
  • 2019 年 10 月 29 日
  • 筆記








public enum ServiceLifetime : sbyte  {      /// <summary>      /// Specifies that a single instance of the service will be created.      /// </summary>      Singleton = 0,        /// <summary>      /// Specifies that a new instance of the service will be created for each scope.      /// </summary>      Scoped = 1,        /// <summary>      /// Specifies that a new instance of the service will be created every time it is requested.      /// </summary>      Transient = 2,  }



public class ServiceDefinition  {      // 服务生命周期      public ServiceLifetime ServiceLifetime { get; }      // 实现类型      public Type ImplementType { get; }      // 服务类型      public Type ServiceType { get; }      // 实现实例      public object ImplementationInstance { get; }      // 实现工厂      public Func<IServiceProvider, object> ImplementationFactory { get; }        // 获取真实的实现类型      public Type GetImplementType()      {          if (ImplementationInstance != null)              return ImplementationInstance.GetType();            if (ImplementationFactory != null)              return ImplementationFactory.Method.DeclaringType;            if (ImplementType != null)              return ImplementType;            return ServiceType;      }        public ServiceDefinition(object instance, Type serviceType)      {          ImplementationInstance = instance;          ServiceType = serviceType;          ServiceLifetime = ServiceLifetime.Singleton;      }        public ServiceDefinition(Type serviceType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime) : this(serviceType, serviceType, serviceLifetime)      {      }        public ServiceDefinition(Type serviceType, Type implementType, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime)      {          ServiceType = serviceType;          ImplementType = implementType ?? serviceType;          ServiceLifetime = serviceLifetime;      }        public ServiceDefinition(Type serviceType, Func<IServiceProvider, object> factory, ServiceLifetime serviceLifetime)      {          ServiceType = serviceType;          ImplementationFactory = factory;          ServiceLifetime = serviceLifetime;      }  }


public static ServiceDefinition Singleton<TService>(Func<IServiceProvider, object> factory)  {      return new ServiceDefinition(typeof(TService), factory, ServiceLifetime.Singleton);  }    public static ServiceDefinition Scoped<TService>(Func<IServiceProvider, object> factory)  {      return new ServiceDefinition(typeof(TService), factory, ServiceLifetime.Scoped);  }    public static ServiceDefinition Transient<TService>(Func<IServiceProvider, object> factory)  {      return new ServiceDefinition(typeof(TService), factory, ServiceLifetime.Transient);  }    public static ServiceDefinition Singleton<TService>()  {      return new ServiceDefinition(typeof(TService), ServiceLifetime.Singleton);  }    public static ServiceDefinition Scoped<TService>()  {      return new ServiceDefinition(typeof(TService), ServiceLifetime.Scoped);  }    public static ServiceDefinition Transient<TService>()  {      return new ServiceDefinition(typeof(TService), ServiceLifetime.Transient);  }    public static ServiceDefinition Singleton<TService, TServiceImplement>() where TServiceImplement : TService  {      return new ServiceDefinition(typeof(TService), typeof(TServiceImplement), ServiceLifetime.Singleton);  }    public static ServiceDefinition Scoped<TService, TServiceImplement>() where TServiceImplement : TService  {      return new ServiceDefinition(typeof(TService), typeof(TServiceImplement), ServiceLifetime.Scoped);  }    public static ServiceDefinition Transient<TService, TServiceImplement>() where TServiceImplement : TService  {      return new ServiceDefinition(typeof(TService), typeof(TServiceImplement), ServiceLifetime.Transient);  }


