【两分钟论文】CNN Explainer:卷积神经网络的交互式可视化工具


两分钟论文 | Two Minute Papers





论文标题:CNN Explainer: Learning Convolutional Neural Networks with Interactive Visualization



Deep learning’s great success motivates many practitioners and students to learn about this exciting technology. However, it is often challenging for beginners to take their first step due to the complexity of understanding and applying deep learning. We present CNN Explainer, an interactive visualization tool designed for non-experts to learn and examine convolutional neural networks (CNNs), a foundational deep learning model architecture. Our tool addresses key challenges that novices face while learning about CNNs, which we identify from interviews with instructors and a survey with past students. Users can interactively visualize and inspect the data transformation and flow of intermediate results in a CNN. CNN Explainer tightly integrates a model overview that summarizes a CNN’s structure, and on-demand, dynamic visual explanation views that help users understand the underlying components of CNNs. Through smooth transitions across levels of abstraction, our tool enables users to inspect the interplay between low-level operations (e.g., mathematical computations) and high-level outcomes (e.g., class predictions). To better understand our tool’s benefits, we conducted a qualitative user study, which shows that CNN Explainer can help users more easily understand the inner workings of CNNs, and is engaging and enjoyable to use. We also derive design lessons from our study. Developed using modern web technologies, CNN Explainer runs locally in users’ web browsers without the need for installation or specialized hardware, broadening the public’s education access to modern deep learning techniques. 

深度学习的巨大成功激发了许多从业者和学生学习这一技术的兴趣。然而,由于理解和应用深度学习比较复杂,对于初学者来说,迈出第一步常常很困难。本文里我们介绍了 CNN Explainer,一个为非专家设计的交互式可视化工具,用于学习和检查卷积神经网络(CNNs) ,一种基础的深度学习模型架构。我们的工具解决了新手在学习 CNN 时所面临的关键挑战,这是我们通过与导师的访谈和对过去学生的调查得出的结论。用户可以交互式地在 CNN 中可视化,以及检查数据转换和中间结果流。CNN 解释器紧密集成了一个模型概述,总结了 CNN 的结构,以及随需应变的动态视觉解释视图,帮助用户理解 CNN 的基本组成部分。通过跨抽象级别的平滑转换,我们的工具使用户能够检查低级操作(例如,数学计算)和高级结果(例如,类预测)之间的相互作用。为了更好地理解我们的工具的好处,我们进行了一项定性的用户研究,研究表明 CNN Explainer 可以帮助用户更容易地理解 CNNs 的内部工作原理,它使用起来也很有趣。我们也从研究中获得设计经验,使用现代网络技术开发,CNN Explainer 可以在用户的网络浏览器中本地运行,无需安装或专用硬件,拓宽了公众接触现代深度学习技术的渠道。




AI研习社用户-田栋文:这篇论文是讲了一个叫CNN EXPLAINER的交互可视化工具,使用视图地形式,可以直观地检查cnn学习过程中的分类预测等,交互式地学习CNN的数学基础。落脚点在于辅助工具,更像一个插件的感觉而不是一种新型的CNN架构。

油管观众-Karthik :我对数学感兴趣,参加了一段时间的编程比赛,但它(数学)没有使我获得多少满足感。后来我发现了机器学习,但是我还没有深入研究(我知道 DeepMind、 OpenAI 和 Google Brain 是个大问题,我模糊地认为人工智能与神经网络和其他东西有关,但仅此而已)。我开始看,Karoly 博士的视频,看到了机器学习能做的大量不可思议的事情,并意识到这个领域仍然处于鼎盛时期。几个月后,我学会了相关的数学知识,还做出了我自己的神经网络库,如果你有激情,你可以做任何事情!



