- 2019 年 10 月 28 日
- 筆記
//Runloop中的入口函数 void CFRunLoopRun(void) { /* DOES CALLOUT */ int32_t result; do { result = CFRunLoopRunSpecific(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 1.0e10, false); CHECK_FOR_FORK(); } while (kCFRunLoopRunStopped != result && kCFRunLoopRunFinished != result); }
typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_MUTABLE_TYPE(id) __CFRunLoop * CFRunLoopRef;
struct __CFRunLoop { CFRuntimeBase _base; pthread_mutex_t _lock; /* locked for accessing mode list */ __CFPort _wakeUpPort; // 内核向该端口发送消息可以唤醒runloop Boolean _unused; volatile _per_run_data *_perRunData; // reset for runs of the run loop pthread_t _pthread; //RunLoop对应的线程 uint32_t _winthread; CFMutableSetRef _commonModes; //存储的是字符串,记录所有标记为common的mode CFMutableSetRef _commonModeItems;//存储所有commonMode的item(source、timer、observer) CFRunLoopModeRef _currentMode; //当前运行的mode CFMutableSetRef _modes; //存储的是CFRunLoopModeRef struct _block_item *_blocks_head;//doblocks的时候用到 struct _block_item *_blocks_tail; CFTypeRef _counterpart; };
2,Runloop Mode
typedef struct __CFRunLoopMode * CFRunLoopModeRef;
struct __CFRunLoopMode { CFRuntimeBase _base; pthread_mutex_t _lock; /* must have the run loop locked before locking this */ CFStringRef _name; //mode名称 Boolean _stopped; //mode是否被终止 char _padding[3]; //几种事件 CFMutableSetRef _sources0; //sources0 CFMutableSetRef _sources1; //sources1 CFMutableArrayRef _observers; //通知 CFMutableArrayRef _timers; //定时器 CFMutableDictionaryRef _portToV1SourceMap; //字典 key是mach_port_t,value是CFRunLoopSourceRef __CFPortSet _portSet; //保存所有需要监听的port,比如_wakeUpPort,_timerPort都保存在这个数组中 CFIndex _observerMask; #if USE_DISPATCH_SOURCE_FOR_TIMERS dispatch_source_t _timerSource; dispatch_queue_t _queue; Boolean _timerFired; // set to true by the source when a timer has fired Boolean _dispatchTimerArmed; #endif #if USE_MK_TIMER_TOO mach_port_t _timerPort; Boolean _mkTimerArmed; #endif #if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_WINDOWS DWORD _msgQMask; void (*_msgPump)(void); #endif uint64_t _timerSoftDeadline; /* TSR */ uint64_t _timerHardDeadline; /* TSR */ };
static int32_t __CFRunLoopRun(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopModeRef rlm, CFTimeInterval seconds, Boolean stopAfterHandle, CFRunLoopModeRef previousMode) __attribute__((noinline));

5,Runloop Source
Runloop Source分为Source、Observer、Timer三种,他们统称为ModeItem。
根据官方的描述,CFRunloopSource是对input sources的抽象。CFRunloopSource分为source0和source1两个版本,它的结构如下:
struct __CFRunLoopSource { CFRuntimeBase _base; uint32_t _bits; //用于标记Signaled状态,source0只有在被标记为Signaled状态,才会被处理 pthread_mutex_t _lock; CFIndex _order; /* immutable */ CFMutableBagRef _runLoops; union { CFRunLoopSourceContext version0; /* immutable, except invalidation */ CFRunLoopSourceContext1 version1; /* immutable, except invalidation */ } _context; };
source0是非系统内核事件,即App内部事件,由App自己管理的UIEvent、CFSocket都是 source0。当一个source0事件准备执行的时候,必须要先把它标记为signal状态。以下是source0的结构体:
typedef struct { CFIndex version; void * info; const void *(*retain)(const void *info); void (*release)(const void *info); CFStringRef (*copyDescription)(const void *info); Boolean (*equal)(const void *info1, const void *info2); CFHashCode (*hash)(const void *info); void (*schedule)(void *info, CFRunLoopRef rl, CFStringRef mode); void (*cancel)(void *info, CFRunLoopRef rl, CFStringRef mode); void (*perform)(void *info); } CFRunLoopSourceContext;
source0是非基于port的。只包含了一个回调(函数指针),它并不能主动触发事件。使用的时候,你需要先调用CFRunLoopSourceSignal(CFRunLoopSourceRef source),将这个source标记为待处理,然后手动调用CFRunLoopWakeUp(CFRunLoopRef rl)来唤醒Runloop,让它来处理这个事件。
typedef struct { CFIndex version; void * info; const void *(*retain)(const void *info); void (*release)(const void *info); CFStringRef (*copyDescription)(const void *info); Boolean (*equal)(const void *info1, const void *info2); CFHashCode (*hash)(const void *info); #if (TARGET_OS_MAC && !(TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED || TARGET_OS_IPHONE)) || (TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED || TARGET_OS_IPHONE) mach_port_t (*getPort)(void *info); void * (*perform)(void *msg, CFIndex size, CFAllocatorRef allocator, void *info); #else void * (*getPort)(void *info); void (*perform)(void *info); #endif } CFRunLoopSourceContext1;
