
  • 2019 年 10 月 27 日
  • 筆記





find partition



log partition


all partitions


    public void open(Configuration configuration) throws Exception {          // determine the offset commit mode          this.offsetCommitMode = OffsetCommitModes.fromConfiguration(                  getIsAutoCommitEnabled(),                  enableCommitOnCheckpoints,                  ((StreamingRuntimeContext) getRuntimeContext()).isCheckpointingEnabled());            // create the partition discoverer          this.partitionDiscoverer = createPartitionDiscoverer(                  topicsDescriptor,                  getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask(),                  getRuntimeContext().getNumberOfParallelSubtasks());          this.partitionDiscoverer.open();            subscribedPartitionsToStartOffsets = new HashMap<>();          // 重点函数,这个函数或获取到subtask的所有partition。          final List<KafkaTopicPartition> allPartitions = partitionDiscoverer.discoverPartitions();          if (restoredState != null) {              ...          } else {              // use the partition discoverer to fetch the initial seed partitions,              // and set their initial offsets depending on the startup mode.              // for SPECIFIC_OFFSETS and TIMESTAMP modes, we set the specific offsets now;              // for other modes (EARLIEST, LATEST, and GROUP_OFFSETS), the offset is lazily determined              // when the partition is actually read.              switch (startupMode) {                  ...                  default:                      for (KafkaTopicPartition seedPartition : allPartitions) {                          subscribedPartitionsToStartOffsets.put(seedPartition, startupMode.getStateSentinel());                      }              }                if (!subscribedPartitionsToStartOffsets.isEmpty()) {                  switch (startupMode) {                      ...                      case GROUP_OFFSETS:                          LOG.info("Consumer subtask {} will start reading the following {} partitions from the committed group offsets in Kafka: {}",                              getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask(),                              subscribedPartitionsToStartOffsets.size(),                              subscribedPartitionsToStartOffsets.keySet());                  }              } else {                  LOG.info("Consumer subtask {} initially has no partitions to read from.",                      getRuntimeContext().getIndexOfThisSubtask());              }          }        public List<KafkaTopicPartition> discoverPartitions() throws WakeupException, ClosedException {          if (!closed && !wakeup) {              try {                  List<KafkaTopicPartition> newDiscoveredPartitions;                    // (1) get all possible partitions, based on whether we are subscribed to fixed topics or a topic pattern                  if (topicsDescriptor.isFixedTopics()) {                      // 对于没有使用通配符的topic,直接获取topic的所有partition                      newDiscoveredPartitions = getAllPartitionsForTopics(topicsDescriptor.getFixedTopics());                  } else {                      // 对于使用了通配符的topic, 先找到所有topic,再一一match                      List<String> matchedTopics = getAllTopics();                        // retain topics that match the pattern                      Iterator<String> iter = matchedTopics.iterator();                      while (iter.hasNext()) {                          if (!topicsDescriptor.isMatchingTopic(iter.next())) {                              iter.remove();                          }                      }                        if (matchedTopics.size() != 0) {                          // get partitions only for matched topics                          newDiscoveredPartitions = getAllPartitionsForTopics(matchedTopics);                      } else {                          newDiscoveredPartitions = null;                      }                  }                    // (2) eliminate partition that are old partitions or should not be subscribed by this subtask                  if (newDiscoveredPartitions == null || newDiscoveredPartitions.isEmpty()) {                      throw new RuntimeException("Unable to retrieve any partitions with KafkaTopicsDescriptor: " + topicsDescriptor);                  } else {                      Iterator<KafkaTopicPartition> iter = newDiscoveredPartitions.iterator();                      KafkaTopicPartition nextPartition;                      while (iter.hasNext()) {                          nextPartition = iter.next();                          // 只保留符合要求的partition,这就是我们要找的函数                          if (!setAndCheckDiscoveredPartition(nextPartition)) {                              iter.remove();                          }                      }                  }                    return newDiscoveredPartitions;              }...          }...      }        public boolean setAndCheckDiscoveredPartition(KafkaTopicPartition partition) {          if (isUndiscoveredPartition(partition)) {              discoveredPartitions.add(partition);                // 在这              return KafkaTopicPartitionAssigner.assign(partition, numParallelSubtasks) == indexOfThisSubtask;          }            return false;      }          public static int assign(KafkaTopicPartition partition, int numParallelSubtasks) {          // 先算出此topic的hash(partition.getTopic().hashCode() * 31),这里不知道为什么不直接用hash,还要再*31,然后取正数(& 0x7FFFFFFF),最后获取到此topic的起始位置。          int startIndex = ((partition.getTopic().hashCode() * 31) & 0x7FFFFFFF) % numParallelSubtasks;            // here, the assumption is that the id of Kafka partitions are always ascending          // starting from 0, and therefore can be used directly as the offset clockwise from the start index          // 计算当前的partition应该属于哪个subtask。例如:一共有20个subtask,算出来的起始位置是5,partition是5,那么最后就是          // (5 + 5) % 20 = 10, 这个partition应该分给10号subtask。          return (startIndex + partition.getPartition()) % numParallelSubtasks;      }



topic名字是确定的 -> topic的hashCode是确定的 && subtask的数量是确定的 -> startIndex是确定的 -> 某partition会分给哪个subtask其实是确定的


大概是为了平均分配不同的topic,如果topic很多,每个topic都只从0开始,那么subtask 0,1,2之类的靠前subtask就需要读大量的partition。