serviceContainer v1

public class ServiceContainer : IServiceContainer  {      internal readonly List<ServiceDefinition> _services;        private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object> _singletonInstances;        private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object> _scopedInstances;        private readonly List<object> _transientDisposables = new List<object>();        private readonly bool _isRootScope;        public ServiceContainer()      {          _isRootScope = true;          _singletonInstances = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object>();          _services = new List<ServiceDefinition>();      }        internal ServiceContainer(ServiceContainer serviceContainer)      {          _isRootScope = false;          _singletonInstances = serviceContainer._singletonInstances;          _services = serviceContainer._services;          _scopedInstances = new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, object>();      }        public void Add(ServiceDefinition item)      {          _services.Add(item);      }        public IServiceContainer CreateScope()      {          return new ServiceContainer(this);      }        private bool _disposed;        public void Dispose()      {          if (_disposed)          {              return;          }            if (_isRootScope)          {              lock (_singletonInstances)              {                  if (_disposed)                  {                      return;                  }                    _disposed = true;                  foreach (var instance in _singletonInstances.Values)                  {                      (instance as IDisposable)?.Dispose();                  }                    foreach (var o in _transientDisposables)                  {                      (o as IDisposable)?.Dispose();                  }              }          }          else          {              lock (_scopedInstances)              {                  if (_disposed)                  {                      return;                  }                    _disposed = true;                  foreach (var instance in _scopedInstances.Values)                  {                      (instance as IDisposable)?.Dispose();                  }                    foreach (var o in _transientDisposables)                  {                      (o as IDisposable)?.Dispose();                  }              }          }      }        private object GetServiceInstance(Type serviceType, ServiceDefinition serviceDefinition)      {          if (serviceDefinition.ImplementationInstance != null)              return serviceDefinition.ImplementationInstance;            if (serviceDefinition.ImplementationFactory != null)              return serviceDefinition.ImplementationFactory.Invoke(this);            var implementType = (serviceDefinition.ImplementType ?? serviceType);            if (implementType.IsInterface || implementType.IsAbstract)          {              throw new InvalidOperationException($"invalid service registered, serviceType: {serviceType.FullName}, implementType: {serviceDefinition.ImplementType}");          }            var ctorInfos = implementType.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);          if (ctorInfos.Length == 0)          {              throw new InvalidOperationException($"service {serviceType.FullName} does not have any public constructors");          }            ConstructorInfo ctor;          if (ctorInfos.Length == 1)          {              ctor = ctorInfos[0];          }          else          {              // try find best ctor              ctor = ctorInfos                  .OrderBy(_ => _.GetParameters().Length)                  .First();          }            var parameters = ctor.GetParameters();          if (parameters.Length == 0)          {              // TODO: cache New Func              return Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(Expression.New(ctor)).Compile().Invoke();          }          else          {              var ctorParams = new object[parameters.Length];              for (var index = 0; index < parameters.Length; index++)              {                  var parameter = parameters[index];                  var param = GetService(parameter.ParameterType);                  if (param == null && parameter.HasDefaultValue)                  {                      param = parameter.DefaultValue;                  }                    ctorParams[index] = param;              }              return Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(Expression.New(ctor, ctorParams.Select(Expression.Constant))).Compile().Invoke();          }      }        public object GetService(Type serviceType)      {          var serviceDefinition = _services.LastOrDefault(_ => _.ServiceType == serviceType);          if (null == serviceDefinition)          {              return null;          }            if (_isRootScope && serviceDefinition.ServiceLifetime == ServiceLifetime.Scoped)          {              throw new InvalidOperationException($"can not get scope service from the root scope, serviceType: {serviceType.FullName}");          }            if (serviceDefinition.ServiceLifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton)          {              var svc = _singletonInstances.GetOrAdd(serviceType, (t) => GetServiceInstance(t, serviceDefinition));              return svc;          }          else if (serviceDefinition.ServiceLifetime == ServiceLifetime.Scoped)          {              var svc = _scopedInstances.GetOrAdd(serviceType, (t) => GetServiceInstance(t, serviceDefinition));              return svc;          }          else          {              var svc = GetServiceInstance(serviceType, serviceDefinition);              if (svc is IDisposable)              {                  _transientDisposables.Add(svc);              }              return svc;          }      }  }