struct __CFRunLoopObserver { CFRuntimeBase _base; pthread_mutex_t _lock; CFRunLoopRef _runLoop; CFIndex _rlCount; CFOptionFlags _activities; /* immutable */ CFIndex _order; /* immutable */ CFRunLoopObserverCallBack _callout; /* immutable */ CFRunLoopObserverContext _context; /* immutable, except invalidation */ };
/* Run Loop Observer Activities */ typedef CF_OPTIONS(CFOptionFlags, CFRunLoopActivity) { kCFRunLoopEntry = (1UL << 0), //即将进入run loop kCFRunLoopBeforeTimers = (1UL << 1), //即将处理timer kCFRunLoopBeforeSources = (1UL << 2),//即将处理source kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting = (1UL << 5),//即将进入休眠 kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting = (1UL << 6),//被唤醒但是还没开始处理事件 kCFRunLoopExit = (1UL << 7),//run loop已经退出 kCFRunLoopAllActivities = 0x0FFFFFFFU };
Runloop通过监控Source来决定有没有任务要做,除此之外,我们还可以用Runloop Observer来监控Runloop本身的状态。Runloop可以监控上面的Runloop事件,具体流程如下图:

struct __CFRunLoopTimer { CFRuntimeBase _base; uint16_t _bits; //标记fire状态 pthread_mutex_t _lock; CFRunLoopRef _runLoop; //添加该timer的runloop CFMutableSetRef _rlModes; //存放所有 包含该timer的 mode的 modeName,意味着一个timer可能会在多个mode中存在 CFAbsoluteTime _nextFireDate; CFTimeInterval _interval; //理想时间间隔 /* immutable */ CFTimeInterval _tolerance; //时间偏差 /* mutable */ uint64_t _fireTSR; /* TSR units */ CFIndex _order; /* immutable */ CFRunLoopTimerCallBack _callout; /* immutable */ CFRunLoopTimerContext _context; /* immutable, except invalidation */ };
CFRunloopTimer和NSTimer是toll-free bridge的,可以混用。
- CFRunloopRef CFRunloopGetCurrent(void)
- CFRunloopRef CFRunloopGetMain(void)
- +(NSRunloop *)currentRunloop
- +(NSRunloop *)mainRunloop
//取当前所在线程的RunLoop CFRunLoopRef CFRunLoopGetCurrent(void) { CHECK_FOR_FORK(); CFRunLoopRef rl = (CFRunLoopRef)_CFGetTSD(__CFTSDKeyRunLoop); if (rl) return rl; //传入当前线程 return _CFRunLoopGet0(pthread_self()); }
//取主线程的RunLoop CFRunLoopRef CFRunLoopGetMain(void) { CHECK_FOR_FORK(); static CFRunLoopRef __main = NULL; // no retain needed //传入主线程 if (!__main) __main = _CFRunLoopGet0(pthread_main_thread_np()); // no CAS needed return __main; }
static CFMutableDictionaryRef __CFRunLoops = NULL; static CFSpinLock_t loopsLock = CFSpinLockInit; // t==0 is a synonym for "main thread" that always works //根据线程取RunLoop CF_EXPORT CFRunLoopRef _CFRunLoopGet0(pthread_t t) { if (pthread_equal(t, kNilPthreadT)) { t = pthread_main_thread_np(); } __CFSpinLock(&loopsLock); //如果存储RunLoop的字典不存在 if (!__CFRunLoops) { __CFSpinUnlock(&loopsLock); //创建一个临时字典dict CFMutableDictionaryRef dict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, NULL, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); //创建主线程的RunLoop CFRunLoopRef mainLoop = __CFRunLoopCreate(pthread_main_thread_np()); //把主线程的RunLoop保存到dict中,key是线程,value是RunLoop CFDictionarySetValue(dict, pthreadPointer(pthread_main_thread_np()), mainLoop); //此处NULL和__CFRunLoops指针都指向NULL,匹配,所以将dict写到__CFRunLoops if (!OSAtomicCompareAndSwapPtrBarrier(NULL, dict, (void * volatile *)&__CFRunLoops)) { //释放dict CFRelease(dict); } //释放mainrunloop CFRelease(mainLoop); __CFSpinLock(&loopsLock); } //以上说明,第一次进来的时候,不管是getMainRunloop还是get子线程的runloop,主线程的runloop总是会被创建 //从字典__CFRunLoops中获取传入线程t的runloop CFRunLoopRef loop = (CFRunLoopRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(__CFRunLoops, pthreadPointer(t)); __CFSpinUnlock(&loopsLock); //如果没有获取到 if (!loop) { //根据线程t创建一个runloop CFRunLoopRef newLoop = __CFRunLoopCreate(t); __CFSpinLock(&loopsLock); loop = (CFRunLoopRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(__CFRunLoops, pthreadPointer(t)); if (!loop) { //把newLoop存入字典__CFRunLoops,key是线程t CFDictionarySetValue(__CFRunLoops, pthreadPointer(t), newLoop); loop = newLoop; } // don't release run loops inside the loopsLock, because CFRunLoopDeallocate may end up taking it __CFSpinUnlock(&loopsLock); CFRelease(newLoop); } //如果传入线程就是当前线程 if (pthread_equal(t, pthread_self())) { _CFSetTSD(__CFTSDKeyRunLoop, (void *)loop, NULL); if (0 == _CFGetTSD(__CFTSDKeyRunLoopCntr)) { //注册一个回调,当线程销毁时,销毁对应的RunLoop _CFSetTSD(__CFTSDKeyRunLoopCntr, (void *)(PTHREAD_DESTRUCTOR_ITERATIONS-1), (void (*)(void *))__CFFinalizeRunLoop); } } return loop; }
- Runloop和线程是一一对应的,对应的方式是以key-value的方式保存在一个全局字典中,key是线程,value是runloop。
- 不管获取子线程的runloop还是获取主线程的runloop,当存储线程与runloop对应关系的全局字典不存在时,都会创建并初始化该全局字典。而在初始化存储线程与runloop对应关系的全局字典时,主线程的Runloop会被创建。
- 子线程的runloop会在第一次被获取的时候创建,如果不获取的话就一直不会被创建。
- Runloop会在线程销毁的时候销毁。
- CFRunloopAddCommonMode(CFRunloopRef rl, CFStringRef mode)
