flutter web之WebSocketChannelException错误

  • 2019 年 10 月 11 日
  • 筆記

flutter最近新功能增加挺多,试了FFI后,尝试下flutter web,但是执行flutter run -d chrome时却报如下错误:

~/w/f/flutter_web_demo ❯❯❯ flutter run -d chrome                                                                   ✘ 1  Launching lib/main.dart on Chrome in debug mode...  Building application for the web...     ⣻WebSocketChannelException: WebSocketChannelException:  SocketException:  Failed host lookup: 'localhost' (OS Error: nodename nor servname provided, or not known, errno = 8)         ⣻^C




Failed host lookup: 'localhost' (OS Error: nodename nor servname provided, or not known


忽然想到了今天安装了SwitchHosts!,然后修改了/etc/hosts。打开/etc/hosts看下内容,果然一篇空白,什么都没有。使用SwitchHosts!还原默认hosts文件,也就是增加如下内容到hosts:	localhost

重新运行flutter run -d chrome,运行成功,自动打开chrome,完美。


~/w/f/flutter_web_demo ❯❯❯ flutter run -d chrome                                                                              ✘ 130  Launching lib/main.dart on Chrome in debug mode...  Building application for the web...                                21.3s  Attempting to connect to browser instance..                         6.4s    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?  Warning: Flutter's support for building web applications is highly experimental.  For more information see [https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/34082.](https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/34082.)  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?    ?  To hot restart (and rebuild state), press "R".  For a more detailed help message, press "h". To quit, press "q".  Debug service listening on ws://