public static IServiceContainer AddSingleton<TService>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]TService service)  {      serviceContainer.Add(new ServiceDefinition(service, typeof(TService)));      return serviceContainer;  }    public static IServiceContainer AddSingleton([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]Type serviceType)  {      serviceContainer.Add(new ServiceDefinition(serviceType, ServiceLifetime.Singleton));      return serviceContainer;  }    public static IServiceContainer AddSingleton([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]Type serviceType, [NotNull]Type implementType)  {      serviceContainer.Add(new ServiceDefinition(serviceType, implementType, ServiceLifetime.Singleton));      return serviceContainer;  }    public static IServiceContainer AddSingleton<TService>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]Func<IServiceProvider, object> func)  {      serviceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.Singleton<TService>(func));      return serviceContainer;  }      public static IServiceContainer AddSingleton<TService>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer)  {      serviceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.Singleton<TService>());      return serviceContainer;  }      public static IServiceContainer AddSingleton<TService, TServiceImplement>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer) where TServiceImplement : TService  {      serviceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.Singleton<TService, TServiceImplement>());      return serviceContainer;  }    public static IServiceContainer AddScoped([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]Type serviceType)  {      serviceContainer.Add(new ServiceDefinition(serviceType, ServiceLifetime.Scoped));      return serviceContainer;  }    public static IServiceContainer AddScoped([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]Type serviceType, [NotNull]Type implementType)  {      serviceContainer.Add(new ServiceDefinition(serviceType, implementType, ServiceLifetime.Scoped));      return serviceContainer;  }    public static IServiceContainer AddScoped<TService>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]Func<IServiceProvider, object> func)  {      serviceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.Scoped<TService>(func));      return serviceContainer;  }      public static IServiceContainer AddScoped<TService>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer)  {      serviceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.Scoped<TService>());      return serviceContainer;  }      public static IServiceContainer AddScoped<TService, TServiceImplement>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer) where TServiceImplement : TService  {      serviceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.Scoped<TService, TServiceImplement>());      return serviceContainer;  }    public static IServiceContainer AddTransient([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]Type serviceType)  {      serviceContainer.Add(new ServiceDefinition(serviceType, ServiceLifetime.Transient));      return serviceContainer;  }    public static IServiceContainer AddTransient([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]Type serviceType, [NotNull]Type implementType)  {      serviceContainer.Add(new ServiceDefinition(serviceType, implementType, ServiceLifetime.Transient));      return serviceContainer;  }    public static IServiceContainer AddTransient<TService>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer, [NotNull]Func<IServiceProvider, object> func)  {      serviceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.Transient<TService>(func));      return serviceContainer;  }      public static IServiceContainer AddTransient<TService>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer)  {      serviceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.Transient<TService>());      return serviceContainer;  }      public static IServiceContainer AddTransient<TService, TServiceImplement>([NotNull]this IServiceContainer serviceContainer) where TServiceImplement : TService  {      serviceContainer.Add(ServiceDefinition.Transient<TService, TServiceImplement>());      return serviceContainer;  }

通过上面的代码就可以实现基本依赖注入了,但是从功能上来说,上面的代码只支持获取单个服务的实例,不支持注册一个接口的多个实现,获取接口的所有实现,为此对 ServiceContainer 中的 Instance 的 ConcurrentDictionary 的 Key 进行一下改造,使得可以能够以接口类型和实现类型联合作为 key,为此就有了第二版的 ServiceContainer

ServiceContainer v2

为此定义了一个 ServiceKey 的类型,请注意这里一定要重写 GetHashCode 方法:

private class ServiceKey : IEquatable<ServiceKey>  {      public Type ServiceType { get; }        public Type ImplementType { get; }        public ServiceKey(Type serviceType, ServiceDefinition definition)      {          ServiceType = serviceType;          ImplementType = definition.GetImplementType();      }        public bool Equals(ServiceKey other)      {          return ServiceType == other?.ServiceType && ImplementType == other?.ImplementType;      }        public override bool Equals(object obj)      {          return Equals((ServiceKey)obj);      }        public override int GetHashCode()      {          var key = $"{ServiceType.FullName}_{ImplementType.FullName}";          return key.GetHashCode();      }  }

第二版的 ServiceContainer :