- CFStringRef CFRunloopCopyCurrentMode(CFRunloopRef rl)
- CFArrayRef CFRunloopCopyAllModes(CFRunloopRef rl)
CFRunLoopAddCommonMode Adds a mode to the set of run loop common modes.(向当前RunLoop的common modes中添加一个mode) CFRunLoopCopyCurrentMode Returns the name of the mode in which a given run loop is currently running.(返回当前运行的mode的name) CFRunLoopCopyAllModes Returns an array that contains all the defined modes for a CFRunLoop object.(返回当前RunLoop的所有mode)
void CFRunLoopAddCommonMode(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFStringRef modeName) { CHECK_FOR_FORK(); if (__CFRunLoopIsDeallocating(rl)) return; __CFRunLoopLock(rl); //看rl中是否已经有这个mode,如果有就什么都不做 if (!CFSetContainsValue(rl->_commonModes, modeName)) { CFSetRef set = rl->_commonModeItems ? CFSetCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, rl->_commonModeItems) : NULL; //把modeName添加到RunLoop的_commonModes中 CFSetAddValue(rl->_commonModes, modeName); if (NULL != set) { CFTypeRef context[2] = {rl, modeName}; /* add all common-modes items to new mode */ //这里调用CFRunLoopAddSource/CFRunLoopAddObserver/CFRunLoopAddTimer的时候会调用 //__CFRunLoopFindMode(rl, modeName, true),CFRunLoopMode对象在这个时候被创建 CFSetApplyFunction(set, (__CFRunLoopAddItemsToCommonMode), (void *)context); CFRelease(set); } } else { } __CFRunLoopUnlock(rl); }
- modeName不能重复,modeName是mode的唯一标识符
- Runloop的_commonModes数组存放所有被标记为common的mode的名称
- 添加commonMode会把_commonModeItems数组中的所有source同步到新添加的Mode中
- CFRunLoopMode对象在__CFRunLoopAddItemsToCommonMode函数中调用__CFRunLoopFindMode时被创建
3,添加RunloopSource(Mode Item)
- void CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopSourceRef source, CFStringRef mode)
- void CFRunLoopRemoveSource(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopSourceRef source, CFStringRef mode)
- void CFRunLoopAddObserver(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopObserverRef observer, CFStringRef mode)
- void CFRunLoopRemoveObserver(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopObserverRef observer, CFStringRef * mode)
- void CFRunLoopAddTimer(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, CFStringRef mode)
- void CFRunLoopRemoveTimer(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopTimerRef timer, CFStringRef mode)
//添加source事件 void CFRunLoopAddSource(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopSourceRef rls, CFStringRef modeName) { /* DOES CALLOUT */ CHECK_FOR_FORK(); if (__CFRunLoopIsDeallocating(rl)) return; if (!__CFIsValid(rls)) return; Boolean doVer0Callout = false; __CFRunLoopLock(rl); //如果是kCFRunLoopCommonModes if (modeName == kCFRunLoopCommonModes) { //如果runloop的_commonModes存在,则copy一个新的复制给set CFSetRef set = rl->_commonModes ? CFSetCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, rl->_commonModes) : NULL; //如果runl _commonModeItems为空 if (NULL == rl->_commonModeItems) { //先初始化 rl->_commonModeItems = CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks); } //把传入的CFRunLoopSourceRef加入_commonModeItems CFSetAddValue(rl->_commonModeItems, rls); //如果刚才set copy到的数组里有数据 if (NULL != set) { CFTypeRef context[2] = {rl, rls}; /* add new item to all common-modes */ //则把set里的所有mode都执行一遍__CFRunLoopAddItemToCommonModes函数 CFSetApplyFunction(set, (__CFRunLoopAddItemToCommonModes), (void *)context); CFRelease(set); } //以上分支的逻辑就是,如果你往kCFRunLoopCommonModes里面添加一个source,那么所有_commonModes里的mode都会添加这个source } else { //根据modeName查找mode CFRunLoopModeRef rlm = __CFRunLoopFindMode(rl, modeName, true); //如果_sources0不存在,则初始化_sources0,_sources0和_portToV1SourceMap if (NULL != rlm && NULL == rlm->_sources0) { rlm->_sources0 = CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks); rlm->_sources1 = CFSetCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeSetCallBacks); rlm->_portToV1SourceMap = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, NULL, NULL); } //如果_sources0和_sources1中都不包含传入的source if (NULL != rlm && !CFSetContainsValue(rlm->_sources0, rls) && !CFSetContainsValue(rlm->_sources1, rls)) { //如果version是0,则加到_sources0 if (0 == rls->_context.version0.version) { CFSetAddValue(rlm->_sources0, rls); //如果version是1,则加到_sources1 } else if (1 == rls->_context.version0.version) { CFSetAddValue(rlm->_sources1, rls); __CFPort src_port = rls->_context.version1.getPort(rls->; if (CFPORT_NULL != src_port) { //此处只有在加到source1的时候才会把souce和一个mach_port_t对应起来 //可以理解为,source1可以通过内核向其端口发送消息来主动唤醒runloop