【Rust日报】2019-09-26 Rust 1.38 发布

  • 2019 年 10 月 10 日
  • 筆記

Rust 1.38 发布

Rust 官方今天如期发布了 1.38。这次的主要改进有:

  • 流水线编译,提升 10%~20% 的性能
  • #[deprecated] 标签,明确标出某些功能不推荐使用了。(不需要在注释里面标注了)
  • std::any::type_name,用于调试时打出类型名字


fn gen_value<T: Default>() -> T {      println!("Initializing an instance of {}", std::any::type_name::<T>());      Default::default()  }    fn main() {      let _: i32 = gen_value();      let _: String = gen_value();  }  


Initializing an instance of i32  Initializing an instance of alloc::string::String  



Read More: https://blog.rust-lang.org/2019/09/26/Rust-1.38.0.html

bumper-rs – 打出你的 Cargo.toml 版本号

Repo: https://github.com/segfaultsourcery/bumper-rs

pkghist – 获取 Pacman 包管理的版本历史

Repo: https://github.com/herzrasen/pkghist

Drone OS 0.10 发布

Rust 操作系统来啦!

Drone is an Embedded Operating System for writing real-time applications in Rust. It aims to bring modern development approaches without compromising performance into the world of embedded programming.

目前只支持 ARM® Cortex®-M3/M4 ,但是设计成平台无关的。

Offical Site: https://www.drone-os.com/ Repo: https://github.com/drone-os

type-freak – runtime-free 类型集合


  • Non-trivial static assertions and type guards.
  • Typed list that supports insertion, removal and look-up.
  • Trait-level Boolean and Option
  • Some little tools on tuple types.

Repo: https://github.com/jerry73204/rust-type-freak

From 日报小组 Mike