public class ServiceContainer : IServiceContainer  {      internal readonly ConcurrentBag<ServiceDefinition> _services;        private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<ServiceKey, object> _singletonInstances;        private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<ServiceKey, object> _scopedInstances;      private ConcurrentBag<object> _transientDisposables = new ConcurrentBag<object>();        private class ServiceKey : IEquatable<ServiceKey>      {          public Type ServiceType { get; }            public Type ImplementType { get; }            public ServiceKey(Type serviceType, ServiceDefinition definition)          {              ServiceType = serviceType;              ImplementType = definition.GetImplementType();          }            public bool Equals(ServiceKey other)          {              return ServiceType == other?.ServiceType && ImplementType == other?.ImplementType;          }            public override bool Equals(object obj)          {              return Equals((ServiceKey)obj);          }            public override int GetHashCode()          {              var key = $"{ServiceType.FullName}_{ImplementType.FullName}";              return key.GetHashCode();          }      }        private readonly bool _isRootScope;        public ServiceContainer()      {          _isRootScope = true;          _singletonInstances = new ConcurrentDictionary<ServiceKey, object>();          _services = new ConcurrentBag<ServiceDefinition>();      }        private ServiceContainer(ServiceContainer serviceContainer)      {          _isRootScope = false;          _singletonInstances = serviceContainer._singletonInstances;          _services = serviceContainer._services;          _scopedInstances = new ConcurrentDictionary<ServiceKey, object>();      }        public IServiceContainer Add(ServiceDefinition item)      {          if (_disposed)          {              throw new InvalidOperationException("the service container had been disposed");          }          if (_services.Any(_ => _.ServiceType == item.ServiceType && _.GetImplementType() == item.GetImplementType()))          {              return this;          }            _services.Add(item);          return this;      }        public IServiceContainer TryAdd(ServiceDefinition item)      {          if (_disposed)          {              throw new InvalidOperationException("the service container had been disposed");          }          if (_services.Any(_ => _.ServiceType == item.ServiceType))          {              return this;          }          _services.Add(item);          return this;      }        public IServiceContainer CreateScope()      {          return new ServiceContainer(this);      }        private bool _disposed;        public void Dispose()      {          if (_disposed)          {              return;          }            if (_isRootScope)          {              lock (_singletonInstances)              {                  if (_disposed)                  {                      return;                  }                    _disposed = true;                  foreach (var instance in _singletonInstances.Values)                  {                      (instance as IDisposable)?.Dispose();                  }                    foreach (var o in _transientDisposables)                  {                      (o as IDisposable)?.Dispose();                  }                    _singletonInstances.Clear();                  _transientDisposables = null;              }          }          else          {              lock (_scopedInstances)              {                  if (_disposed)                  {                      return;                  }                    _disposed = true;                  foreach (var instance in _scopedInstances.Values)                  {                      (instance as IDisposable)?.Dispose();                  }                    foreach (var o in _transientDisposables)                  {                      (o as IDisposable)?.Dispose();                  }                    _scopedInstances.Clear();                  _transientDisposables = null;              }          }      }        private object GetServiceInstance(Type serviceType, ServiceDefinition serviceDefinition)      {          if (serviceDefinition.ImplementationInstance != null)              return serviceDefinition.ImplementationInstance;            if (serviceDefinition.ImplementationFactory != null)              return serviceDefinition.ImplementationFactory.Invoke(this);            var implementType = (serviceDefinition.ImplementType ?? serviceType);            if (implementType.IsInterface || implementType.IsAbstract)          {              throw new InvalidOperationException($"invalid service registered, serviceType: {serviceType.FullName}, implementType: {serviceDefinition.ImplementType}");          }            if (implementType.IsGenericType)          {              implementType = implementType.MakeGenericType(serviceType.GetGenericArguments());          }            var ctorInfos = implementType.GetConstructors(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public);          if (ctorInfos.Length == 0)          {              throw new InvalidOperationException($"service {serviceType.FullName} does not have any public constructors");          }            ConstructorInfo ctor;          if (ctorInfos.Length == 1)          {              ctor = ctorInfos[0];          }          else          {              // TODO: try find best ctor              ctor = ctorInfos                  .OrderBy(_ => _.GetParameters().Length)                  .First();          }            var parameters = ctor.GetParameters();          if (parameters.Length == 0)          {              // TODO: cache New Func              return Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(Expression.New(ctor)).Compile().Invoke();          }          else          {              var ctorParams = new object[parameters.Length];              for (var index = 0; index < parameters.Length; index++)              {                  var parameter = parameters[index];                  var param = GetService(parameter.ParameterType);                  if (param == null && parameter.HasDefaultValue)                  {                      param = parameter.DefaultValue;                  }                    ctorParams[index] = param;              }              return Expression.Lambda<Func<object>>(Expression.New(ctor, ctorParams.Select(Expression.Constant))).Compile().Invoke();          }      }        public object GetService(Type serviceType)      {          if (_disposed)          {              throw new InvalidOperationException($"can not get scope service from a disposed scope, serviceType: {serviceType.FullName}");          }            var serviceDefinition = _services.LastOrDefault(_ => _.ServiceType == serviceType);          if (null == serviceDefinition)          {              if (serviceType.IsGenericType)              {                  var genericType = serviceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();                  serviceDefinition = _services.LastOrDefault(_ => _.ServiceType == genericType);                  if (null == serviceDefinition)                  {                      var innerServiceType = serviceType.GetGenericArguments().First();                      if (typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(innerServiceType)                          .IsAssignableFrom(serviceType))                      {                          var innerRegType = innerServiceType;                          if (innerServiceType.IsGenericType)                          {                              innerRegType = innerServiceType.GetGenericTypeDefinition();                          }                          //                          var list = new List<object>(4);                          foreach (var def in _services.Where(_ => _.ServiceType == innerRegType))                          {                              object svc;                              if (def.ServiceLifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton)                              {                                  svc = _singletonInstances.GetOrAdd(new ServiceKey(innerServiceType, def), (t) => GetServiceInstance(innerServiceType, def));                              }                              else if (def.ServiceLifetime == ServiceLifetime.Scoped)                              {                                  svc = _scopedInstances.GetOrAdd(new ServiceKey(innerServiceType, def), (t) => GetServiceInstance(innerServiceType, def));                              }                              else                              {                                  svc = GetServiceInstance(innerServiceType, def);                                  if (svc is IDisposable)                                  {                                      _transientDisposables.Add(svc);                                  }                              }                              if (null != svc)                              {                                  list.Add(svc);                              }                          }                            var methodInfo = typeof(Enumerable)                              .GetMethod("Cast", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public);                          if (methodInfo != null)                          {                              var genericMethod = methodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(innerServiceType);                              var castedValue = genericMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { list });                              if (typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(innerServiceType) == serviceType)                              {                                  return castedValue;                              }                              var toArrayMethod = typeof(Enumerable).GetMethod("ToArray", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)                                  .MakeGenericMethod(innerServiceType);                                return toArrayMethod.Invoke(null, new object[] { castedValue });                          }                          return list;                      }                        return null;                  }              }              else              {                  return null;              }          }            if (_isRootScope && serviceDefinition.ServiceLifetime == ServiceLifetime.Scoped)          {              throw new InvalidOperationException($"can not get scope service from the root scope, serviceType: {serviceType.FullName}");          }            if (serviceDefinition.ServiceLifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton)          {              var svc = _singletonInstances.GetOrAdd(new ServiceKey(serviceType, serviceDefinition), (t) => GetServiceInstance(t.ServiceType, serviceDefinition));              return svc;          }          else if (serviceDefinition.ServiceLifetime == ServiceLifetime.Scoped)          {              var svc = _scopedInstances.GetOrAdd(new ServiceKey(serviceType, serviceDefinition), (t) => GetServiceInstance(t.ServiceType, serviceDefinition));              return svc;          }          else          {              var svc = GetServiceInstance(serviceType, serviceDefinition);              if (svc is IDisposable)              {                  _transientDisposables.Add(svc);              }              return svc;          }      }  }  