CFDictionarySetValue(rlm->_portToV1SourceMap, (const void *)(uintptr_t)src_port, rls); __CFPortSetInsert(src_port, rlm->_portSet); } } __CFRunLoopSourceLock(rls); //把runloop加入到source的_runLoops中 if (NULL == rls->_runLoops) { rls->_runLoops = CFBagCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, 0, &kCFTypeBagCallBacks); // sources retain run loops! } CFBagAddValue(rls->_runLoops, rl); __CFRunLoopSourceUnlock(rls); if (0 == rls->_context.version0.version) { if (NULL != rls->_context.version0.schedule) { doVer0Callout = true; } } } if (NULL != rlm) { __CFRunLoopModeUnlock(rlm); } } __CFRunLoopUnlock(rl); if (doVer0Callout) { // although it looses some protection for the source, we have no choice but // to do this after unlocking the run loop and mode locks, to avoid deadlocks // where the source wants to take a lock which is already held in another // thread which is itself waiting for a run loop/mode lock rls->_context.version0.schedule(rls->, rl, modeName); /* CALLOUT */ } }
- 如果modeName传入kCFRunLoopCommonModes,则该source会被保存到RunLoop的_commonModeItems中
- 如果modeName传入kCFRunLoopCommonModes,则该source会被添加到所有commonMode中
- 如果modeName传入的不是kCFRunLoopCommonModes,则会先查找该Mode,如果没有,会创建一个
- 同一个source在一个mode中只能被添加一次
//移除source void CFRunLoopRemoveSource(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopSourceRef rls, CFStringRef modeName) { /* DOES CALLOUT */ CHECK_FOR_FORK(); Boolean doVer0Callout = false, doRLSRelease = false; __CFRunLoopLock(rl); //如果是kCFRunLoopCommonModes,则从_commonModes的所有mode中移除该source if (modeName == kCFRunLoopCommonModes) { if (NULL != rl->_commonModeItems && CFSetContainsValue(rl->_commonModeItems, rls)) { CFSetRef set = rl->_commonModes ? CFSetCreateCopy(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, rl->_commonModes) : NULL; CFSetRemoveValue(rl->_commonModeItems, rls); if (NULL != set) { CFTypeRef context[2] = {rl, rls}; /* remove new item from all common-modes */ CFSetApplyFunction(set, (__CFRunLoopRemoveItemFromCommonModes), (void *)context); CFRelease(set); } } else { } } else { //根据modeName查找mode,如果不存在,返回NULL CFRunLoopModeRef rlm = __CFRunLoopFindMode(rl, modeName, false); if (NULL != rlm && ((NULL != rlm->_sources0 && CFSetContainsValue(rlm->_sources0, rls)) || (NULL != rlm->_sources1 && CFSetContainsValue(rlm->_sources1, rls)))) { CFRetain(rls); //根据source版本做对应的remove操作 if (1 == rls->_context.version0.version) { __CFPort src_port = rls->_context.version1.getPort(rls->; if (CFPORT_NULL != src_port) { CFDictionaryRemoveValue(rlm->_portToV1SourceMap, (const void *)(uintptr_t)src_port); __CFPortSetRemove(src_port, rlm->_portSet); } } CFSetRemoveValue(rlm->_sources0, rls); CFSetRemoveValue(rlm->_sources1, rls); __CFRunLoopSourceLock(rls); if (NULL != rls->_runLoops) { CFBagRemoveValue(rls->_runLoops, rl); } __CFRunLoopSourceUnlock(rls); if (0 == rls->_context.version0.version) { if (NULL != rls->_context.version0.cancel) { doVer0Callout = true; } } doRLSRelease = true; } if (NULL != rlm) { __CFRunLoopModeUnlock(rlm); } } __CFRunLoopUnlock(rl); if (doVer0Callout) { // although it looses some protection for the source, we have no choice but // to do this after unlocking the run loop and mode locks, to avoid deadlocks // where the source wants to take a lock which is already held in another // thread which is itself waiting for a run loop/mode lock rls->_context.version0.cancel(rls->, rl, modeName); /* CALLOUT */ } if (doRLSRelease) CFRelease(rls); }
- void CFRunLoopRun(void)
- CFRunLoopRunResult CFRunLoopRunInMode(CFStringRef mode, CFTimeInterval seconds, Boolean returnAfterSourceHandled)
//默认运行runloop的kCFRunLoopDefaultMode void CFRunLoopRun(void) { /* DOES CALLOUT */ int32_t result; do { //默认在kCFRunLoopDefaultMode下运行runloop result = CFRunLoopRunSpecific(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 1.0e10, false); CHECK_FOR_FORK(); } while (kCFRunLoopRunStopped != result && kCFRunLoopRunFinished != result); }
SInt32 CFRunLoopRunInMode(CFStringRef modeName, CFTimeInterval seconds, Boolean returnAfterSourceHandled) { /* DOES CALLOUT */ CHECK_FOR_FORK(); return CFRunLoopRunSpecific(CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), modeName, seconds, returnAfterSourceHandled); }
