研究具有奇异性的DAE系统的临界清除时间灵敏度(CS SY)

  • 2020 年 3 月 27 日
  • 筆記


原文题目:Towards Critical Clearing Time Sensitivity for DAE Systems with Singularity

原文:Standard power system models are parameter dependent differential-algebraic equation (DAE) type. Following a transient event, voltage collapse can occur as a bifurcation of the transient load flow solutions which is marked by the system trajectory reaching a singular surface in state space where the voltage causality is lost. If a fault is expected to cause voltage collapse, preventive control decisions such as changes in AVR settings need to be taken in order to get enhance the system stability. In this regard, the knowledge of sensitivity of critical clearing time (CCT) to controllable system parameters can be of great help. The quasi-stability boundary of DAE systems is more complicated than ODE systems where in addition to unstable equilibrium points (UEP) and periodic orbits, singularity plays an important role making the problem challenging. The stability boundary is then made up of a number of dynamically distinct components. In the present work, we derive the expression for CCT sensitivity for the phenomenon where the critical fault-on trajectory intersects the singular surface itself which is one such component forming the stability boundary. The results are illustrated for a small test system in order to gain visual insights.

原文作者:Chetan Mishra, Chen Wang, Xin Xu, Virgilio A. Centeno