这样我们就不仅支持了 IEnumerable<TService> 的注册,也支持 IReadOnlyList<TService>/ IReadOnlyCollection<TService> 的注册

因为 GetService 返回是 object , 不是强类型的,所以为了使用起来方便,定义了几个扩展方法,类似于微软的依赖注入框架里的 GetService<TService>()/GetServices<TService>()/GetRequiredService<TService>()

/// <summary>  /// ResolveService  /// </summary>  /// <typeparam name="TService">TService</typeparam>  /// <param name="serviceProvider">serviceProvider</param>  /// <returns></returns>  public static TService ResolveService<TService>([NotNull]this IServiceProvider serviceProvider)      => (TService)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(TService));    /// <summary>  /// ResolveRequiredService  /// throw exception if can not get a service instance  /// </summary>  /// <typeparam name="TService">TService</typeparam>  /// <param name="serviceProvider">serviceProvider</param>  /// <returns></returns>  public static TService ResolveRequiredService<TService>([NotNull] this IServiceProvider serviceProvider)  {      var serviceType = typeof(TService);      var svc = serviceProvider.GetService(serviceType);      if (null == svc)      {          throw new InvalidOperationException($"service had not been registered, serviceType: {serviceType}");      }      return (TService)svc;  }    /// <summary>  /// Resolve services  /// </summary>  /// <typeparam name="TService">TService</typeparam>  /// <param name="serviceProvider">serviceProvider</param>  /// <returns></returns>  public static IEnumerable<TService> ResolveServices<TService>([NotNull]this IServiceProvider serviceProvider)      => serviceProvider.ResolveService<IEnumerable<TService>>();