/* * 指定mode运行runloop * @param rl 当前运行的runloop * @param modeName 需要运行的mode的name * @param seconds runloop的超时时间 * @param returnAfterSourceHandled 是否处理完事件就返回 */ SInt32 CFRunLoopRunSpecific(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFStringRef modeName, CFTimeInterval seconds, Boolean returnAfterSourceHandled) { /* DOES CALLOUT */ CHECK_FOR_FORK(); if (__CFRunLoopIsDeallocating(rl)) return kCFRunLoopRunFinished; __CFRunLoopLock(rl); //根据modeName找到本次运行的mode CFRunLoopModeRef currentMode = __CFRunLoopFindMode(rl, modeName, false); //如果没找到 || mode中没有注册任何事件,则就此停止,不进入循环 if (NULL == currentMode || __CFRunLoopModeIsEmpty(rl, currentMode, rl->_currentMode)) { Boolean did = false; if (currentMode) __CFRunLoopModeUnlock(currentMode); __CFRunLoopUnlock(rl); return did ? kCFRunLoopRunHandledSource : kCFRunLoopRunFinished; } volatile _per_run_data *previousPerRun = __CFRunLoopPushPerRunData(rl); //取上一次运行的mode CFRunLoopModeRef previousMode = rl->_currentMode; //如果本次mode和上次的mode一致 rl->_currentMode = currentMode; //初始化一个result为kCFRunLoopRunFinished int32_t result = kCFRunLoopRunFinished; // 1.通知observer即将进入runloop if (currentMode->_observerMask & kCFRunLoopEntry ) __CFRunLoopDoObservers(rl, currentMode, kCFRunLoopEntry); result = __CFRunLoopRun(rl, currentMode, seconds, returnAfterSourceHandled, previousMode); //10.通知observer已退出runloop if (currentMode->_observerMask & kCFRunLoopExit ) __CFRunLoopDoObservers(rl, currentMode, kCFRunLoopExit); __CFRunLoopModeUnlock(currentMode); __CFRunLoopPopPerRunData(rl, previousPerRun); rl->_currentMode = previousMode; __CFRunLoopUnlock(rl); return result; }
- 如果指定了一个不存在的mode来运行runloop,那么会失败,mode不会被创建,所以这里传入的mode必须是存在的
- 如果指定了一个mode,但这个mode中不包含任何的modeItem,那么Runloop也不会运行,所以必须要传入至少包含一个modeItem的mode。
- 在进入runloop之前通知observer,状态是kCFRunLoopEntry
- 在退出runloop之后通知observer,状态是kCFRunLoopExit
/** * 运行run loop * * @param rl 运行的RunLoop对象 * @param rlm 运行的mode * @param seconds run loop超时时间 * @param stopAfterHandle true:run loop处理完事件就退出 false:一直运行直到超时或者被手动终止 * @param previousMode 上一次运行的mode * * @return 返回4种状态 */ static int32_t __CFRunLoopRun(CFRunLoopRef rl, CFRunLoopModeRef rlm, CFTimeInterval seconds, Boolean stopAfterHandle, CFRunLoopModeRef previousMode) { //获取系统启动后的CPU运行时间,用于控制超时时间 uint64_t startTSR = mach_absolute_time(); //如果RunLoop或者mode是stop状态,则直接return,不进入循环 if (__CFRunLoopIsStopped(rl)) { __CFRunLoopUnsetStopped(rl); return kCFRunLoopRunStopped; } else if (rlm->_stopped) { rlm->_stopped = false; return kCFRunLoopRunStopped; } //mach端口,在内核中,消息在端口之间传递。初始为0 mach_port_name_t dispatchPort = MACH_PORT_NULL; //判断是否为主线程 Boolean libdispatchQSafe = pthread_main_np() && ((HANDLE_DISPATCH_ON_BASE_INVOCATION_ONLY && NULL == previousMode) || (!HANDLE_DISPATCH_ON_BASE_INVOCATION_ONLY && 0 == _CFGetTSD(__CFTSDKeyIsInGCDMainQ))); //如果在主线程 && runloop是主线程的runloop && 该mode是commonMode,则给mach端口赋值为主线程收发消息的端口 if (libdispatchQSafe && (CFRunLoopGetMain() == rl) && CFSetContainsValue(rl->_commonModes, rlm->_name)) dispatchPort = _dispatch_get_main_queue_port_4CF(); #if USE_DISPATCH_SOURCE_FOR_TIMERS mach_port_name_t modeQueuePort = MACH_PORT_NULL; if (rlm->_queue) { //mode赋值为dispatch端口_dispatch_runloop_root_queue_perform_4CF modeQueuePort = _dispatch_runloop_root_queue_get_port_4CF(rlm->_queue); if (!modeQueuePort) { CRASH("Unable to get port for run loop mode queue (%d)", -1); } } #endif //GCD管理的定时器,用于实现runloop超时机制 dispatch_source_t timeout_timer = NULL; struct __timeout_context *timeout_context = (struct __timeout_context *)malloc(sizeof(*timeout_context)); //立即超时 if (seconds <= 0.0) { // instant timeout seconds = 0.0; timeout_context->termTSR = 0ULL; } //seconds为超时时间,超时时执行__CFRunLoopTimeout函数 else if (seconds <= TIMER_INTERVAL_LIMIT) { dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH, DISPATCH_QUEUE_OVERCOMMIT); timeout_timer = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_TIMER, 0, 0, queue); dispatch_retain(timeout_timer); timeout_context->ds = timeout_timer; timeout_context->rl = (CFRunLoopRef)CFRetain(rl); timeout_context->termTSR = startTSR + __CFTimeIntervalToTSR(seconds); dispatch_set_context(timeout_timer, timeout_context); // source gets ownership of context dispatch_source_set_event_handler_f(timeout_timer, __CFRunLoopTimeout); dispatch_source_set_cancel_handler_f(timeout_timer, __CFRunLoopTimeoutCancel); uint64_t ns_at = (uint64_t)((__CFTSRToTimeInterval(startTSR) + seconds) * 1000000000ULL); dispatch_source_set_timer(timeout_timer, dispatch_time(1, ns_at), DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER, 