/data/storage
223       - logs-storaged1:/logs
224     networks:
225       - nebula-net
227   storaged2:
228     image: vesoft/nebula-storaged:nightly
229     env_file:
230       - ./nebula.env
231     command:
232       - --meta_server_addrs=,,
233       - --local_ip=
234       - --ws_ip=
235       - --port=44500
236       - --data_path=/data/storage
237       - --log_dir=/logs
238       - --v=0
239       - --minloglevel=2
240     deploy:
241       replicas: 1
242       restart_policy:
243         condition: on-failure
244       placement:
245         constraints:
246           - node.hostname == KF2-DATA-168
247     depends_on:
248       - metad0
249       - metad1
250       - metad2
251     healthcheck:
252       test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "//"]
253       interval: 30s
254       timeout: 10s
255       retries: 3
256       start_period: 20s
257     ports:
258       - target: 12000
259         published: 12000
260         protocol: tcp
261         mode: host
262       - target: 12002
263         published: 12006
264         protocol: tcp
265         mode: host
266     volumes:
267       - data-storaged2:/data/storage
268       - logs-storaged2:/logs
269     networks:
270       - nebula-net
271   graphd1:
272     image: vesoft/nebula-graphd:nightly
273     env_file:
274       - ./nebula.env
275     command:
276       - --meta_server_addrs=,,
277       - --port=3699
278       - --ws_ip=
279       - --log_dir=/logs
280       - --v=0
281       - --minloglevel=2
282     deploy:
283       replicas: 1
284       restart_policy:
285         condition: on-failure
286       placement:
287         constraints:
288           - node.hostname == KF2-DATA-166
289     depends_on:
290       - metad0
291       - metad1
292       - metad2
293     healthcheck:
294       test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "//"]
295       interval: 30s
296       timeout: 10s
297       retries: 3
298       start_period: 20s
299     ports:
300       - target: 3699
301         published: 3699
302         protocol: tcp
303         mode: host
304       - target: 13000
305         published: 13000
306         protocol: tcp
307 #        mode: host
308       - target: 13002
309         published: 13002
310         protocol: tcp
311         mode: host
312     volumes:
313       - logs-graphd:/logs
314     networks:
315       - nebula-net
317   graphd2:
318     image: vesoft/nebula-graphd:nightly
319     env_file:
320       - ./nebula.env
321     command:
322       - --meta_server_addrs=,,
323       - --port=3699
324       - --ws_ip=
325       - --log_dir=/logs
326       - --v=2
327       - --minloglevel=2
328     deploy:
329       replicas: 1
330       restart_policy:
331         condition: on-failure
332       placement:
333         constraints:
334           - node.hostname == KF2-DATA-167
335     depends_on:
336       - metad0
337       - metad1
338       - metad2
339     healthcheck:
340       test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "//"]
341       interval: 30s
342       timeout: 10s
343       retries: 3
344       start_period: 20s
345     ports:
346       - target: 3699
347         published: 3640
348         protocol: tcp
349         mode: host
350       - target: 13000
351         published: 13001
352         protocol: tcp
353         mode: host
354       - target: 13002
355         published: 13003
356         protocol: tcp
357 #        mode: host
358     volumes:
359       - logs-graphd2:/logs
360     networks:
361       - nebula-net
362   graphd3:
363     image: vesoft/nebula-graphd:nightly
364     env_file:
365       - ./nebula.env
366     command:
367       - --meta_server_addrs=,,
368       - --port=3699
369       - --ws_ip=
370       - --log_dir=/logs
371       - --v=0
372       - --minloglevel=2
373     deploy:
374       replicas: 1
375       restart_policy:
376         condition: on-failure
377       placement:
378         constraints:
379           - node.hostname == KF2-DATA-168
380     depends_on:
381       - metad0
382       - metad1
383       - metad2
384     healthcheck:
385       test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "//"]
386       interval: 30s
387       timeout: 10s
388       retries: 3
389       start_period: 20s
390     ports:
391       - target: 3699
392         published: 3641
393         protocol: tcp
394         mode: host
395       - target: 13000
396         published: 13002
397         protocol: tcp
398 #        mode: host
399       - target: 13002
400         published: 13004
401         protocol: tcp
402         mode: host
403     volumes:
404       - logs-graphd3:/logs
405     networks:
406       - nebula-net
407 networks:
408   nebula-net:
409     external: true
410     attachable: true
411     name: host
412 volumes:
413   data-metad0:
414   logs-metad0:
415   data-metad1:
416   logs-metad1:
417   data-metad2:
418   logs-metad2:
419   data-storaged0:
420   logs-storaged0:
421   data-storaged1:
422   logs-storaged1:
423   data-storaged2:
424   logs-storaged2:
425   logs-graphd:
426   logs-graphd2:
427   logs-graphd3:


编辑 nebula.env


2 USER=root



2.6 启动nebula集群


docker stack deploy nebula -c docker-stack.yml 



Nebula Graph的客户端目前(1.X)没有提供负载均衡的能力,只是随机选一个graphd去连接。所以生产使用的时候要自己做个负载均衡和高可用。




高可用层: 这里实现的是haproxy的高可用,保证负载均衡层的服务从而保证整个集群的正常服务

3.1 负载均衡配置


  • Dockerfile 加入以下内容 

1 FROM haproxy:1.7
2 COPY haproxy.cfg /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
3 EXPOSE 3640


  • docker-compose.yml加入以下内容

 1 version: "3.2"
 2 services:
 3   haproxy:
 4     container_name: haproxy
 5     build: .
 6     volumes:
 7       - ./haproxy.cfg:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
 8     ports:
 9       - 3640:3640
10     restart: always
11     networks:
12       - app_net
13 networks:
14   app_net:
15     external: true


  • haproxy.cfg加入以下内容

 1 global
 2     daemon
 3     maxconn 30000
 4     log local0 info
 5     log local1 warning
 7 defaults
 8     log-format %hr\ %ST\ %B\ %Ts
 9     log  global
10     mode http
11     option http-keep-alive
12     timeout connect 5000ms
13     timeout client 10000ms
14     timeout server 50000ms
15     timeout http-request 20000ms
17 # custom your own frontends && backends && listen conf
20 listen graphd-cluster
21     bind *:3640
22     mode tcp
23     maxconn 300
24     balance roundrobin
25     server server1 maxconn 300 check
26     server server2 maxconn 300 check
27     server server3 maxconn 300 check
29 listen stats
30     bind *:1080
31     stats refresh 30s
32     stats uri /stats


3.2 启动haproxy

docker-compose up -d

3.2 高可用配置

注:配置keepalive需预先准备好vip (虚拟ip),在以下配置中192.168.1.99便为虚拟ip

在192.168.1.166 、、上均做以下配置

  • 安装keepalived
apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install keepalived -y
  • 更改keepalived配置文件/etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf(三台机器中 做如下配置,priority应设置不同值确定优先级)机器配置

 1 global_defs {
 2     router_id lb01 #标识信息,一个名字而已;
 3 }
 4 vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
 5     script "killall -0 haproxy"    interval 2
 6 }
 7 vrrp_instance VI_1 {
 8     state MASTER
 9     interface ens160
10     virtual_router_id 52
11     priority 999
12     # 设定MASTER与BACKUP负载均衡器之间同步检查的时间间隔,单位是秒
13     advert_int 1
14     # 设置验证类型和密码
15     authentication {
16     # 设置验证类型,主要有PASS和AH两种
17         auth_type PASS
18     # 设置验证密码,在同一个vrrp_instance下,MASTER与BACKUP必须使用相同的密码才能正常通信
19         auth_pass amber1
20     }
21     virtual_ipaddress {
22         # 虚拟IP为192.168.1.99/24;绑定接口为ens160;别名ens169:1,主备相同
23 dev ens160 label ens160:1
24     }
25     track_script {
26         chk_haproxy
27     }
28 }



 1 global_defs {
 2     router_id lb01 #标识信息,一个名字而已;
 3 }
 4 vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
 5     script "killall -0 haproxy"    interval 2
 6 }
 7 vrrp_instance VI_1 {
 8     state BACKUP
 9     interface ens160
10     virtual_router_id 52
11     priority 888
12     # 设定MASTER与BACKUP负载均衡器之间同步检查的时间间隔,单位是秒
13     advert_int 1
14     # 设置验证类型和密码
15     authentication {
16     # 设置验证类型,主要有PASS和AH两种
17         auth_type PASS
18     # 设置验证密码,在同一个vrrp_instance下,MASTER与BACKUP必须使用相同的密码才能正常通信
19         auth_pass amber1
20     }
21     virtual_ipaddress {
22         # 虚拟IP为192.168.1.99/24;绑定接口为ens160;别名ens160:1,主备相同
23 dev ens160 label ens160:1
24     }
25     track_script {
26         chk_haproxy
27     }
28 }



 1 global_defs {
 2     router_id lb01 #标识信息,一个名字而已;
 3 }
 4 vrrp_script chk_haproxy {
 5     script "killall -0 haproxy"    interval 2
 6 }
 7 vrrp_instance VI_1 {
 8     state BACKUP
 9     interface ens160
10     virtual_router_id 52
11     priority 777
12     # 设定MASTER与BACKUP负载均衡器之间同步检查的时间间隔,单位是秒
13     advert_int 1
14     # 设置验证类型和密码
15     authentication {
16     # 设置验证类型,主要有PASS和AH两种
17         auth_type PASS
18     # 设置验证密码,在同一个vrrp_instance下,MASTER与BACKUP必须使用相同的密码才能正常通信
19         auth_pass amber1
20     }
21     virtual_ipaddress {
22         # 虚拟IP为192.168.1.99/24;绑定接口为ens160;别名ens160:1,主备相同
23 dev ens160 label ens160:1
24     }
25     track_script {
26         chk_haproxy
27     }
28 }



# 启动keepalived
systemctl start keepalived
# 使keepalived开机自启
systemctl enable keeplived
# 重启keepalived
systemctl restart keepalived