1000ULL); dispatch_resume(timeout_timer); } //永不超时 else { // infinite timeout seconds = 9999999999.0; timeout_context->termTSR = UINT64_MAX; } //标志位默认为true Boolean didDispatchPortLastTime = true; //记录最后runloop状态,用于return int32_t retVal = 0; do { //初始化一个存放内核消息的缓冲池 uint8_t msg_buffer[3 * 1024]; #if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_MACOSX || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED_MINI mach_msg_header_t *msg = NULL; mach_port_t livePort = MACH_PORT_NULL; #elif DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_WINDOWS HANDLE livePort = NULL; Boolean windowsMessageReceived = false; #endif //取所有需要监听的port __CFPortSet waitSet = rlm->_portSet; //设置RunLoop为可以被唤醒状态 __CFRunLoopUnsetIgnoreWakeUps(rl); //2.通知observer,即将触发timer回调,处理timer事件 if (rlm->_observerMask & kCFRunLoopBeforeTimers) __CFRunLoopDoObservers(rl, rlm, kCFRunLoopBeforeTimers); //3.通知observer,即将触发Source0回调 if (rlm->_observerMask & kCFRunLoopBeforeSources) __CFRunLoopDoObservers(rl, rlm, kCFRunLoopBeforeSources); //执行加入当前runloop的block __CFRunLoopDoBlocks(rl, rlm); //4.处理source0事件 //有事件处理返回true,没有事件返回false Boolean sourceHandledThisLoop = __CFRunLoopDoSources0(rl, rlm, stopAfterHandle); if (sourceHandledThisLoop) { //执行加入当前runloop的block __CFRunLoopDoBlocks(rl, rlm); } //如果没有Sources0事件处理 并且 没有超时,poll为false //如果有Sources0事件处理 或者 超时,poll都为true Boolean poll = sourceHandledThisLoop || (0ULL == timeout_context->termTSR); //第一次do..whil循环不会走该分支,因为didDispatchPortLastTime初始化是true if (MACH_PORT_NULL != dispatchPort && !didDispatchPortLastTime) { #if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_MACOSX || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED_MINI //从缓冲区读取消息 msg = (mach_msg_header_t *)msg_buffer; //5.接收dispatchPort端口的消息,(接收source1事件) if (__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort(dispatchPort, &msg, sizeof(msg_buffer), &livePort, 0)) { //如果接收到了消息的话,前往第9步开始处理msg goto handle_msg; } #elif DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_WINDOWS if (__CFRunLoopWaitForMultipleObjects(NULL, &dispatchPort, 0, 0, &livePort, NULL)) { goto handle_msg; } #endif } didDispatchPortLastTime = false; //6.通知观察者RunLoop即将进入休眠 if (!poll && (rlm->_observerMask & kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting)) __CFRunLoopDoObservers(rl, rlm, kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting); //设置RunLoop为休眠状态 __CFRunLoopSetSleeping(rl); // do not do any user callouts after this point (after notifying of sleeping) // Must push the local-to-this-activation ports in on every loop // iteration, as this mode could be run re-entrantly and we don't // want these ports to get serviced. __CFPortSetInsert(dispatchPort, waitSet); __CFRunLoopModeUnlock(rlm); __CFRunLoopUnlock(rl); #if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_MACOSX || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED_MINI #if USE_DISPATCH_SOURCE_FOR_TIMERS //这里有个内循环,用于接收等待端口的消息 //进入此循环后,线程进入休眠,直到收到新消息才跳出该循环,继续执行run loop do { if (kCFUseCollectableAllocator) { objc_clear_stack(0); memset(msg_buffer, 0, sizeof(msg_buffer)); } msg = (mach_msg_header_t *)msg_buffer; //7.接收waitSet端口的消息 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort(waitSet, &msg, sizeof(msg_buffer), &livePort, poll ? 0 : TIMEOUT_INFINITY); //收到消息之后,livePort的值为msg->msgh_local_port, if (modeQueuePort != MACH_PORT_NULL && livePort == modeQueuePort) { // Drain the internal queue. If one of the callout blocks sets the timerFired flag, break out and service the timer. while (_dispatch_runloop_root_queue_perform_4CF(rlm->_queue)); if (rlm->_timerFired) { // Leave livePort as the queue port, and service timers below rlm->_timerFired = false; break; } else { if (msg && msg != (mach_msg_header_t *)msg_buffer) free(msg); } } else { // Go ahead and leave the inner loop. break; } } while (1); #else if (kCFUseCollectableAllocator) { objc_clear_stack(0); memset(msg_buffer, 0, sizeof(msg_buffer)); } msg = (mach_msg_header_t *)msg_buffer; __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort(waitSet, &msg, sizeof(msg_buffer), &livePort, poll ? 0 : TIMEOUT_INFINITY); #endif #elif DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_WINDOWS // Here, use the app-supplied message queue mask. They will set this if they are interested in having this run loop receive windows messages. __CFRunLoopWaitForMultipleObjects(waitSet, NULL, poll ? 0 : TIMEOUT_INFINITY, rlm->_msgQMask, &livePort, &windowsMessageReceived); #endif __CFRunLoopLock(rl); __CFRunLoopModeLock(rlm); // Must remove the local-to-this-activation ports in on every loop // iteration, as this mode could be run re-entrantly and we don't // want these ports to get serviced. Also, we don't want them left // in there if this function returns. __CFPortSetRemove(dispatchPort, waitSet); __CFRunLoopSetIgnoreWakeUps(rl); // user callouts now OK again //取消runloop的休眠状态 __CFRunLoopUnsetSleeping(rl); //8.通知观察者runloop被唤醒 if (!poll && (rlm->_observerMask & kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting)) __CFRunLoopDoObservers(rl, rlm, kCFRunLoopAfterWaiting); //9.处理收到的消息 handle_msg:; __CFRunLoopSetIgnoreWakeUps(rl); #if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_WINDOWS if (windowsMessageReceived) { // These Win32 APIs cause a callout, so make sure we're unlocked first and relocked after __CFRunLoopModeUnlock(rlm); __CFRunLoopUnlock(rl); if (rlm->_msgPump) { rlm->_msgPump(); } else { MSG msg; if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } __CFRunLoopLock(rl); __CFRunLoopModeLock(rlm); sourceHandledThisLoop = true; // To prevent starvation of sources other than the message queue, we check again to see if any other sources need to be serviced // Use 0 for the mask so windows messages are ignored this time. Also use 0 for the timeout, because we're just checking to see if the things are signalled right now -- we will wait on them again later. // NOTE: Ignore the dispatch source (it's not in the wait set anymore) and also don't run the observers here since we are polling. __CFRunLoopSetSleeping(rl); __CFRunLoopModeUnlock(rlm); __CFRunLoopUnlock(rl); __CFRunLoopWaitForMultipleObjects(waitSet, NULL, 0, 0, &livePort, NULL); __CFRunLoopLock(rl); __CFRunLoopModeLock(rlm); __CFRunLoopUnsetSleeping(rl); // If we have a new live port then it will be handled below as normal } #endif if (MACH_PORT_NULL == livePort) { CFRUNLOOP_WAKEUP_FOR_NOTHING(); // handle nothing //通过CFRunloopWake唤醒 } else if (livePort == rl->_wakeUpPort) { CFRUNLOOP_WAKEUP_FOR_WAKEUP(); //什么都不干,跳回2重新循环 // do nothing on Mac OS #if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_WINDOWS // Always reset the wake up port, or risk spinning forever ResetEvent(rl->_wakeUpPort); #endif } #if USE_DISPATCH_SOURCE_FOR_TIMERS //如果是定时器事件 else if (modeQueuePort != MACH_PORT_NULL && livePort == modeQueuePort) { CFRUNLOOP_WAKEUP_FOR_TIMER(); //9.1 处理timer事件 if (!__CFRunLoopDoTimers(rl, rlm, mach_absolute_time())) { // Re-arm the next timer, because we apparently fired early __CFArmNextTimerInMode(rlm, rl); } } #endif #if USE_MK_TIMER_TOO //如果是定时器事件 else if (rlm->_timerPort != MACH_PORT_NULL && livePort == rlm->_timerPort) { CFRUNLOOP_WAKEUP_FOR_TIMER(); // On Windows, we have observed an issue where the timer port is set before the time which we requested it to be set. For example, we set the fire time to be TSR 167646765860, but it is actually observed firing at TSR 167646764145, which is 1715 ticks early. The result is that, when __CFRunLoopDoTimers checks to see if any of the run loop timers should be firing, it appears to be 'too early' for the next timer, and no timers are handled. // In this case, the timer port has been automatically reset (since it was returned from MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx), and if we do not re-arm it, then no timers will ever be serviced again unless something adjusts the timer list (e.g. adding or removing timers). The fix for the issue is to reset the timer here if CFRunLoopDoTimers did not handle a timer itself. 9308754 //9.1处理timer事件 if (!__CFRunLoopDoTimers(rl, rlm, mach_absolute_time())) { // Re-arm the next timer __CFArmNextTimerInMode(rlm, rl); } } #endif //如果是dispatch到main queue的block else if (livePort == dispatchPort) { CFRUNLOOP_WAKEUP_FOR_DISPATCH(); __CFRunLoopModeUnlock(rlm); __CFRunLoopUnlock(rl); _CFSetTSD(__CFTSDKeyIsInGCDMainQ, (void *)6, NULL); #if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_WINDOWS void *msg = 0; #endif //9.2执行block __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__(msg); _CFSetTSD(__CFTSDKeyIsInGCDMainQ, (void *)0, NULL); __CFRunLoopLock(rl); __CFRunLoopModeLock(rlm); sourceHandledThisLoop = true; didDispatchPortLastTime = true; } else { CFRUNLOOP_WAKEUP_FOR_SOURCE(); // Despite the name, this works for windows handles as well CFRunLoopSourceRef rls = __CFRunLoopModeFindSourceForMachPort(rl, rlm, livePort); // 有source1事件待处理 if (rls) { #if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_MACOSX || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED_MINI mach_msg_header_t *reply = NULL; //9.2 处理source1事件 sourceHandledThisLoop = __CFRunLoopDoSource1(rl, rlm, rls, msg, msg->msgh_size, &reply) || sourceHandledThisLoop; if (NULL != reply) { (void)mach_msg(reply, MACH_SEND_MSG, reply->msgh_size, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL, 0, MACH_PORT_NULL); CFAllocatorDeallocate(kCFAllocatorSystemDefault, reply); } #elif DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_WINDOWS sourceHandledThisLoop = __CFRunLoopDoSource1(rl, rlm, rls) || sourceHandledThisLoop; #endif } } #if DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_MACOSX || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED || DEPLOYMENT_TARGET_EMBEDDED_MINI if (msg && msg != (mach_msg_header_t *)msg_buffer) free(msg); #endif __CFRunLoopDoBlocks(rl, rlm); if (sourceHandledThisLoop && stopAfterHandle) { //进入run loop时传入的参数,处理完事件就返回 retVal = kCFRunLoopRunHandledSource; }else if (timeout_context->termTSR < mach_absolute_time()) { //run loop超时 retVal = kCFRunLoopRunTimedOut; }else if (__CFRunLoopIsStopped(rl)) { //run loop被手动终止 __CFRunLoopUnsetStopped(rl); retVal = kCFRunLoopRunStopped; }else if (rlm->_stopped) { //mode被终止 rlm->_stopped = false; retVal = kCFRunLoopRunStopped; }else if (__CFRunLoopModeIsEmpty(rl, rlm, previousMode)) { //mode中没有要处理的事件 retVal = kCFRunLoopRunFinished; } //除了上面这几种情况,都继续循环 } while (0 == retVal); if (timeout_timer) { dispatch_source_cancel(timeout_timer); dispatch_release(timeout_timer); } else { free(timeout_context); } return retVal; }
- 通知Observer即将进入runloop
- 通知Observer即将处理timer
- 处理block
- 通知Observer即将处理Source0
- 处理source0
- 处理block
- 如果有source1,跳到第11步
- 通知Observer,runloop即将进入休眠
- runloop休眠,等待被唤醒(source0、source1、timer、dispatch、CFRunloopPerform等手动唤醒)
- 通知Observer,runloop即将被唤醒
- 处理唤醒runloop的事件。如果是timer唤醒则处理timer;如果不是,则处理source1
- 如果runloop中没有timer和source,或者线程被强制退出,则通知Observer即将退出runloop;如果一切正常,则回到上面第2步。

/** * 接收指定内核端口的消息 * * @param port 接收消息的端口 * @param buffer 消息缓冲区 * @param buffer_size 消息缓冲区大小 * @param livePort 暂且理解为活动的端口,接收消息成功时候值为msg->msgh_local_port,超时时为MACH_PORT_NULL * @param timeout 超时时间,单位是ms,如果超时,则RunLoop进入休眠状态 * * @return 接收消息成功时返回true 其他情况返回false */ static Boolean __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort(mach_port_name_t port, mach_msg_header_t **buffer, size_t buffer_size, mach_port_t *livePort, mach_msg_timeout_t timeout) { Boolean originalBuffer = true; kern_return_t ret = KERN_SUCCESS; for (;;) { /* In that sleep of death what nightmares may come ... */ mach_msg_header_t *msg = (mach_msg_header_t *)*buffer; msg->msgh_bits = 0; //消息头的标志位 msg->msgh_local_port = port; //源(发出的消息)或者目标(接收的消息) msg->msgh_remote_port = MACH_PORT_NULL; //目标(发出的消息)或者源(接收的消息) msg->msgh_size = buffer_size; //消息缓冲区大小,单位是字节 msg->msgh_id = 0; //唯一id if (TIMEOUT_INFINITY == timeout) { CFRUNLOOP_SLEEP(); } else { CFRUNLOOP_POLL(); } //通过mach_msg发送或者接收的消息都是指针, //如果直接发送或者接收消息体,会频繁进行内存复制,损耗性能 //所以XNU使用了单一内核的方式来解决该问题,所有内核组件都共享同一个地址空间,因此传递消息时候只需要传递消息的指针 ret = mach_msg(msg, MACH_RCV_MSG|MACH_RCV_LARGE|((TIMEOUT_INFINITY != timeout) ? MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT : 0)|MACH_RCV_TRAILER_TYPE(MACH_MSG_TRAILER_FORMAT_0)|MACH_RCV_TRAILER_ELEMENTS(MACH_RCV_TRAILER_AV), 0, msg->msgh_size, port, timeout, MACH_PORT_NULL); CFRUNLOOP_WAKEUP(ret); //接收/发送消息成功,给livePort赋值为msgh_local_port if (MACH_MSG_SUCCESS == ret) { *livePort = msg ? msg->msgh_local_port : MACH_PORT_NULL; return true; } //MACH_RCV_TIMEOUT //超出timeout时间没有收到消息,返回MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT //此时释放缓冲区,把livePort赋值为MACH_PORT_NULL if (MACH_RCV_TIMED_OUT == ret) { if (!originalBuffer) free(msg); *buffer = NULL; *livePort = MACH_PORT_NULL; return false; } //MACH_RCV_LARGE //如果接收缓冲区太小,则将过大的消息放在队列中,并且出错返回MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE, //这种情况下,只返回消息头,调用者可以分配更多的内存 if (MACH_RCV_TOO_LARGE != ret) break; //此处给buffer分配更大内存 buffer_size = round_msg(msg->msgh_size + MAX_TRAILER_SIZE); if (originalBuffer) *buffer = NULL; originalBuffer = false; *buffer = realloc(*buffer, buffer_size); } HALT; return false; }